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Chapter 228 [Seven Days Back to the Soul] The Origin of the Ticket

In the original plot of the movie "Zombie", Aunt May's story is actually quite sad.

She is a very kind and kind person. She not only helps the male protagonist, but also often helps people around her sew clothes and take care of their children. She has a good reputation among the neighbors.

This can be seen from her ability to mobilize the group of onlookers at the door of 2442.

One night, her husband went out to take out the trash and fell to his death in the stairwell.

Unable to accept the pain of losing her husband, Aunt Mei found another uncle Jiu in the building who majored in evil ways, and planned to use the method of corpse refining to bring her husband back.

Of course, this attempt to go against nature ultimately failed and resulted in irreversible consequences.

The "zombie" in the movie's title refers to Aunt May's wife.

Speaking of corpse refining, this technique is said to come from Maoshan magic and requires a lot of preliminary preparation.

The process mainly includes five steps: "choosing the corpse", "mortuing the corpse", "bathing the corpse", "raising the corpse" and "channeling the spirit".

"So... Aunt Mei's wife has now reached the stage of 'mortument'?"

After hearing Dong Facai's introduction, Zheng Qiyu, who was still holding his chin, suddenly asked.

"No, quite the opposite."

Unexpectedly, uncle Dong Facai coughed twice and gave a negative reply with a smile:

"The body of Aunt Mei's wife is indeed placed in the coffin, but it is only left here according to custom. It seems that it is planned to wait for the first seven days before being buried, but it is just left there, and there is no sign of refining the body."

"If that's the case, what's the specific situation at Aunt Mei's house?"

Hearing this, Gao Yi couldn't help but interrupt and asked another question.

Of course he knew very well that Dong Facai had enough time to explore Aunt Mei's house.

During that time, the warm-hearted Aunt Mei was in 2442, worrying about the "protagonist" who committed suicide.

Of course, she could not have imagined that a "player" from another world would sneak into her home at this time, rummaging through boxes and cabinets in search of clues.

"There is a portrait of her husband in the room, and the coffin is not in the so-called 'land of four underworlds, a ruined situation'."

He habitually raised his sleeves to cover his mouth, and Dong Facai's reply was also very direct and clear.

The concept of "Four Yin Lands, a Ruined Situation" is not complicated. As the basic condition for "corpse refining", it refers to the moist and dark no-man's land.

Although I didn’t go into details, since the basic conditions have not been completed, the fragrant wood coffin and the crow blood talisman should not have appeared.

In other words... in this copy, at least at this stage, nothing weird happens or exists.

After confirming this, the five players present fell silent again.

The problem now isn't even that the copies are too difficult for them to solve.

The situation that several people are facing now is that they can't even find the difficulty.

If there are a few of you, you are still in the period of newcomers who have just entered the world of "dungeons" and "games".

It is certainly worth being happy to be able to pass the time without any danger, complete a level I mission, and leave smoothly.

But this copy of [Seven Days to Recover Soul] has its own unique meaning.

Tickets are not only scarce, but also expensive.

Those who can come to this dungeon naturally do so for the so-called "resurrection" and "life extension".

If you just don't encounter any abnormalities and leave smoothly after eating a few bowls of fried glutinous rice, then all the previous preparations and efforts will be in vain.

Perhaps this is the characteristic of the [Seven Days of Resurrection] copy and the reason why the mortality rate is not high.

Because most players don't even have the opportunity to touch its dangerous core.

After eating a few mouthfuls of fried glutinous rice, the pink-haired girl Zheng Qiyu raised her head and looked at Alan next to her:

"Lan Lan, didn't you do some research in advance? Did the other people who left this dungeon reveal any information?"

Alan, who crossed his arms and didn't speak for a long time, didn't seem to like this kind of address. He sighed helplessly before answering:

"I have found a few players who have cleared [Seven Days to Resurrection], but even if they are willing to offer high rewards, they only answered a few circumstantial sentences without saying much about the specific content."

"Ah, why? Didn't you give me enough money? Tell me, just give me more."

It can be seen that this Zheng Qiyu handed over all the work to her hired Alan, and there was not even any additional communication before the copy.

What can also be seen is that this Zheng Qiyu seems to be really not short of money.

"That's not the reason. It has nothing to do with money." Alan seemed to be used to the other party's inhumane speech. He just shook his head and then explained:

"They mentioned that this is a kind of prohibition. They are prohibited from making any kind of 'spoilers' by some kind of force."

"Is there such a statement? No wonder I didn't find any relevant information."

Dong Facai, who also ate a few bites of fried glutinous rice, touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

Several others found it strange, but Gao Yi quickly figured it out.

After all, this is the director's territory, how could he allow anyone to "spoiler" it in advance?

It is worth mentioning that when the doctor Li Yuxing heard the words about "spoilers", his expression did not change much.

Is it because he simply has little mood swings, or does he know something extra?

Of course, Gao Yi at this moment couldn't ask more about this vague and strange thing, he just kept it in his heart silently.

The conversation on the other side was still going on.

"Yeah, that should be the reason. There were obviously many players in each dungeon before, but no information was revealed at all..."

Alan sighed, seeming to be quite regretful.

"I also heard that dungeons of various types, within 'level 3', will only appear in a certain area of ​​the world in each time period, and will not be carried out at the same time. The last time it appeared in China was a week ago."

Li Yuxing, who was leaning against the wall on the other side, shook his head and added casually.

Dong Facai, who was on the innermost side, coughed violently a few times, and murmured with a hint of worry in his tone:

"A week ago..."

It can be seen that he really hopes to find something that only exists in legends in this dungeon.

"Speaking of this..."

At this moment, Zheng Qiyu, who had finished a whole bowl of fried glutinous rice, suddenly raised his head and spoke to attract the attention of the remaining four people.

When the three male players all set their eyes on her, the pink-haired girl pressed her index finger on her chin and continued to speak as if thinking:

"What's interesting is that I made arrangements in several "player cities" in the south more than a month in advance, and spent a lot of money to buy all the tickets for "Seven Days of Resurrection" on the market during this period..."

She paused, the smile on her face remained, but her eyes became very sharp:

"Please don't mind it, just think of it as simply satisfying my curiosity... May I ask where did you get your tickets from?"


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