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Chapter 230 [Seven Days of Return] Renewal of Life and Resurrection

I have to say that there are indeed many weirdos among players.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes today, Gao Yi would never have imagined that there would be such a player providing "children's cram school" services.

Recalling a conversation he had with Zhao Qian before, he thought it was just a joke.

Now it seems that it is actually true?

[What about your daughter? 】

【Go to school】

【Go to school on weekends? 】

【Extracurricular tutoring】

It seems that there are not just one or two people who try to bring out the creatures in the copy, or use various characteristic equipment to create intelligent creatures.

It can actually form a business. No wonder the Investigation Bureau has so many strange departments...

It's really hard for them to deal with these players.

The good news is that Athens is smart enough to run errands on its own without having to worry about what will happen if no one takes care of it.

In fact, maybe in comparison, Gao Yi is the one who needs to be "hosted"...

And this Li Yuxing's words can be regarded as explaining the source of his tickets.

Yiyi's father, Zhao Qian, is the manager of the "Star Coin" copy - [Boss].

As expected, the tickets were all obtained from the [Boss].

Then again, that guy's business seems to span the entire Nankang City.

Of the players Gao Yi came into contact with, less than half were tricked by Zhao Qian in various ways.

Calculating the timeline, it should be that not long before [Mechanical God], Zhao Qian entrusted Yiyi to this Li Yuxing.

Presumably, at that time, he must have realized that "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" was coming...

Of course, the other players in the fried glutinous rice shop did not have such divergent thoughts as Gao Yi.

"Someone gave me the tickets" is enough to win people's trust.

Naturally, several people turned their attention to Dong Facai, the last one who remained silent.

The middle-aged uncle, who claimed to be a university teacher, still had the same smile on his face and did not show much reaction to the words of Gao Yi and Li Yuxing.

Seeing several people looking at him, he coughed twice and shook his head:

"My health has been not good, and various medicines have been unable to help, so I just wanted to see if the so-called 'life extension' is true..."

These words instantly made the atmosphere in the store become heavy.

Looking at the other players, Dong Facai hurriedly smiled and added:

"Don't worry too much. I won't be able to survive for a few days. Even if I don't get anything from this copy, I can just find another way later... As for the tickets, a friend gave them to me. "

After saying that, he raised his sleeves again and coughed violently several times.

If nothing else, maybe this cough is some kind of disease?

At this time, Zheng Qiyu turned his head to look at the ceiling and asked as if talking to himself:

"Hey, didn't you say that there are only fifteen tickets in this [Seven Days of Resurrection] period? I have thirteen in my hand, why are there three more?"

When it comes to this topic, Gao Yi feels a little guilty.

After all, the extra tickets won't be counted as the tickets in my hand. After all, they were obtained by the [venue manager].

The good news is that this information didn't attract much attention from other players.

"The fifteen pieces are just limited information before passing. It is a rough number calculated. It is normal for there to be some discrepancies."

Alan on the side had also finished the fried glutinous rice in front of him and waved his hands.

"Indeed, and I have also seen some people who can forge various equipment. Maybe one of your dozen tickets is fake."

Li Yuxing intervened, seeming not to want to keep the topic on such a heavy topic as Dong Facai's "life extension".

"Can you forge equipment? Are you also a parent of your student?" Alan took the opportunity to ask.

"It's true, she is a mother of seven children, and it's quite hard."

While Li Yuxing was thinking about his answer, Zheng Qiyu on the other side began to cover his mouth with his hands again and screamed:

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the attribute of being a male mother have been added, this is too foul, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”

In any case, while the pink-haired girl stopped ranking her "favorite boy types", Gao Yi changed the subject and asked about business:

"We've all said it before, why did you enter this dungeon? Don't tell me that you went to all this trouble just to find the handsome guy."

Hearing Gao Yi's question, Zheng Qiyu just pouted and put down Alan's arm, which was being shaken by her:

"Finding handsome guys is also one of my goals, but I mainly want to find a way to resurrect my Feifei."

Gao Yi lowered his head slightly, expressed regret, and spoke again rather seriously:

"Sorry, I'd like to ask again, is Feifei yours...?"

"Cat, Feifei is my cat at home."

The pink-haired girl let out a long sigh, covering her face slightly, with some deliberate sadness in her tone:

"I put a ticket on her before to see if she would enter the dungeon, but then she disappeared and I never saw her again..."

"Wait a minute, you asked me to find that 'particularly elegant and lovely black cat' before. Is that the reason?"

Before anyone else could complain about this inexplicable reason for entering the dungeon, Alan remembered something and turned to Zheng Qiyu.

So, did Gan Yejia mention that the reason she became a player was because she met a black cat on her way home and grabbed a ticket from it?

In many ways, this world is really small...

"No, I can totally understand your feelings for your cat. I even call a slime "baby"..."

Li Yuxing's expression twitched a little. It took him a long time to find the right words and start again:

But according to rumors, aren't only relatives able to be resurrected in this [Seven Days of Resurrection]? "

"Feifei is my relative to me. "

Zheng Qiyu's expression was firm, but Gao Yi was very sure that this "resurrecting your own cat" rhetoric was a complete lie.

Alan might have been deceived by her behavior, but the pink-haired girl had no emotional fluctuations since she talked about the cat named Feifei.

This point can be clearly perceived through Gao Yi's new ability of the [Heartless] label.

In comparison, Dong Facai's talk about his end of life was obviously true.

So in the end, was it only Mr. Dong who was really asking for a "miracle" in this dungeon?

No matter what Zheng Qiyu's real purpose was, after a conversation, everyone agreed to find a possible way to prolong the life of this uncle who was about to die.

With this purpose, the five players dispersed again and started a new round of exploration in this [Seven Days to Return] dungeon.


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