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Chapter 232 [Seven Days to Return] Yin Cha

Gao Yi and Zheng Qiyu stood in the corridor, and a layer of white mist gradually covered their eyes.

The soul-calling banners hanging on the roof were like huge scrolls, waving in the wind, and the white flying debris was like a heavy snow that was pregnant with ominous things.

I don’t know when it started, the piercing air defense alarm gradually dissipated, but Gao Yi didn’t feel relieved at all.

Alarm, white mist, flying debris all over the sky.

“This can’t be the plot of Silent Hill...”

Gao Yi gritted his teeth and looked around solemnly.

“What is that?”

Zheng Qiyu also looked solemn, staring straight at the huge coffin in the center of the patio downstairs, and asked without turning his head.

“Games, but also movies... Anyway, this air defense alarm is very similar to the plot in it.”

Take a deep breath, Gao Yi put on the [Scarlet Raven Coat], and a strange sense of uneasiness echoed in his heart.

He stared at the other side of the corridor and answered in a dull tone.

"Then what happens in that movie when the air raid alarm sounds?"

The pink-haired girl stared at the coffin downstairs like a possessed person, and spoke absentmindedly like Gao Yi.

The two were not communicating, but just using this conversation to relieve the chilling pressure.

"In Silent Hill, this air raid alarm is a symbol. Once it sounds, it means that the characters have entered the "inner world" from the "surface world."

"Like us now?"

"Like us now."

The sky can no longer provide even a ray of light, and the light bulbs in the corridor are flickering, still making the last resistance.

The thick white fog has filled the corridor, and the harsh and oppressive alarm has completely stopped.

But at this moment, the two players dare not relax even a little, because they have already felt that something more terrifying is coming at the other end of the corridor.

It seems to be to prove that the space they are in at this moment is different from the space they were in when they just entered the [Seven Days Back] copy.

Gao Yi tried to pull the doors of rooms 2446 and 2445, and found that the iron doors were locked by some force, and could not even be opened by brute force.

Looking outside, such a huge movement just now did not attract anyone's attention, and there was no one in the corridors of dozens of floors.

Or, is there no "people" in this "other world" anymore?

The old wires made a noisy crackling sound, and the dense and neat footsteps that attracted the attention of the two players were slowly approaching.

Some invisible pressure enveloped the whole body. Gao Yi wanted to run, but for some reason he couldn't take a step at all.

Zheng Qiyu's condition was even worse. She was pale and leaned against the low wall near the patio. She took out a blue booklet from somewhere and was reciting something with her head down.

And in this atmosphere, the owners of the footsteps appeared in the sight of the two players.

These are definitely not people - at least they can't be living humans.

This was the first thought that Gao Yi thought of when he saw them.

This strange and crisp footsteps is produced by the wooden stilts under the feet of these "things".

They have human form, wearing a silk red robe, and covering their faces with a green shawl.

What's even more weird is the broken white paper umbrellas they hold in their hands.

If nothing unexpected happens, these are the legendary tall ghosts.

Considering the poor per capita living area in Longgang City and the fact that this old residential building lacks design.

The entire corridor can only allow two normal adults to pass side by side.

At this moment, this narrow corridor has been completely filled with eight tall ghosts, not to mention that they are holding paper umbrellas.

The crisp footsteps are slowly approaching. These tall ghosts are very slow, but they are indeed moving towards the direction of the two players.

"According to the plot of the movie and folklore, these things should not take the initiative to hurt people, as long as..."

Gao Yi muttered to himself, and he didn't know why his feet were still unable to move.

Behind him, the pink-haired girl's recitation was hurried and panicked, mixed with intense panting.

Gao Yi could vaguely distinguish some words like "Article 3" and "Article 4".

"Don't look or breathe when they get close, it's okay!"

After Gao Yi warned in a low voice, he just stood in the middle of the corridor and closed his eyes.

The skin of these tall ghosts was wrapped in clothes, and there was no trace of life on their bodies.

When the crisp footsteps approached, Gao Yi only felt a biting coldness wrapped around his whole body, as if the vitality of his whole body was dissipating along with the question.

It was like falling into an ice cave, and it was like entering hell.

Fortunately, this feeling did not last too long.

Although Gao Yi, who closed his eyes tightly, gave up vision, the other senses enhanced by [Armchair Detective] became extremely sharp.

The tall ghosts on both sides just leaned to the side, like a torrent blocked by a rock, bypassing him from both sides.

This... Is it the effect of [D-level personnel]?

These tall ghosts who are responsible for the duties of the underworld should be considered supernatural creatures.

Before entering this [Seven Days of Return] dungeon, Gao Yi had always wanted to buy a piece of equipment with similar exorcism effects, but unfortunately he failed.

But now it seems that the [D-class personnel] characteristics can also partially do the job.

Of course, the vitality-reducing effect is still the same, but with the physical quality polished by the high-yield [Seeker], the impact is not so serious.

And when the footsteps of the wooden stilts completely faded away and Gao Yi turned his head, he realized that Zheng Qiyu behind him was not so lucky.

The pink-haired girl collapsed against the wall, her eyes still closed, her cheeks bloodless, and she was breathing hoarsely and heavily.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?"

Seeing this, Gao Yi hurriedly knelt down and observed Zheng Qiyu's condition.

It seems that this girl does not have the resistance of Gao Yi, and she has already absorbed a lot of life force just by being passed by those Yin Zai.

Gao Yi gently placed the back of his hand on the other person's forehead. As expected, it became hot.

"You are so rich, you shouldn't not return the potion to me..."

As Gao Yi spoke, he flipped his wrist and took out a bottle of [Grade D Physical Healing Potion] and poured it into Zheng Qiyu.

"Ahhhhh, this is..."

The girl opened her eyes with difficulty, and wanted to say something in a hoarse voice, but was directly interrupted by Gao Yi:

"Come on, come on, I'm the kind of person who wants to watch movies at home, not the one traveling all the way."

Just when Gao Yi was thinking about where he could find a safe place to rest.

A set of human footsteps slowly approached.

Looking up, he saw a white man wearing a brown suit with long sideburns.

His physical condition was obviously very bad. One foot seemed to be injured and was wrapped haphazardly with a piece of cloth. An iron rod was used as a crutch in his right hand.

His voice was low and hoarse, but there was no malice in it:

"Boy, come with me, it's safe upstairs."


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