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Chapter 236 [Seven Days of Resurrection] Floor Conquest

The two reliable middle-aged uncles looked at each other, and Carter finally spoke, fulfilling Gao Yi's wish.

At this point, Gao Yi gradually learned about what had happened in the past forty days in this [Seven Days of Resurrection] copy.

At the very beginning, as the air raid siren sounded, dozens of people who came from different places gathered in the entire building.

They are all different in gender, age, and race. The only thing they have in common is that they are all "experts in dealing with abnormal events" from all over the world.

These people face different things, including zombies, monsters, ghosts, devils, demons, vampires, pseudo-people...

The abilities they possess are naturally completely different.

"But in the beginning, our casualties were very heavy."

Carter let out a long sigh and leaned on the sofa. Ed beside him also lowered his head slightly and held the small cross hanging around his neck.

It can be seen that this is a painful past event.

When they first entered this "other world", these strange people gathered together were not too nervous. After all, they were all masters from all over the world.

Being trapped in a strange residential building is not too unimaginable.

But gradually, things started to go wrong.

After the first night, the black coffin in the center of the patio suddenly closed, and a certain ominous aura began to emerge.

"Wait, so the first coffin was open?"

Gao Yi frowned slightly, and the huge black coffin that was more than twenty meters long in the center of the patio appeared in his mind.

Carter on the other side still just nodded slightly and gave an affirmative answer:

"Yes, and those monsters also started to appear from the next day."

Although the people trapped in this residential building were all talented people from different places, they were attacked without preparation and still suffered heavy casualties.

At that time, for convenience, most people stayed in the empty rooms on the ground floor. At that time, they did not know that the monsters on the ground floor were more powerful and vicious.

"The situation was very chaotic. In the end, under the cover of Master Baiyun, a dozen of us rushed upstairs until we reached the top floor and finally came down safely."

Carter lowered his head slightly in greeting to Master Baiyun who started meditating again on the other side.

On the other side, the old monk had obviously ended his discussion with Uncle Friend, and was silently listening to the legendary investigator's story.

When mentioned, he just bowed his head and recited "Amitabha".

Looking at the room with only five people left, Gao Yi could guess that there were countless tragic stories in between.

The investigator wearing a black suit put his remaining right hand into the inside of the suit and took out a notebook with yellowed paper.

Looking at the record above, Carter began to recall:

"For the first exploration, we entered the fiftieth floor, and we named the monsters on those floors 'Demon Sons' - to be precise, it was the name given by Mr. Ed."

As he spoke, Carter tilted his head slightly, and the exorcist on the side also took over the conversation:

"Yes, those monsters are in the state of children and appear in groups. When we enter their territory, the group of monsters will let out sharp laughter and attack at extremely fast speeds."

"It wasn't the product of a 'nurturing brat' like I'd seen before, but something more sinister."

Uncle Friend, who was playing with the glutinous rice on the side, also added at this time.

With a slight nod, Carter looked at the notebook in his hand, and then began to introduce:

"At the beginning of the forty-fifth floor, some kind of spiritual undead appeared. They have extremely strong resentment and can control ordinary people to a certain extent. Moreover, ordinary people cannot see them. They are called 'revenge spirits'. ....."

"Around the 40th floor, the entire corridor has become some kind of monster. It will constantly transform and reorganize, swallowing up the lost people. I call it a 'maze'... The first victim among us Also appeared on the 39th floor.”

Speaking of this, Carter ran his fingers over a certain line in the notebook and lowered his head slightly, as if in mourning for the deceased.

"Starting from the thirty-fifth floor, the deformed corridors disappeared and were replaced by several..."

Carter frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about how to describe it.

Uncle Friend on the other side smoothly took over the introduction work on the 35th floor:

"To put it simply, they are a group of middle-aged and elderly-looking zombies, and each of them is at the green zombie level... and the more powerful ones. I call them 'old zombies'."

"What is green zombie?"

At some point, Zheng Qiyu also ended the "beautiful girl" discussion with An An and squatted aside to listen.

She shook her pink hair, tilted her head and asked.

"Purple zombies, white zombies, green zombies, flying zombies, and swimming zombies are all at different levels... Anyway, they are very powerful zombies."

Uncle Friend wanted to explain, but seemed to find it too troublesome, so he waved his hand and concluded.

"Yes, thanks to this Taoist priest, we can be safe and sound."

Master Baiyun, who was meditating on the side, also praised him.

Seeing that the supplement was completed, Carter flipped through his notebook and continued to introduce:

"On the 30th floor, there is a group of ghosts who are very greedy for money. They must bring out something valuable before they will let you go... Of course, there is no need to worry now. They have been captured by the previous Yin Yang named Qingming. The division surrendered and is now just staying in the corridor, but no one will be hurt."

This "Seimei" can't be Abe Seimei in a certain work, I remember it is the famous Onmyoji who has a historical prototype...

Of course, Gao Yi did not dwell too much on the characters that had passed away, but asked about another thing that he was very interested in:

"Then how did you see ghosts? Aren't they incorporeal?"

When it came to this topic, An An, who had been holding the flower pot and said nothing, suddenly spoke:

"Hohoho, then I'll use my cow's tears!"

As she spoke, she took out a small bottle of blue liquid from somewhere:

"Just rub this gently on your eyes and you can see all kinds of ghosts!"

As she spoke, the girl in a baseball uniform began to drip liquid and apply it on her eyelids. The effect was like applying an exaggerated eye shadow.

In front of Gao Yi, Carter leaned forward slightly and lowered his voice to explain:

"Actually, we all asked the Taoist Priest to use his magic."

"That's called the 'eye-opening spell'. The laws of heaven are clear and the laws of earth are spiritual..."

"That..." Gao Yi interrupted the further divergence of the two, and changed the topic to the right track:

"So, further down the residential building, what did you encounter?"

"Further down?"

Carter raised his eyebrows slightly and paused slightly:

"On the day we entered the twenty-fifth floor, we met 'players' for the first time... so-called 'players' like you."


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