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Chapter 235 [Seven Days to Return] Preparation and Discussion

"Wait, do you know me?!"

Gao Yi's voice became a little louder due to his excitement, and it seemed that An An in front of him was startled.

The girl holding the flower pot showed a puzzled look, looked Gao Yi up and down, and said strangely:

"Of course I know you, we met at the stairs, and you said you saw the evil ghost."

So that's it, the previous guess was correct.

This An An did have a function of connecting the "inner world" and the "outer world"...

Just when Gao Yi lowered his head to think about how to use this discovery, Zheng Qiyu, who had been in a weak state in the armchair behind him, suddenly spoke:

"Ahhhhhh, this is an optimistic, cheerful and powerful supernatural girl, although a little off-line but very cute, she is definitely my No. 13 "favorite beautiful girl type"!!!"

It can be seen that she has not fully recovered from the previous encounter with the tall ghost, and her voice is a little hoarse and weak.

But this can't stop her from shouting this line at all.

"Oh, oh, oh! Then what type is your No. 1?"

It has to be said that this An An is indeed a little off the track, nodding and questioning the pink-haired girl in front of him.

When it comes to this topic, Zheng Qiyu, who was just limp, seems to be in high spirits and straightens up all of a sudden:

"Of course it's 'a perfect beautiful girl with a cold face, exuding an aura that can only be admired from a distance, with a tragic past, distressing, but wrapping others with all her kindness and warmth'!"

An An on the other side raised his head, touched the Tai Chi seal on the collar and looked at the ceiling, as if recalling something:

"I seem to know such a person, how about introducing her to you later?"

"Ah!" Zheng Qiyu covered his mouth with both hands, his face full of surprise:

"Please...Excuse me, what color is her hair?"

"'s silver!"

"Ahhhhhhhh, perfect hit, great!!!"

Looking at the two girls in front of him whose thoughts had long flown away, Gao Yi shook his head helplessly.

Ignoring this fellow player who could attract both men and women, Gao Yi turned to the other side, a group of four people consisting of a Taoist priest, a monk, an exorcist and an investigator.

The fight seemed to be over at this moment. These four masters from different works were discussing something in front of a rather exquisite hand-drawn map.

Of course, Gao Yi, who possessed the [Armchair Detective], could naturally hear most of their conversation at this distance.

In general, several people were discussing how to break into the downstairs and finally approach the huge black coffin at the bottom.

"Master, this zombie is your specialty after all, and I will have to trouble you then."

Master Baiyun held the Zen stick, and the other hand stood in front of his chest with a palm, slightly bent.

"After all, if you want to break through those monsters and reach the bottom, you still have to rely on you, Master."

Uncle You also changed his somewhat leisurely state and bowed his head to Master Baiyun in a serious tone.

It can be seen that the two have already shaken hands and made peace.

Of course, there was no real conflict, and there was no reason to fight in the face of such a situation.

On one side, Ed was helping Carter rebandage his wound.

While re-rolling the bandage, the exorcist asked:

"Has the route been confirmed? It shouldn't be like last time, right?"

On the other side, Carter, who was obviously in pain, closed his eyes slightly, and his voice was still calm:

"It's okay, the sacrifice of the Yin-Yang master is meaningful, at least before the fifth floor, there won't be too much obstacles..."

As he said that, Carter groaned again, obviously because his wound was touched, and Ed on the side quickly apologized.

There was no way, after all, he was not a professional medical staff, and it was really difficult to deal with this kind of broken limb.

Gao Yi, who had been listening nearby for a long time, also came over at the right time and handed over a tube of [C-level healing potion] with a smile on his face:

"Drink a tube of this. Although it can't regenerate a broken limb, it can at least relieve pain and heal wounds."

The first shot was a C-level healing potion, of course, not because Gao Yi had too many potions recently and had nowhere to spend them.

On the one hand, Gao Yi really admired the legendary investigator Randolph Carter and was very much looking forward to the combat power he could provide.

On the other hand, it was meaningful to make a good relationship with such an important dungeon character.

"I won't be polite."

Carter, who was dressed in a black suit, smiled slightly and took the potion from Gao Yi:

"But I have to tell you in advance that I don't have any 'equipment' or 'ability' to give you. If you are planning to do this, it will be in vain."

After drinking this tube of potion, Carter's expression was obviously relaxed a lot.

It seems that the pain relief effect is still very good.

Through the other party's reaction and words, Gao Yi easily made another guess:

"So, other 'players' came here before and gave you potions?"

"Yes, several."

Carter shook his head and looked at Ed who was packing bandages beside him:

"They all hoped that we could help them 'solve the evil spirits' or give them some 'equipment'. Of course, they all left disappointed."

" seem different from them?"

Mr. Ed beside him took over the conversation and cast a scrutinizing look at Gao Yi.

"Of course, I have always been a very 'different' person."

Gao Yi smiled and sat down in front of the two masters from the West:

"I don't need anything, I just hope you can tell me what those players did before and what they encountered?"


From various perspectives, this is the most tiring copy I have ever written since I started writing infinite flow.

There are so many characters, and there are so many materials and film and television works to check, my head is about to explode.

I miss the time when I wrote daily life, but I still can't write too long for this copy, I am dying of exhaustion.

I will take a day off tomorrow to see if I can save some manuscripts.

Now this [Seven Days Back to the Soul] copy has finally passed the early stage of foreshadowing. If you have any comments, please leave a message........

I feel dizzy and want to slap my previous self. Why did I make this copy so complicated? Why did I make it so complicated and didn't write an outline? What on earth was I thinking........


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