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Chapter 238 [Seven Days of Return] Different Secrets

I have to say that this friend’s skill in frying sticky rice is truly outstanding.

When it was confirmed that there was no meat involved, even Master Baiyun expressed his admiration.

Among the two Westerners, investigator Carter seems to have tried various exotic foods, so he accepted it faster.

The other exorcist, Ed, was a little uncomfortable.

In fact, any discomfort with food is fine, but not being able to use chopsticks is the most troublesome thing.

According to Mr. Carter, after they entered this "other world", their needs for eating and sleeping became less and less, but they still tried to maintain normal eating.

On the other side, Uncle You, the cook, seemed to be re-burning incense for their dead companion:

"My father used to say every day that people are most afraid of three long and two short, and they are most afraid of two short and one long... This is good, it's all two short and one long."

Uncle You muttered, and even drank to the side. After finishing his meal early, Zheng Qiyu wanted to help:

"Hey, hey, this incense can't be blown out, it can only be thrown out."

For a moment, the small living room felt a brief but rare moment of relaxation and warmth.

Gao Yi's appetite has increased a lot since he became a player. Although he had eaten it before, he still finished the bowl of glutinous rice very quickly.

Seeing that the yellow-robed Taoist priest wearing slippers had finally finished changing the incense, Gao Yi also took the opportunity to ask:

"Uncle Friend, you said that the thing in the coffin downstairs is about to come back to life. What exactly is going on?"

Uncle Friend pushed up his small brown round glasses, shook his head and replied:

"What else can I do? I just want to come back to life."

"You mean...zombies?" Gao Yi thought for a moment and asked again.

"Otherwise what else could come out of the coffin?"

Uncle Friend took it as a matter of course and put away the remaining incense.


Ed the Exorcist put down his chopsticks and once again brought about the collision of Eastern and Western cultures.

Of course, considering the background of this [Seven Days of Resurrection] copy, zombies are indeed the more likely one.

Gao Yi put away the bowls and chopsticks while thinking about asking again:

"So, what exactly is lying in that coffin now?"

Considering the size of the coffin, it was unlikely that there was an ordinary human being lying inside.

Regarding this question, Uncle You just shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

Several other dungeon characters just expressed that they could feel that this was the last time.

This is why they plan to make one last charge to the ground floor today based on the information they have collected.

"Although there is information all the way up to the third floor, I have no idea what the bottom two floors and the coffin are...can it really be solved?"

Exorcist Ed seemed a little worried. The exorcism techniques he believed in were not very useful in this world.

"As long as I have this and can get to the coffin, it's still not too late."

Uncle Friend raised the bowl of fried glutinous rice in his hand and said firmly:

"There are still some things missing, such as roosters, raw eggs, and black dog blood. It would be nice to have more..."

While several dungeon characters were chatting, Gao Yi found Zheng Qiyu who was packing up the remaining incense candles and took him aside:

"What do you think?"

Gao Yi's question was very simple, and the pink-haired girl just tilted her head slightly:

"What do you think?"

Seeing the other party pretending to be stupid, Gao Yi simply made it clear:

"Obviously the so-called 'resurrection' ability of this copy is at the bottom, so how much motivation do you have to go?"

Seeing Zheng Qiyu opening his mouth to respond, Gao Yi took the lead and interrupted:

"Stop trying to revive a dead cat, no one will believe it."

"As you said, I really like my Feifei..."

Zheng Qiyu pursed his lips, looked up and saw Gao Yi's serious dead eyes again, waved his hand and continued:

"Okay, okay, I was actually entrusted with this copy. I have a mission. Resurrection and other things are secondary. The main thing is to gather information."

"You have a huge fortune and can buy thirteen tickets in one go. What can't you leave to others? Who can entrust you with it?"

Gao Yi showed an obvious expression of distrust and looked at the pink-haired girl in front of him.

"This is... a secret!"

Zheng Qiyu's reply was also very decisive, and he was going to find Uncle Friends with the incense candle in his hand.

"If you don't tell me, then I can guess..."

Seeing this, Gao Yi no longer hesitated and took out a blue booklet from his bag:

"Aren't you from [Commander]?"

Sometimes, asking questions out loud is the easiest way to resolve them.

Even if the other party doesn't answer directly, the answer can be provided by changes in his or her expression, subconscious movements, or even an increase in heart rate.

For Gao Yi, who has the characteristics of "Easy Chair Detective" and the label of "Heartless", this observation becomes extremely simple.

The source of the speculation that Zheng Qiyu is employed by the [Commander] is actually not complicated.

The booklet Zheng Qiyu had left behind on the 24th floor was called "The Fifth Legion's Wilderness Survival Guide."

Considering the fact that this booklet is a piece of equipment, combined with the fact that it spent a lot of money and material resources to enter the dungeon, but has little interest in the most valuable "resurrection" and "life extension", plus the fact that it was used by a higher Delegation exists.

Gao Yi could naturally guess that this pink-haired girl was in a similar situation to him and Zhao Qian, and was being targeted by a certain dungeon manager.

Who among the [Director], [Doctor], [Boss] and [Commander] will be the player who holds the "Fifth Legion Wilderness Survival Guide" and reads out the army regulations when attacked?

The answer doesn't seem too complicated.

Although Gao Yi had never entered the dungeon of "Scepter" and never really met the [Commander], he still roughly understood that the manager of "Scepter" had a fierce personality, bad temper, and was arbitrary.

Speaking of which, the information purchased from the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" shows that the [director]'s reputation is actually pretty good, and even a copy of the "Holy Grail" is considered a safer one.

Looking at the pink-haired girl who took a step back with a gloomy expression in front of him, Gao Yi couldn't help but sigh:

"Are you really not afraid that [the director] will have any objections? This is his movie."

Facing Gao Yi who seemed to have seen through everything, the pink-haired girl just shook her head and adjusted herself:

"That doesn't matter. The [Director] shouldn't be so stingy. All he needs to do is provide him with a good performance. There are all kinds of weirdos who might be able to please the [Director]."

After a pause, she raised her chin again and looked directly into Gao Yi's eyes:

"So who are you working for? Are you from [Boss]? Alan told me about the dungeon you went to..."

Hearing this question, Gao Yi raised his head slightly, nodded his chin several times as if thinking, and then spoke again:

"This is... a secret!"


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