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Chapter 231 [Seven Days of Return] Air Raid Alarm

[Ⅰ: Survive in "Heiping Village" for 24 hours (22:06:32)]

Residential building, 24th floor.

Gao Yi's idea was very simple. When he was chatting with the "ghost hunter An An", the other party mentioned that some supernatural reporters would use cameras to observe some demons and ghosts.

In fact, this is also a very common setting in games and movies.

Observing things invisible to the naked eye through the small screen with a dim green light is a classic plot in horror games.

When Gao Yi went out, he just wanted to see how the protagonist of 2442 next door was doing, so he didn't take all the props that might be used.

Unexpectedly, he met a series of script characters and players later, and there was no time to go back.

Now that he was free, he planned to go back to the room and get this camera that might be useful first.

When he walked to the door of 2443, the iron gate was pulled up, but the door on the inside was only half-closed - Gao Yi didn't lock it when he left.

Considering the tight interpersonal relationships in this building and the fact that this room is bare, there is no need to worry about thieves.

Push open the door and walk into the house.

Gao Yi paused slightly, turned around, and looked at the pink-haired girl who was still standing outside the door hesitantly:

"Aren't you coming in together?"

In the fried glutinous rice shop downstairs, the five players finally decided to act separately.

One direction of exploration is the outside, and they plan to ask the nearby security personnel to find clues.

By the way, see if they can find some records and contents of previous related strange events.

By the way, you can also see if you can go to the police station to study whether there are any changes in the dead protagonist, and try to get the brothers who stole the credit card.

The other direction is the residential building.

An An, the only one who mentioned various monsters, is obviously an important clue figure, and of course someone needs to follow up.

And in the residential building, if nothing unexpected happens, there should be more masters from different works. Although they are just ordinary people in this copy, you can also try to make friends.

After confirming the direction, the five players began to split into teams.

The outer team was led by Li Yuxing, whose profession in the dungeon seemed to be the security guard of this Heiping Village, which was naturally more convenient.

Dong Facai said that he was more familiar with the local culture and could speak Cantonese, which was more useful for communication, so he went with them.

The other team was led by Gao Yi, after all, he was the one who had seen An An.

For some reason, Zheng Qiyu followed naturally.

Originally, Alan also wanted to go, but his [Steel Chain Stapler] and powerful stealth ability were indeed very suitable for gathering intelligence, so he was allowed to follow the outer team.

When they arrived at the residential building, only Gao Yi and Zheng Qiyu were left.

Standing at the door of 2443, the girl covered her face and screamed again after hearing Gao Yi's question:

"Ahhhhh, how can you enter a boy's house like this? Can I really enter?!"

"If you insist, this is not my house..."

Gao Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, but did not insist. He just came back to get something.

The next step is to find An An, who claims to be from the "New Science Exorcism Agency".

When Zheng Qiyu at the door carefully entered the house, Gao Yi had already walked back to the room and got the rather old camera.

After the previous communication, Gao Yi was completely convinced that this pink-haired girl had a lot of scheming.

Although it is difficult to judge whether her desire for the "Son of the Righteous" is true, she is definitely not as simple and clumsy as she appears.

Faced with such a person, Gao Yi really has no way.

To be honest, if he can choose, he should be more willing to team up with Alan instead of Zheng Qiyu.

While the pink-haired girl was walking around the living room, Gao Yi had already taken all the things he might need and stuffed them into a cloth bag.

And the old-fashioned camera was hung around his neck.

Although Gao Yi was a reporter, he didn't know much about these devices, and he couldn't really name the model of the camera at the moment.

Anyway, the good news is that it can still be used, and the battery is half full at the moment.

"So, what are we going to do next to find that An An?"

Seeing Gao Yi coming out, Zheng Qiyu hurried over and reached out to touch the camera on Gao Yi's neck.

"Yeah... I don't know where to find it."

Gao Yi shook his head and silently took a step to the side.

"Didn't you say she went upstairs? Let's go upstairs. There shouldn't be many floors left. Can't we look for her one by one?"

"It's not that simple. It's been more than an hour since I last saw her. Who knows where she is now..."

Sighing, Gao Yi walked out the door:

"According to the setting in the movie, An An might be able to fly with a paper hat........."

"Ah? There is such a thing?"

Zheng Qiyu opened his mouth wide, looking extremely surprised.

"Have you really not seen "The Return of the Soul"? So many copies are based on horror movies. You should watch them all."

Standing in the corridor, 2442 next door has returned to peace.

Gao Yi is observing whether there is a girl in a dark green baseball jacket in other corridors through the gap left by the huge atrium, and responding to Zheng Qiyu behind him casually.

"Well, I only watch movies in theaters. I wasn't even born when that movie came out."

"What kind of strange persistence is this..."

While the two were chatting without a word, Gao Yi keenly felt that the temperature around him had dropped.

This change is actually very weak, but the characteristics of [Easy Chair Detective] have been improved again, and it still reacts instantly.

Beside him, the pink-haired girl also frowned, as if she also noticed something unusual.

The two players stopped in unison and observed both sides of the corridor back to back.

There was no light in the already dark cloudy sky, and the fragile old lighting system in the corridor began to flicker on and off.

The sound of electric current followed the ceiling with extremely unreasonable wiring, making a chilling crackling sound.

Everything indicates that something is going to happen.

"what happened?"

Just before Gao Yi finished speaking, an extremely harsh alarm sounded suddenly in the corridor.

In the corridor, there are no additional changes for the time being.

"Is air raid siren?"

Gao Yi frowned slightly, thinking about the possible source of the sound.

Does this copy also contain war elements?

But while Gao Yi was thinking, Zheng Qiyu caught his eye.

Follow the pink-haired girl's blank gaze and look towards the patio.

I don’t know since when, the sky was filled with white flying debris. Amidst the long sound of air defense sirens, it seemed like some kind of mourning for this land.

Huge soul-calling flags fluttered on the roof of the building. Looking down, on the ground in the center of the patio, I don't know when, a huge black coffin suddenly appeared there.

Subconsciously, Gao Yi raised his wrist and summoned the main mission.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "Heiping Village" for twenty-four hours (21:59:52)]

Two hours after the instance started, something unexpected happened.


9.1 points.

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