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Chapter 234 [Seven Days of Return] Taoist priests, monks, exorcists and investigators

Who would have thought that this man with a broken arm was none other than the legendary investigator in the Cthulhu worldview, Randolph Carter.

Under Lovecraft's despairing world view, Carter still made some great achievements.

Successfully graduated from Miskatonic University and has extensive research on the occult.

He mediated racial disputes in the dreamland and faced two gods under different circumstances.

In countless adventures, you are surrounded by dangers, and you face the weirdness and eternity that can drive ordinary people directly crazy while maintaining your mental health.

Of course, the current Gao Yi cannot judge what adventures he has experienced through the appearance of the Carter in front of him.

But in any case, the appearance of this legendary investigator still made Gao Yi feel a little more at ease.

However, while his identity was confirmed, Gao Yi also had new doubts.

This copy is the territory of the [Director]. Although characters from the series also appear, at least they are still film and television characters.

But this Carter is just a novel character...or is there some film and television adaptation that I haven't heard of?

Although it does not have strong combat capabilities in terms of setting, the wisdom and mind of this legendary investigator are undoubtedly top-notch.

But from another perspective, what could make Mr. Carter lose an arm?

Knocking on the table, Gao Yi cleared his thoughts and looked up again at the one-armed investigator in front of him:

"So, there are only four of you left now?"

For some reason, this question made the legendary investigator, who had always remained calm, show a somewhat strange expression.

It seemed like he was a little embarrassed, but also like he was a little confused:

"There seem to be remnants of teams like ours on other floors and areas, and there is one person in our team who is not here."

At this moment, cheerful footsteps came from the corridor, approaching from far away.

Not long after, the rotten wooden door was pushed open, and the dull atmosphere suddenly disappeared, and an indescribable enthusiasm and vitality spurted into the room:

"I'm back!"

She has short, ear-length hair and a black necklace with a gossip pattern. A large dark green baseball jacket and a black leather skirt.

Needless to say, the person who came was none other than An An from...or partly from "Returning to the Soul Night".

She still held the trumpet-shaped "ghost-hunting instrument" and carried a huge gray woven bag in her other hand:

"I found a lot of glutinous rice, I will definitely have enough this time!"

The girl said, put the woven bag on the coffee table, raised her head and said:

"How about it, am I awesome?"

On the other side, Uncle Friends, who had always looked serious, quickly took the bag and opened it to check.

When he held up a handful of glutinous rice and watched it slipping from the gap between his fingers, his eyes showed extremely obvious excitement:

"Okay, okay, great... Where did you find so many?"

On the other side, An An, who seemed to have been snatched away by Zheng Qiyu because of her familiar position, was looking for a new seat with her head tilted.

While searching, she answered casually:

"It's the seventeenth floor. There are a lot of them in a house over there. I brought them all back!"

"Seventeenth floor?! Aren't they all those disgusting monsters?"

Ed, who was wearing a cross necklace, seemed to have adjusted his condition and asked with a frown.

On the other side, An An didn't care much, and still had that confident smile:

"It's okay, it's okay. I filled the corridor with plastic wrap and then looked for it. Nothing will happen."

On the other side, Carter also stood up, pulled the wooden chair he was sitting on and gave it to An An in front of him, and then continued:

"No matter what, it's good that people are fine."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Carter turned to the coffee table and spoke to Uncle Friend who was caressing a large bag of glutinous rice:

"How about it, do you have enough now?"

"Paper, pen, ink, knife, sword are all here, plus this..." Uncle You showed a rare smile and repeatedly touched the glutinous rice in the bag:

"That's enough, that's enough."

Ed knelt down curiously and gently twirled two grains of glutinous rice with a confused look on his face:

"I still don't quite understand. What is this glutinous rice used for? Is it almost as effective as garlic?"

Looking up at the paranormal researchers and demon hunters in front of him, Uncle You was obviously unhappy that his glutinous rice was being looked down upon.

He grabbed a handful of glutinous rice, turned his wrist, and let it slowly slip from the gap between his little finger and the palm of his hand:

"My great-grandfather's generation began to wear glutinous rice, and he followed it every night. For Taoist priests, glutinous rice is life!"

Unexpectedly, An An, who was sitting on the wooden chair, suddenly spoke:

"Yes, yes. Although I don't usually bring it, I know that glutinous rice is very important."

"You're not a Taoist priest, what kind of glutinous rice can you bring?" Uncle Friend turned around and asked.

"Of course I am a Taoist priest, and I am a Taoist priest who has mastered the power of science. I just don't like wearing that zodiac robe. It's long, soft, troublesome, and most importantly, it doesn't match my skin color!"

An An also straightened up and retorted firmly.

"A person who beats ghosts with chocolate and plastic wrap is also called a Taoist priest?" Uncle Friend was very dissatisfied.

"Of course! Who doesn't know that you need plastic wrap to catch ghosts, and chocolate to fight ghosts!"

Looking at the two "conservatives" and "reformists" arguing, Mr. Carter shook his head and looked at the old monk who had been silent by the window:

"Master Baiyun, do you need to make any preparations?"

What a familiar name, what work is it from?

Seeing the wrinkled old monk turn his head, his long white beard and a pair of big ears finally made Gao Yi react.

If I remember correctly, this should be a monk from the "A Chinese Ghost Story" series.

This is also a powerful figure in various senses, and the fighting power shown in the plot is also amazing.

If it weren't for the drag and restrictions on the plot, he should be able to beat the movie boss alone.

Ah, what an all-star lineup...

Master Baiyun heard the call, turned around, put one hand in front of his chest, and bowed his head slightly:

"Namo Paradha, the world has fallen into this state, we monks are naturally ready at any time, and we don't need any material possessions."

This paragraph smoothly turned the internal contradiction into an external contradiction. Uncle You grabbed the peach wood sword and went forward to discuss with Master Baiyun.

The two Western investigators Carter and exorcist Ed were completely confused about the situation and had to step forward to persuade.

Taking advantage of this time, An An broke away and walked to Gao Yi:

"Hey reporter, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet here again!"

"Ah, indeed..."

Gao Yi was watching the debate over there, a little absent-minded.

Half a second later, he suddenly reacted:

"Wait, do you know me?!"


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