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Chapter 242 [Seven Days of Return] Supplies Replenishment

It is not difficult to enter the "other world" again. You only need to wait in the residential building for the next air raid siren to sound.

Now that we know the general layout of the building, we will naturally not be as embarrassed as last time.

Several players waited in the corridor on the 31st floor until the moment the dungeon time reached the sixth hour, and successfully entered the strange and dangerous "inner world".

Knocking on the familiar door, it was Master Baiyun who came to greet him.

This eminent monk with a long white beard and big, striking ears introduced the players carrying large and small bags into the living room.

When several dungeon characters came around with curious faces, Gao Yi began to distribute various equipment.

Being able to bring things from the outside into the "inner world" was already confirmed when Gao Yi came in for the first time, which is why he insisted on going out first.

Several dungeon characters are all masters in different works, but during long-term battles and explorations, many equipment and supplies have suffered varying degrees of wear and tear.

And this will definitely affect their combat effectiveness.

Gao Yi's purpose of returning to the "Exterior World" this time was naturally to help them replenish the various supplies they needed.

And the types of these supplies are naturally related to the different schools of several capable people.

As an exorcist from the West with close ties to the church, the first thing Ed asked for was of course the Bible - his original copy seemed to be lost.

Unfortunately, in the store outside, Gao Yi only found the Cantonese version after searching for a few times, but the exorcist still seemed quite satisfied.

After Ed got the remaining silver cross, as well as salt, garlic and other sundries, he squatted aside and started doing operations that he couldn't understand.

Although he couldn't understand it, Gao Yi could roughly guess that he was making holy water and blessed weapons.

Although Master Baiyun always said that he didn't need too many external things, he still accepted a small golden Buddha brought by Gao Yi.

This palm-sized Buddha statue is certainly not made of pure gold. It is most likely just a layer of gold foil.

But then again, this does not affect the fact that Gao Yi cannot afford it. He still stole this small Buddha statue using [Disaster Gloves].

This is definitely not a good behavior, but on the one hand, it is to save the world, and on the other hand, this little Buddha statue probably wants to stay with the eminent monk...

Well, Gao Yi's self-comfort is still a bit pale.

On the other side, our legendary investigator, Randolph Carter, didn't ask for anything.

At this time, Gao Yi naturally had no place to look for the "Necronomicon" that only existed in legend.

At the end, Carter takes the pistol Alan stole from the police station.

A .38 caliber revolver might not be in line with the habits of this investigator who was born in the 19th century, but it didn't seem to be a problem for him at all.

In a very short period of time, Carter had mastered reloading and aiming with one hand.

When asked, his response was still:

"This is just one of my strengths that is not worth mentioning."

Well, he's the legendary investigator and he calls the shots.

Back to the Taoist duo - at least An An thinks he is a Taoist priest.

This girl is fully equipped, with just a few additions of plastic wrap and chocolate beans.

Although a few people around me still had some doubts about whether these two things were really useful.

But now that we have reached this point, it is indeed inconvenient to ask again.

The one who needs the most complicated and abundant supplies is Uncle You.

There's nothing you can do about it. You need all kinds of things for daily work, which is indeed the professional trait of a Taoist priest.

When you go out every day, you must have yellow paper, a red pen, an ink fountain, a kitchen knife, and a wooden sword.

Various spells need to be prepared in advance, and you also need to bring pen and ink to write them down when necessary.

Not to mention that when opening a forum, the more things on the table, the better.

Although Uncle You said that it would be better if it was simpler, since Gao Yi had this condition, he naturally made more preparations.

On the base of the soap red silk cloth is a rusty five-clawed golden dragon, accompanied by a bronze incense burner with a round body and four legs, uncooked glutinous rice, red wax incense candles, yellow flags and bells, and white jade figures.

Fresh black dog blood, two live roosters, plus various grains, Fuxi Bagua.

When the Gao Yi Di was first opened, Uncle Friend would make a few jokes while holding a cigarette in his mouth.

When more and more things came out and became more and more complicated, the eyes of the last Taoist priest became a little shocked.

After all, he is also a Taoist priest in the era of the decline of Taoism. There are not many opportunities to encounter zombies. When has he ever fought such a rich battle?

When several dungeon characters bid farewell to Gao Yi before, they were more or less worried about whether this young man could and would come back.

When he came back, the "replenishment of supplies" he promised was not reliable.

When I actually saw these things, any doubts disappeared.

Instead, Master Baiyun was persuading Gao Yi to convert to Buddhism, and Uncle You was asking Gao Yi if he wanted to inherit the mantle.

Of course, Gao Yi couldn't make any response at this time. He could only say that he should overcome the current difficulties first.

While the five dungeon characters were making final preparations, the players behind Gao Yi also began to communicate.

Except for Zheng Qiyu who has already been here once, the remaining three people still need to familiarize themselves with the situation.

Yes, I know what you want to ask. Li Yuxing finally followed in.

Different players naturally have different reasons for entering this copy of [Seven Days of Resurrection].

Gao Yi is the arrangement of the [Director], and Zheng Qiyu is the military order of the [Commander].

Alan was asked to help, and Dong Facai wanted to extend his life.

And the answer of this Li Yuxing alone was that he just happened to get the ticket from Zhao Qian and came in to avoid wasting it.

To be honest, Gao Yi didn't believe this excuse at all when he heard it for the first time.

And this judgment did not come from observing Dr. Li, but from understanding Zhao Qian.

Please, that money-grubbing charlatan could not be unaware of the value of this [Seven Days to Return] ticket.

For some specific players, the temptation of "resurrection" and "extending life" is infinite.

This means that this ordinary "Holy Grail 3" ticket is priceless to those who need it.

In this case, how could Zhao Qian give this ticket to someone who doesn't need it easily?

This purely losing business is not like his style at all.

Therefore, Gao Yi made a simple judgment-this Li Yuxing also hopes to find a way to "resurrect" and "extend life" from this copy.

He doesn't look like someone who needs to extend his life, so it can only be "resurrection".

Gao Yi's guess at the teahouse in the "surface world" may not be completely correct, but it should be close.

Anyway, the final result is that the doctor stopped talking and entered the "inside world" with several players.

Then again, where did Zhao Qian go?


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