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Chapter 233 [Seven Days of Return] Everyone

After helping Zheng Qiyu pick up her blue booklet titled "The Fifth Legion's Wilderness Survival Guide", Gao Yi supported the girl and followed the tired-looking uncle into the stairwell.

After a brief exchange, Gao Yi recognized the identity of the white uncle - Ed Warren from "The Conjuring".

He is a ghost theologian recognized by the Catholic Church and a famous supernatural researcher.

In the movie series "The Conjuring", he and his wife solved several desperate horror incidents.

The couple, who have real-life prototypes, are also set up to solve thousands of different supernatural incidents in the movie.

What's even more commendable is that they transformed the basement of their home into a supernatural museum, dedicated to storing various supernatural objects they solved.

But the Ed who appeared in front of Gao Yi didn't have the high-spirited feeling in the movie, but showed a faint sense of powerlessness and sadness.

When Gao Yi asked him "what happened," he just shook his head and said that he would wait until they were in a safe place before communicating.

Because Ed's right foot was injured, and Gao Yi was supporting a weak girl, the two of them went up the stairs a bit slowly.

It took about ten minutes to reach the thirty-first floor.

Under Ed's guidance, the three of them walked through the dim and dim corridor and entered a room near the elevator.

Looking around, apart from them, there were still three people sitting or standing in the dilapidated and dark room.

The first person Gao Yi recognized was the Taoist priest who was frying glutinous rice - Uncle You.

At this moment, he is no longer wearing the sloppy robe, but an old but meticulously cared for yellow monk's robe. At this moment, he is sitting on the sofa, muttering to a compass.

Beside the window, a bald old monk wearing a red and yellow cassock was looking out at the dark sky with his eyes closed.

His cassock was damaged in many places and there were two scars on his face. It was obvious that he had experienced a battle.

But compared to the one sitting at the dining table, the old monk's injury was not serious.

On the wooden chair, there was a middle-aged white man wearing a black suit, with deep-set eyes and a high hairline.

He looked older than Ed, and his face was full of stories.

What people can't ignore is that his entire left arm has disappeared at this moment, and the bandage wrapping the wound is leaking blood.

If nothing else, the man with the broken arm and the old monk should come from some work, but Gao Yi hasn't been able to recognize them yet.

Zheng Qiyu, who drank the [D-level physical healing potion] beside him, seemed to have regained some energy. He sat on an armchair with sloppy steps, but still looked extremely lacking in strength.

After the door was closed, the air pressure in the entire living room was so low that no one in the room had the intention to speak.

Seeing this, Gao Yi walked slowly to Uncle You and spoke first:

"Uncle Friend, long time no see."

The Taoist priest on the sofa raised his head and looked at Gao Yi with tired eyes through his small round glasses.

He sighed, shook his head and said:

"You probably know me from the outside world, but this world inside is the first time we've met."

This answer can be regarded as confirming Gao Yi's previous guess.

Now, they have entered the "inner world" of [Return to Soul in Seven Days].

If nothing else, this should be the place that contains some kind of copy truth.

Under Gao Yi's questioning, the old man with a broken arm sitting at the dining table took over and told them what happened.

Some time ago, he received a commission that could answer a certain question he had.

Following the client's guidance, he came to Longgang City and entered Heiping Village.

Everything was calm at first. He searched everywhere, but found nothing except meeting many "talented people and strangers" who had received commissions and came from all directions.

Until one night, the piercing sound of air raid sirens pierced the sky, and he entered this so-called "inner world".

"It has been more than forty days until now."

This is what the uncle concluded.

" don't seem to be surprised at all. After forty days, two of us suddenly appeared again?"

Gao Yi was keenly aware that something was wrong. The reaction of these people to his and Zheng Qiyu's arrival was too bland.

But this time, it was Uncle Friend on the sofa who took over the conversation:

"What's so special? Aren't you just some kind of 'players'? I don't know how many batches have come and gone during this time."

Is that really the case?......

Gao Yi took a deep breath and realized the difference in the [Seven Days to Recover Soul] mechanism.

In this way, many of those players who are "forbidden to spoil" have also seen these masters from different works.

Taking the opportunity, Gao Yi knelt down and asked this uncle friend:

"Uncle Friend, so what is going on in this world and why are there so many monsters?"

He knew that the other party was the kind of person who was sharp-tongued and had a soft heart. As long as he acted sincerely, he would be able to get help from the other party.

As expected by Gao Yi, the last Taoist priest in front of him sighed and put out his cigarette butt on the coffee table:

"I don't know, but what can be confirmed now is that the closer you get to the coffin at the bottom of the building, the more monsters and monsters there will be."

On the other side, the old monk also spoke tremblingly:

"Amitabha, in order to clean up the area above the 30th floor, several donors have gone to the Pure Land."

"Yes, the young man named Qingming before, a strong man with a gun, and........."

Ed, who had not spoken, slowly added, and his voice trembled a little when he said the last word.

After a long time, he said the last few words:

"And my wife."

He lowered his head and did not cry, but everyone could feel his sadness from the bottom of his heart.

"It's not your fault."

The man with a broken arm at the dining table sighed and comforted him.

"She is born to see more things than ordinary people... I shouldn't let her check the elevator alone..."

With Ed's self-condemnation, the atmosphere in the living room fell into dullness again.

It can be seen that they have lost many companions in the past forty days.

And those who are still alive have also suffered varying degrees of injuries.

At this moment, they have reached the point of running out of ammunition and food.

Taking advantage of this time, Gao Yi walked towards the one-armed man at the table and tried to find out his identity.

When asked his name, the tired middle-aged man gave an answer that shocked Gao Yi:

"My name is Carter, Randolph Carter."


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