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Chapter 227 [Seven Days Back] All-Star Battle

"Brothers with European and American faces who stole credit cards..."

Gao Yi had another question in his mind, and just when he was about to speak again, Zheng Qiyu on the side took the lead:

"Are you handsome?!"

"He is indeed in good shape and handsome."

Li Yuxing shook his head and answered directly.

"Ahhhhhhhh, 'a handsome fitness guy with a European and American celebrity look' and a double yolk egg. This is totally my No. 21 'favorite type of boy'."

How long is your list of “favorite types of boys”?

Gao Yi put his complaints back in his heart, turned to the doctor Li Yuxing, and asked:

"Those two are probably not characters from the original movie. Can you confirm their origins?"

"Well, I had a few words with them before the police came."

The thin-looking young man adjusted his glasses and continued:

"Unsurprisingly, the prototypes should be the two from "The Power of Evil"."

"There are actually TV series? I thought there were only movies."

The pink-haired girl seemed to have just recovered from her fantasy about No. 21, so she put her chin in her hands and asked.

It seems that at least she knows about "Supernatural".

This is also a classic and long-lived series, lasting for fifteen seasons.

To put it simply, the two brothers are a pair of supernatural hunters, tracking demons and other entities everywhere.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, is this copy of All-Stars Brawl? Why is it so complicated?"

Alan, who had been holding his arms and finally relaxed, frowned and spoke, obviously a little confused.

"Ahem, it's true, a girl who scientifically catches ghosts, an exorcist couple, demon hunter brothers..."

Dong Facai, who had been silent until now, paused and pointed covertly at Uncle You who was frying glutinous rice behind him:

"In addition, this last Taoist priest is a ruthless person."

These characters are extremely reliable in their respective movies or series.

As long as it appears, the audience will feel that "it is stable" and "it will be fine now".

But if they all show up in one place, a bigger problem arises.

What is it that is worthy of them taking action together?

"More importantly, they don't seem to think that they are exorcists or Taoist priests. They are just like ordinary people in this world."

Seeing everyone lost in thought, Dong Facai spoke again, but this time he looked at Gao Yi.

"Except for An An, who claims to be a 'scientific ghost catcher'."

Gao Yi naturally understood what the other party meant, knocked on the table, and said slowly.

In his mind, he recalled what he saw in the stairwell, the girl who behaved strangely.

The protagonist in "Return to the Soul Night" is mentally ill. Maybe this crazy state is the reason for this difference?

Just when a few people were lost in thought, Uncle Friend, wearing a dirty long coat, came over carrying glutinous rice:

"Glutinous rice plus soup, these two portions contain a lot of lard."

"Thank you, Uncle Friends."

Alan, who was closest, took the glutinous rice and said with a smile.

"It's okay. You guys live in this building, but we don't see each other a few times a year. Teacher Dong is the only one who looks a little familiar."

While putting the rice, Uncle Friends shook his head and said:

"We are all neighbors, so we should move around more."

Like other dungeons, players seem to have an identity in this world.

The characters in the dungeon also know all the players as a matter of course.

Of course, [The Mist of Heart] seems to be an exception. After all, the aborigines there don’t even know themselves.

It seems that the reporter played by Gao Yi is a somewhat gloomy character.

This can be roughly seen from the environment at home and the attitude of Aunt Mei.

Taking advantage of Uncle Friend's approach, Li Yuxing adjusted his glasses and inquired:

"Uncle Friend, I heard that this glutinous rice can not only be used for fried rice, but also has many other uses?"

"For other purposes, instead of using it for speculation, can it be used to fight zombies?"

Putting a white handkerchief on his shoulders, the friend smiled and shook his head, walking deeper into the store.

He just sat down at the innermost table and lit a cigarette for himself.

Obviously, he has no intention of talking to a few more people.

The five players fell into silence again, with different expressions.

What exactly is going on with this [Seven Days of Resurrection]?

Gao Yi flipped his wrist and checked the main mission.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "Heiping Village" for twenty-four hours (22:46:13)]

It's been more than an hour. Don't say anything evil, not even the slightest danger has appeared.

Not to mention the ghost hunting masters and masters from all over the dungeon.

They have strong magical powers and outstanding abilities in their respective works, but they seem to be just ordinary people in this world.

Is this copy really so ordinary?

Maybe the remaining players would have doubts about this, but Gao Yi naturally wouldn't think so.

This is a scene hosted by the [Director] himself, and he specially called himself, a "veteran actor".

Nothing happened at all. Twenty-four hours passed peacefully and nothing happened.

How can anyone watch this kind of movie?

No matter what form it takes, some kind of change is bound to happen.

And where is the breaking point?

Several people who had watched related movies and done enough research before entering the dungeon were a little confused by this situation.

But Zheng Qiyu, the pink-haired girl, didn't care about that at all.

She turned her head and looked at Dong Facai beside her, and asked as if she remembered something:

"Uncle, didn't everyone say what they saw after entering the dungeon? You haven't said anything yet. Did you see any other handsome guys?"

Zheng Qiyu's question made Gao Yi not have to ask proactively.

And this seemingly innocent way of asking also made Gao Yi look at the pink-haired girl a few more times.

She was very perceptive, and she would use her own personality to dispel the seriousness of such words.

Was Zheng Qiyu's previous behavior her true nature, or was it some kind of disguise?

Those who can and dare to enter this "Holy Grail 3" copy should not be underestimated...

"Hey, look at my memory, I almost forgot."

Dong Facai, who was reminded, coughed a few times, still with a smiling expression:

"I went to see Aunt Mei's house in the movie, where she wanted to resurrect her husband but ended up creating zombies. She was not there, so I went in to take a look."

This is really interesting and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Of course, the players present naturally did not ask questions such as "How did you open the door when no one was around?"

Come on, everyone is a player of this level. If you can't even open a door, you can find a place to bury yourself.

Dong Facai, who was at the innermost side, paused slightly, looked around at everyone, and then spoke again:

"Have you heard of 'Zhu Coffin Floating House'?"


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