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Chapter 237 [Seven Days of Resurrection] Resurrection Coffin

"Wait a minute, what day was it?"

Gao Yi also took out his notebook and started recording.

The restrictions of [Seven Days to Return] are not as severe as [Mechanical Godcasting]. Although electronic devices cannot be brought in, notebooks are still fine.

In the investigator's memory, Gao Yi also began to sort out the timeline.

The first time these "copy characters" met the "players" was on the sixth day of entering this "inner world".

Of course, this is not the first time that the players have appeared in the "inner world".

It's just that the script characters who were at a high level before did not see those players.

According to Mr. Ed on the side, most players will appear around the 25th floor, which is why he patrolled that area before and met Gao Yi and the others.

I think it should be because room 2442 is one of the important scenes in the movie...

"That time there were three women with the same red tattoo on their wrists... They recognized us just like you."

Carter smiled and shook his head, showing a helpless expression.

According to the chatter of several characters in the script in front of him, Gao Yi also roughly confirmed some basic information.

First of all, the main quests received by the players seemed to be exactly the same, and those previous players also mentioned something like "evil spirits" and "twenty-four hours".

It is worth mentioning that the situation at that time was very complicated, and dozens of days had passed, but Mr. Carter could actually recall every move of every player.

When asked how he did it, his answer was:

"This is just a strength of mine that is not worth mentioning."

Well, he is a legendary investigator, and he has the final say.

According to the other party's description, Gao Yi even matched the people he mentioned with several players he met when he was doing preliminary investigations for the dungeon outside.

That's right, it should be about seven days ago in real time, when the last ticket for [Seven Days Back to the Soul] appeared in China.

So... the contents of the dungeon are actually connected?

The talented people in the dungeon were a little worried at first, but soon found that those players had no ill intentions and were even willing to provide help.

What's even more bizarre is that this group of weirdos who suddenly appeared can recognize almost all the characters in the copy, and can even tell some of their unknown experiences and abilities.

"Then you know..." Gao Yi wanted to ask.

"We know. According to those so-called 'players', we are all 'characters' from different 'works' worlds."

After Carter finished speaking, the exorcists, Taoist priests, and investigators beside him all laughed.

"So... do you think this is fake?"

Looking at the reactions of several people, Gao Yi asked.

"No, we know it's true."

On the other side, Carter's reply was a little unexpected:

"In fact, we have already found something wrong in the previous chat."

Carter said, raising his only remaining right hand and pointing to the people behind him:

"The era we are in, the world background we are in, and many key major event nodes are completely incompatible, and the situation outside this 'inside world' is completely incompatible, which naturally means that we are not from the same world."

Gao Yi looked at the people in front of him. They looked quite calm and had obviously accepted this fact.

On one side, Uncle You, who was stroking the peach wood sword, shook his head and smiled disdainfully:

"When we entered the twentieth floor, a talking paper man came to us and told us that we could leave safely and return to our own world after 49 days, so we didn't need to explore further and just wait patiently."

Hearing this, Zheng Qiyu beside him tilted his head and asked:

"Then... don't you want to return to your original world? Or in other words, facing this world that doesn't belong to you, there is no need to fight so hard."

"Pretty girl, you can't say that."

Unexpectedly, it was An An who took the first step this time. She rarely showed a serious expression, put down the cling film in her hand and said:

"No matter where we are, fighting against these ghosts that ordinary people are powerless to fight is the work of our 'New Science Exorcism Agency'."

"Monks are compassionate, how can we turn a blind eye to the evil spirits?"

Master Baiyun also made a single-handed palm gesture again and bowed his head to respond.

"Besides, no matter who is behind this thing, we can't give up even if it's for the sacrifice of those among us."

Ed, who was sitting on the wooden chair, began to touch the cross around his neck again, with the same firm tone.

When everyone's eyes turned to the only Taoist priest, Uncle You, who was wearing slippers, had gone to the stove and started to fry glutinous rice.

He seemed to feel the gazes in the room and turned his head:

"Why are you looking at me? This building is my home, okay? I don't care where I live in the future?"

It has to be said that these talented people from different works have their own spirit and persistence.

No matter what kind of enemies they usually face, courage is an indispensable weapon.

And when facing this kind of evil spirit in front of them, they will naturally not retreat.

It is really admirable from all angles.

Carter, who ended the topic, turned his head and looked at Gao Yi again, and said in summary:

"If you also need to defeat some 'evil spirits', there are some left outside the door. You can ask this Taoist priest to help you with magic... or use the so-called cow's tears to deal with them, and you should be able to see that these greedy ghosts are no longer threatening."

After a pause, he seemed to remember something and said:

"If you are looking for a way to 'resurrect your relatives', I can only tell you that we don't know either. Maybe the truth is on the lower floors. We are now only on the sixth floor at the lowest."

"But I have to warn you that there were several players like you who tried to find clues on the lower floors before. Judging from the screams, their endings were not good."

Ed, who was standing by, made a timely supplement.

It seems that the players who entered this [Seven Days Back to the Soul] copy are indeed for the so-called "resurrection" and "extending life".

The super high survival rate of entering this "Holy Grail 3" copy during this period is because the development of the plot has made the upper floors of the entire residential building safe.

Not only does it seem that there is no pressure to survive 24 hours now, even the "eliminating evil spirits" level II task can be easily completed.

Most of the players probably chose to complete the task and leave.

"Speaking of resurrection..."

At this time, Uncle You, who had already fried glutinous rice, came out with a bowl and placed the first two bowls of rice in front of Carter, who had only one hand left, and Zheng Qiyu, who was still weak, and then continued:

"If we don't act quickly, I feel that the thing in the coffin downstairs will really be resurrected soon."


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