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Chapter 229 [Seven Days to Return] Tuition Class

"Please don't mind, just treat it as satisfying my curiosity... Where did you get your tickets?"

This... is a really sharp question.

Gao Yi couldn't help but raise his head and look at the pink-haired girl named Zheng Qiyu again.

At this moment, the girl's face was once again covered with that harmless smile, as if the question just now was just a somewhat abrupt joke.

Sure enough, there can't be any mediocre people appearing in a copy of this level.

This Zheng Qiyu obviously has a very strong intuition and is keenly aware of the weirdness of several players.

In fact, Gao Yi also did a very detailed preliminary investigation before entering this [Seven Days Back to the Soul] copy.

On the one hand, he commissioned the "Jiujiang Rock Music Association" to sort out relevant information, and on the other hand, he asked Athens to collect information on different forums.

The "no spoilers" feature does make it difficult to confirm the specific content of the copy.

But some information can still be passed on.

For example, the status of the players who entered the [Seven Days Back to the Soul] copy.

According to the information Gao Yi had obtained, almost every player who entered this dungeon was for the so-called "resurrection" and "life extension".

Due to the existence of physical healing potions and the fact that the players are generally younger.

In the [Seven Days to Resurrect] dungeon, the main purpose of the players is "resurrection".

And those who wish to revive a relative, even if they are usually very calm and optimistic, will show vague sadness and pain.

This Zheng Qiyu may have seen the same thing as Gao Yi, that there is no such person among the players present.

Put aside her and Alan who she commissioned.

The remaining three male players are a little too calm, and they don't look like people who are eager to find the secret of the dungeon and explore the method of "resurrection".

If there is no strong desire, why enter this dungeon?

What is even more surprising is that this Zheng Qiyu actually arranged in advance and bought all the [Seven Days to Resurrect] tickets that appeared in the southern region during this period.

Considering the uniqueness of the "Level 3" dungeon, there are only so many tickets at a time point.

That means that if you want to enter this dungeon during this time period, you must spend a higher price to exchange or buy a ticket.

If it is not for the so-called "resurrection", why spend an obviously higher price to get a ticket?

And this is the real purpose of Zheng Qiyu's question.

For Gao Yi, the answer is not complicated.

His ticket comes directly from the manager of the "Holy Grail" dungeon [director].

And his purpose is naturally not to resurrect anyone, but to play this "movie" well.

So how to answer the other party's question?

The simplest way is naturally to refuse to answer, saying "what does it have to do with you", or even leave angrily.

But this will increase the other party's suspicion and ruin possible cooperation opportunities.

Not to mention that Gao Yi, as a "supporting role", still doesn't know who the "protagonist" is.

If you leave the team too early, you can't make a good movie.

Then why not just say that you were sent by the dungeon manager?

Forget it, it might be better to just slam the table and leave.

In the end, the best choice is to lie.

In this regard, Gao Yi is very good at it, even without mentioning the ability bonus of the [Gambler] label.

In fact, he also planned to take advantage of the other party's inquiry to find out how and why the other two players appeared in this copy.

In order to prevent the two doctors and teachers from slamming the table and leaving, Gao Yi spoke first while the few people remained silent and observed each other:

"My ticket was given to me by a certain organization to entrust me with a mission. Is there any problem?"

"Is that so? According to the previous intelligence, there will be about fifteen tickets for [Seven Days Back to the Soul] in each time period, and I really only got thirteen. It turns out that someone else provided them......."

The pink-haired girl named Zheng Qiyu returned to the posture of holding her chin with both hands and said as if recalling.

She did not ask any more questions, as if she knew to grasp the measure.

Of course, Gao Yi was also ready to take out the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" to take the blame when necessary.

But what he did not expect was that this Zheng Qiyu actually controlled the tickets to this extent?

So, could it be that the extra ticket he got from the [field staff] was the one in his hand?

Seeing this, Li Yuxing on the other side didn't seem to have too many hidden thoughts. He sighed and said:

"I opened a children's cram school in my spare time. This ticket was given to me by a parent as tuition."

"Wait, wait, wait, what kind of children's cram school parents would give tickets as tuition, and you accepted it?"

Hearing the other party's answer, Gao Yi couldn't suppress his desire to complain.

"How should I put it..." Dr. Li pushed his glasses and said in a strange tone:

"In short, my cram school does not accept normal "human students."

The remaining four looked at each other for a few times, and then tacitly chose to shut up and listen to what else Li Yuxing could say.

When Dr. Li saw this scene, he also sighed and slowly added:

"Some players will use various methods to bring certain creatures out of the dungeon, or use features and equipment abilities to create some living things."

His tone was still so calm, but the amount of information in his words was huge:

"And my mission is to help those players take care of these "children" when they are busy, and also to avoid the people from the Investigation Bureau... Mainly because I have some features and equipment that are quite suitable in this regard."

"No, I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious, what kind of... "children" are there?"

Alan on the side raised his hands and asked this question that everyone was extremely curious about.

"All kinds of them, such as spirit ghosts, half-elf cubs, robots, little zombie dogs, paper dolls..."

"Wait a minute..."

Hearing this, Gao Yi hurriedly interrupted Li Yuxing:

"The paper doll... won't there be one called Yiyi?"

"Hey, how do you know? The [Seven Days to Return to the Soul] in my hand is Yiyi's parent. That person didn't pay and forced it on me, saying that it was a mortgage first. As a result, I couldn't contact him these days, so I had to come in. Otherwise, it would be a pure loss..."

Li Yuxing shook his head and finally answered many of Gao Yi's previous doubts.


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