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Chapter 226 [Seven Days of Return] Sharing Intelligence

This fried glutinous rice restaurant, hidden in the corner of an underground shopping mall, is small and filled with a nostalgic smell of fireworks.

Old tables, old chairs, old menus, old kitchen utensils, old...old men.

Of course, today, this shop full of ancient atmosphere has a strange color.

The pink-haired girl's behavior was a bit strange, but the other players in the fried glutinous rice shop, as well as Uncle Friend who was waving an iron spoon, didn't react much.

And in this atmosphere, Zheng Qiyu took a deep breath, seemed to calm down a little, and walked up to Gao Yi:

"Please...please, do you prefer cats or dogs?"

Pretending to say something, is this such a nonsensical question?

After being stunned for another two seconds, Gao Yi answered again:

"Uh... well, cats, I like cats better."

Hearing Gao Yi's answer, the girl became excited:

"Ahhhhh, me too...then, do you usually drink sugar-free Coke or sugar-sweetened Coke?"

"It's not much of a difference, right...Do you really want to say it's sugar-free?"

Gao Yi's answer made the pink-haired girl burst into joy. It took her a long time to calm down again and ask again:

"Well, do you prefer to go to the cinema or watch movies at home?"

"Well, it doesn't matter. I just like the content of the movie. I usually watch it at home."

"Let's break up, we are not suitable."

Unexpectedly, upon hearing Gao Yi's answer, the girl who was so excited just now lowered her head, held her hands on the wall and sighed deeply.

What's going on...

Gao Yi has seen a lot of weird people since he became a player, but this weird one... well, he has seen a few.

Before he could understand what was going on, the pink-haired girl had already hugged Alan beside him, crying and started saying things like "Where is my Mr. Right?"

Ah, so the question just now is to judge whether we are suitable for each other...

Gao Yi suppressed his desire to complain and doubts in his heart, but decided to say less words.

But at the other side of the table, the doctor named Li Yuxing spoke:

"Don't take it too seriously. I was broken up on the second question. You are better than me."

He took a sip of tea and looked like a fellow-minded person:

"By the way, I am the 'aloof medical worker who is a master of academics' - her number 11 'favorite type of boy'."

Well, this explains why everyone else is so calm, because this is not the first time such a scene has happened.

After Zheng Qiyu hugged Alan and cried for several minutes, Gao Yi had time to introduce himself.

Of course, I only briefly reported my name and occupation.

In the background of fried glutinous rice and the noisy sounds in the mall, the five players present finally sat down and started chatting about business.

The first to speak was the oldest Dong Facai. He coughed twice and said with a smile:

"Everyone, how about we share our experiences after entering the dungeon?"

He avoided asking everyone about the ultimate goal of entering this [Seven Days of Resurrection], and instead turned the topic to the content of the copy.

This is undoubtedly a smart choice. Instead of fighting with each other for the "resurrection" of each character, it is better to explore the dungeon together first.

The remaining few people will naturally not forcefully destroy this fragile cooperative relationship.

Alan was the first to say that he had been looking for people everywhere and had not encountered many encounters.

As the last one to arrive, Gao Yi first gave a general account of 2442's suicide that went against the plot of the movie.

"I also discovered this. I chatted with this friend for a few words. In this copy, he seems to be just a glutinous rice fryer, not a Taoist priest."

Dong Facai, the teacher opposite Gao Yi, leaned forward and took the opportunity to add in a low voice.

At this moment, Uncle Friend, who had been frying rice, walked to the table of several players while eating the glutinous rice he had just fried:

"Hey, hey, hey, do you want to order or not? I'm planning on drinking and drinking, and fasting and sitting on three."

The four players at the table all looked confused, obviously unable to understand what this friend meant.

Uncle Dong Facai smiled and explained to everyone:

"It probably means that if you just drink tea or just sit without ordering, you will have to pay more."

After saying that, he turned his head again and ordered in fluent Cantonese:

"Five bowls of glutinous rice plus regular soup, and by the way, two bowls of extra lard."

Seeing Uncle Friend walking away in his slippers, Dong Facai turned back and smiled at the people:

"Don't worry about money. I found some before I left the room. I can still afford a few bowls of sticky rice."

Very good at interpersonal communication, high emotional intelligence, good at controlling situations...

In his mind, Gao Yi quickly profiled the uncle and asked:

"Uncle, I heard that you are a teacher. What do you teach?"

"Haha, I teach some miscellaneous things in college, nothing worth mentioning."

Dong Facai still smiled and answered. After speaking, he raised his arm, turned his head, and coughed several times into his forearm.

Ever since Gao Yi walked into the store, this middle-aged man with a kind face had already done the same thing several times.

Sometimes, even though he was not coughing, he would subconsciously raise his forearm to cover his mouth.

This cough lasted for a long time... at least long enough for him to develop a habit.

Lung disease? It might even be an extremely serious illness. Maybe he is looking for a way to "extend his life"?

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to mention more about his work, Gao Yi wisely changed the topic.

After taking a sip of tea, he began to introduce An An, who he met from "The Night of Returning Souls" and claimed to be affiliated with the "New Science Ghost Exorcism Agency".

"When I was doing preliminary research, I also heard that this dungeon [Return to Soul in Seven Days] cannot use a certain movie to introduce the plot... Entering this dungeon at different times seems to lead to different encounters."

Alan touched his chin and said as if recalling.

"That being said, I've also met some weird people."

The pink-haired girl Zheng Qiyu, who had been holding Alan's arm, also joined the topic at this moment:

"I met my next-door neighbors when I went out. They were a white couple. The husband seemed to be a priest...or was he a priest? Anyway, his wife was holding a particularly scary doll and she greeted me?"

A husband and wife team, a priest or priest, a scary doll...


Key words are quickly combined, and the high differences are blurted out.

"Ah, is it a movie? I haven't seen it.

The pink-haired girl didn't react at all, and seemed to really know nothing. "

"By the way, I met a pair of brothers with European and American looks in this underground shopping mall before, and they were caught stealing credit cards."

Li Yuxing, who was sitting diagonally on the inside, also spoke like he was recalling, and told another pair of amazing combinations.


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