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Chapter 241 [Seven Days to Return] Determination

As An An asked with a rather low EQ, the wooden table of the tea shop fell into a long silence.

An An seemed to realize that what she said was not quite right. Suddenly, she pointed to the distance and said that she saw a ghost, and rushed out with a flower pot.

Amid the cicadas, everyone watched the girl in the green baseball uniform go away, looking at each other in silence.

At this time, Zheng Qiyu suddenly slapped the table and took on the responsibility of livening up the atmosphere.

She asked Alan beside her, how was the trip to the police station, and whether she met any handsome guys and beautiful girls.

Although the topic change was quite abrupt, it still successfully resolved the somewhat awkward atmosphere.

As Alan told the story, Gao Yi also roughly understood what the other three players did when he and Zheng Qiyu entered the "other world".

In short, they did not find any information worth mentioning when they went to the security room.

They asked the residents around for information, but most of them didn't know anything.

The three of them decided to stop talking nonsense and go directly to the police station.

Anyway, with Alan and her [Steel Chain Stapler], ordinary locks can't stop her, and it's not difficult to find intelligence information.

Listening to Alan's story, Gao Yi suddenly remembered something and asked:

"Hey, did you see the Wen family's two evil spirits?"

"The two brothers who stole credit cards? I haven't seen that power, but the two of them look weird."

Alan rolled his eyes, looking a little helpless:

"I helped them open the lock, and the two ran away directly. Before leaving, they said that they had some relationship with God and would say a few good words for me to go to heaven."

"Oh, yes, I saw them when I was taking a walk at the door. They rushed into a black car... I didn't know what brand it was. One of them kissed the car and called it "baby". It was really not normal."

Li Yuxing on the side also took over the conversation at this time, touching his chin and talking like a memory.

Zheng Qiyu on the other side hugged Alan's arm again, complaining that he didn't bring the two handsome brothers back to her.

The words were filled with screams, and what "favorite type of boys" and NO.21.

She was not talking nonsense, but there really was such a ranking list...

Gao Yi listened to Alan's story and remembered the story he heard in the "inner world".

According to Carter, the two brothers should have died in the "inner world".

And they were still safe and sound in the "outer world".

This is not the kind of transformation form of "Silent Hill", but more like two parallel and non-interfering worlds.

In this "outer world", the Watsons love each other, did not become paranormal researchers, did not transform their home into a paranormal museum, and took the doll named Annabell with them when they went out.

The two Wen brothers did not become demon hunters, and they may have a good relationship with their parents. They just stole credit cards in an ordinary way.

Carter is just a strange university professor who teaches mysterious mysticism, and Uncle You is just a cook who stir-fries glutinous rice.

But... this is not right.

According to An An, Carter and the characters in the copy, they are all masters of exorcism and ghost fighting, and they were commissioned to come here.

After hearing the air raid alarm, they were trapped in the residential building by some force.

Then why are they in the current state outside?

Did they take them into the "other world" and take away all their abilities, change all their memories, and make up a new background for them?

This... it doesn't make sense.

There are still many doubts, and all the clues to solve the problem seem to be buried in the bottom floor of the residential building in the "other world".

Gao Yi sighed, leaned on the rattan chair to relax a little, and looked at the night sky.

Is this the purpose of the [director]? Drive yourself into that adventure.

Not to mention that this "label system" whose origin is still unknown has given a new task.

When chatting with Zheng Qiyu before, I heard him say:

"To work for the [commander], you have to become a soldier, and military orders are like mountains."

Now that I am working for the [director], I have to become an actor?

"I always feel like I'm being pushed..."

With a long sigh, Gao Yi raised the teacup in front of him and took a sip.

It must be said that it was not to his taste, and it only made him miss the taste of coffee.

"What did you say?"

Alan, who was standing next to him, seemed to have heard Gao Yi's mumbling, and turned around and asked.

"Nothing..." Gao Yi shook his head slightly, "I just want to say that the time is almost up, and everyone has to make a decision, whether to enter that 'other world'."

Raising his head, Gao Yi looked around and looked at the four players with different expressions.

"I want to go!" Zheng Qiyu was the first to speak.

Of course, she would definitely not say that this was just the task of the [Commander], but she used her skilled skills of pretending to be stupid smoothly:

"Maybe there are other handsome guys down there, I want to find my Mr. Right!"

"No matter how you think about it..." Alan muttered a few words speechlessly.

Raising her head, she met Gao Yi's eyes again.

This reliable mercenary girl pressed down the brim of her cap and said in a casual tone:

"My employer is going, I can't just ignore it, otherwise no one will pay me the balance."

On the other side, Dong Facai, who was predicted to become a ghost, coughed a few more times and said with a wry smile:

"Although it seems that there is little hope, I have to work hard. Anyway, I will have a chance to 'kill the evil spirit' after I enter. At worst, I can use the 'return ticket' to escape at that time."

Although everyone had different ideas, they did not flinch when faced with this dilemma.

After the four of them finished speaking, their eyes full of faith and courage met, and they turned to the last one, Li Yuxing, waiting for his natural answer.

Unexpectedly, the doctor spread his hands and was not affected by this atmosphere at all:

"Look at what I'm doing, I'm definitely not going."

Seeing everyone's confused and somewhat disdainful looks, Li Yuxing hurriedly added:

"Hey, I'm really not interested in resurrection, and no one is paying me. The only reason why I entered this [Seven Days to Resurrection] dungeon is because that bastard wearing sunglasses used this ticket as tuition, and he disappeared later. "

"That bastard's name is Zhao Qian."

Alan was on the sidelines and added in a timely manner.

"Whatever, a lot of people's children are still with me anyway. What will they do if I die?"

What he said was so impeccable that no one could force him to join.

Gao Yi, on the other hand, rubbed his hair, looked diagonally upward at the sky, and said with pretense of confusion:

"Did you really 'come in by accident'? I thought you, as a remedial class teacher, accidentally killed a student and were trying to find a way to resurrect him."

After saying that, looking at Dr. Li's unhappy expression, Gao Yi gave himself a sip of tea:

"It turns out I guessed wrong. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it."


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