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Chapter 245 [Seven Days of Resurrection] Group Dice

In all past experiences, these equipments have basic operating logic.

At the very least, you have to take it out of your backpack before you can start using it.

But Gao Yi had never taken out the [Team Running Dice] in front of him in the dungeon.

After all, facing this dice that he didn't know its purpose or effect, Gao Yi didn't even intend to use it at all - at least not until he was completely helpless.

But now, it turned as if it were natural and landed on the window sill beside him.

Is this some kind of characteristic and ability of this orange equipment?

Turning his head slightly, he saw that in the small living room, everyone was making final preparations.

The sound of the dice rolling just now seemed not to attract anyone's attention.

Seeing this, Gao Yi no longer hesitated and stretched out his hand to pick up this strange golden twenty-sided dice and put it away.


Can't lift it at all.

This [running dice] was fixed to the window edge as if it was stuck by some kind of glue.

Although Gao Yi did not use all his strength for the time being, he could basically confirm that this was not a situation that could be brought about by brute force.

What does that mean?

Seeing that he could not take it back for the time being, Gao Yi had no choice but to carefully observe the dice in front of him.

This shining golden twenty-sided die doesn’t look much different.

There are many hollow and complex patterns on the surface, and twenty faces are marked with twenty different numbers.

Now face up, it is "16".

Gao Yi certainly knows what running groups are, although he is not an experienced board game enthusiast or an otaku obsessed with fantasy worlds.

But his long and extensive experience as a journalist has given him the knowledge he needs in many aspects.

The so-called "running group", to put it in the simplest terms, is a group of people sitting together and going on fantasy adventures.

The brain is always the most advanced processor, and the power of imagination is endless.

Whether it's defeating dragons in a world of swords and sorcery, or duking it out with cults under the watchful eyes of old gods and secrets.

As long as you want, you can start an adventure without boundaries with your friends at any time.

Of course, people who participate in "running groups" will also encounter some problems.

For example, I want the fantasy character I control to punch someone in a tavern.

How do we judge whether the punch hit or missed, and if it hit, how much damage was caused?

At this time, our dice need to appear.

With just a slight throw and combined with the rules, we can judge the success or failure of this punch.

Broadly speaking, any operation performed by the character controlled by the player can be determined by a small dice.

Listen, scout, fight, shoot, persuade and even seduce...

Under different rules, the specifications and usage of dice are also different.

But what best represents the "running group" project is naturally the traditional twenty-sided dice.

That's what Gao Yi saw in front of him.

"Based on this aspect, the sudden rotation of the dice should be to determine whether one of my actions was successful..."

Thinking of this, Gao Yi touched his chin and said silently to himself:

"The question is, what is this determining?"

Looking back, what he was doing just now was probably just watching Dong Facai and thinking about its possible situation.

What should this count for? observe?

Another important question is, is the result of "16" a success or a failure?

You must know that in different "running group rules", the judgment methods are also different.

Some are more successful with larger amounts, and some are more successful with smaller amounts.

"Based on my usual luck, I should have failed..."

Unexpectedly, just as Gao Yi was laughing at himself in a low voice, the golden light on the twenty-sided dice suddenly became dazzling.

In the center of the living room in front of him, there was a muffled sound at the same time.

Turning his head quickly, Gao Yi found that a black wallet accidentally fell out of Dong Facai's trouser pocket.

It seemed that some force was controlling it, causing the wallet to fall to the ground at a weird angle and spread out on the floor, revealing a lot of scattered Hong Kong dollars, sticky rice takeout coupons and an old photo.

Although it only lasted a very short time, Gao Yi, who had the characteristics of "Easy Chair Detective", had already clearly seen the contents of the photo.

Above is an intimate photo of a middle-aged man and woman. The man is naturally Mr. Dong, and the woman...should be his wife?

Just when Dong Facai was about to squat down and pick up the accidentally dropped wallet, Zheng Qiyu on the side took a step ahead, picked up the wallet and handed it to the other party.

At the same time, the pink-haired girl once again showed her very confusing and innocent smile:

"Uncle Dong, is this your wife? So beautiful!"

On the other side, Dong Facai took the wallet and raised his arm and coughed a few times before replying with a smile:

"Yes, we have been married for more than thirty years."

"Wow, then we have to work harder and make sure you go back safely and reunite with your wife!"

The pink-haired girl held Dong Facai's right hand, her face full of sincerity.

"Thank you so much..."

This conversation seemed normal, but Gao Yi by the window was keenly aware of something wrong.

When Dong Facai was asked about his wife, he was obviously trying to escape.

Judging from the tone and spacing of those coughs, it should not be physiological, but just a means of delaying time and thinking about the way to respond.

Could his illness be related to his wife? That emotion... is guilt?

He can't be using his wife to prolong his life...

It's hard to say?

Although it still can't answer all the doubts, this sudden clue still provides a certain degree of help.

The wallet in the trouser pocket suddenly fell, just revealing the photo at an angle that Gao Yi could see. Is this really just a coincidence?


Gao Yi turned his head and the golden light emitted by the [Run Group Dice] had dimmed.

He raised his hand to touch it and it could be taken down.

So that's it. Is this the purpose of this [Run Group Dice]? To some extent, it even has the ability of causality.

This is too powerful.....

But the problem now is that this equipment doesn't seem to be controlled by itself?

This sudden appearance brought good results this time, so what about next time?

"Ah~ So you are also from the [Director] faction, responsible for creating dramatic effects, right?"

Gao Yi nodded as if he understood something, and put the dice away again.

Then, he stepped forward to gather with everyone in the living room, ready to walk into the corridor and start the adventure of charging down.


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