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Chapter 244 [Seven Days to Return] Yin-Yang Eyes

"Yin Yang Eyes" is actually a very popular concept in various virtual works.

Basically, it means that those who have this "Yin Yang Eyes" are born with the ability to see things that others cannot see.

For example, various ghosts, resentment and demons.

Some people can even see the death of others and even predict the future to a certain extent.

According to some folk sayings, children, the elderly and dogs can all see things that ordinary people cannot see.

Children have "Heavenly Eyes" that will not be completely closed until they are twelve years old, while the elderly seem to have weaker yang energy.

This ability may not sound like much, and some people even think it is a kind of cool superpower.

But when they were really "opened", several players realized how annoying this "Yin Yang Eyes" was.

Simply put, there are too many "things" around.

Unlike the translucent human figures floating in the air that are often seen in movies, most of the things in front of the players are just fast-moving afterimages and resentful eyes in the shadows.

This feeling is like a bleeding rabbit thrown into a tiger cage.

In the gaps between the rockery and the trees, there were disturbing hoarse hums.

The other three players around Gao Yi all showed varying degrees of discomfort.

Zheng Qiyu began to take out the blue "Fifth Legion Wilderness Survival Guide" again and quickly recited the items on it.

It seems that this equipment from the [Commander] has some kind of mental protection ability?

Relying on this ability, the pink-haired girl is in good condition.

The two players on the other side were not so comfortable.

Alan frowned and hugged his head to adapt, while Dong Facai coughed violently and took out another bottle of healing potion and drank it.

"It's like this for the first time, just get used to it. Anyway, we will become like this after death. It will be easier to get along with them in the future."

Uncle You said, straightened his yellow robe, and lit another cigarette.

Gao Yi, who was by the window, was not affected much, and he didn't even need to take out the [Mist Mask] to provide mental resistance.

On the one hand, after becoming a C-level player, his mental strength has also made great progress.

On the other hand, the special effects of [D-level personnel] seem to have helped.

[Let the wearer have strong resistance to all "super-real" phenomena]

With the help of this feature, the floating ghosts around are not even willing to get close to Gao Yi.

"I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing..."

Muttering, Gao Yi also saw several human figures in different clothes next to the incense and candles in the corner. They are probably other copy characters who died in this "other world" before?

So, Uncle You's mumbling when he was burning incense was actually talking to them.

The three players around him have basically adapted to this "yin and yang eyes" state after a slight adjustment.

After all, they are all players, and their physical fitness and mental strength are all good, so they are not completely unacceptable.

During this period, the exorcist Ed seemed to have done some kind of sacred enchantment and prayer for everyone's weapons. According to him, this way they can attack spirits.

Of course, this is limited to ordinary weapons. The Zen stick, peach wood sword and chocolate beans do not seem to need additional enhancement.

Well, chocolate beans are the kind that cannot be enchanted.

When Dong Facai leaned against the table and coughed violently, Uncle You walked over and cast a scrutinizing look through his small round-framed glasses:

"You are full of dead energy. What are you using to prolong your life? You can't hold on for too long."

"Haha, it's like this after a serious illness. There's nothing I can do."

Hearing the words of the Taoist priest, Dong Facai just smiled helplessly and started coughing violently again.

Having said that, it's naturally over. Uncle You stopped asking questions and turned back to sort out other things.

And Gao Yi in the back also used the temporarily acquired "yin and yang eyes" to look at the people in the room.

I don't know if it was the improvement of physical and mental strength accumulated by [Seeker], or the enhanced observation brought by [Armchair Detective].

Anyway, Gao Yi's vision became very wide at this time, and he could see more things.

Master Baiyun was covered with a layer of dazzling golden light, and many harmless spirits were wandering around Uncle You.

Exorcist Ed was also covered with golden light, but it seemed to be of another type, and Carter was surrounded by a pile of colorful clouds.

On the player side, there were two people worth noting.

One was Li Yuxing, who refused to "open his eyes". As An An said, there were many resentments around him. Maybe he really killed someone?

And Dong Facai was surrounded by a circle of black mist that seemed to be there and not there, and even Gao Yi could feel the lack of his vitality.

It seemed that he was really about to die, so he came to this [Seven Days Back to the Soul] copy to find a way to survive.

However, this teacher still concealed something.

He must not have become like this because of an ordinary disease.

In fact, Gao Yi learned from the people of the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" that different levels of "physical healing potions" can cure most of the diseases discovered by humans so far.

According to rumors, there have been cases of using [A-level physical healing drugs] to cure AIDS and advanced cancer.

And this Dong Facai, his symptom is a severe cough, intuitively speaking, it should be a lung disease?

Even for extremely extreme illnesses, the difficulty of finding an A-level potion should not be much more difficult than getting this ticket to [Seven Days to Return to the Soul].

Even if we take a step back, we can use low-level potions to stabilize the condition, but what Dong Facai showed was that the potion had almost no help for him except pain relief.

In this way, his problem is far more serious than the disease.

What could it be? A curse from a certain copy? Or damage caused by a certain piece of equipment?

Of course, this kind of pure speculation cannot lead to a conclusion, and Gao Yi also knows that even if he asks the question in person, the other party will only smile and perfunctory.

Forget it, it's not a big deal........

Just when Gao Yi shook his head and decided not to dwell on this.

A series of continuous and crisp collision sounds suddenly sounded from the side, jumping a few times and gradually stopping.

What is it?

Gao Yi frowned, turned his head alertly, and was ready to take out his weapon to fight back at any time.

But when he looked, he found a twenty-sided dice shining with golden light standing quietly on the window sill beside him.

Gao Yi certainly recognized it, this was the orange equipment called [Run Group Dice] that he found from the body of the "Wishing Machine" Ye Chenjie.

The dice stood on the window sill as a matter of course, showing the number on the top:


But what shocked Gao Yi was certainly not the number on the top of the dice.

It was that he had never taken this [Run Group Dice] out of his backpack since he entered this dungeon.


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