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Chapter 246 [Seven Days of Return] Greedy Ghost

A group of ten people walked out of the safe room and stepped into the corridor of the 31st floor.

In addition to their different equipment and weapons, everyone also held Carter's hand-drawn map for emergency use.

Of course, Gao Yi actually didn't need this. After becoming a C-level player, he gradually found that the effect of [Armchair Detective] was enhanced.

Now, the "simulation" ability that could only be used to a limited extent before has become very proficient.

After looking at the map once, Gao Yi can easily simulate a 3D version of the floor map in his mind, and attach various information on the side.

If necessary, it can also overlap with the picture in front of him to find clues.

As for various text contents and other people's words, Gao Yi can also store them in a place similar to a "mind palace".

As long as he needs it, he can check it at any time.

In this regard, he actually no longer needs the notebook in his hand.

It's just that the act of "recording with paper and pen" itself is a way of thinking for him, so he won't give it up directly.

Besides, Randolph Carter has to use paper and pen, and Gao Yi also thinks he should use it more.

After all, the other party is a legendary investigator, and the other party has the final say.

Although he already had such ability, Gao Yi did not refuse Mr. Carter's hand-drawn map.

On the one hand, there was no need to let others know that he had the corresponding ability.

On the other hand, this was drawn and recorded by the legendary investigator himself. Gao Yi planned to take it home and frame it for decoration.

After several discussions, the group's action was mainly guided by Uncle You.

The ultimate goal was to send him, the Taoist priest, to the black coffin on the bottom floor.

According to him, as long as he could get to the coffin, there must be a solution.

Although Uncle You has not said much about the specific method, he can only believe him at this time.

The remaining few copy characters seem to intend to perform their duties and use different abilities to solve different monsters.

As for the players... the situation is a bit subtle.

After all, they are just "players" and have no great connection with this copy world.

Even if this world is really going to be destroyed, how much does it have to do with them?

On the other hand, the temptation of this [Seven Days Back to the Soul] copy mainly comes from the so-called "resurrection" and "life extension".

As of now, only Dong Facai and Li Yuxing came here for the temptation that is unique to this dungeon.

The remaining three Gao Yis actually don’t have such a strong motivation to explore to the end.

Even if they are really obsessed with "extending life" and "resurrection", players actually care more about their own "survival".

This is not difficult to understand. If you really die in this dungeon, don’t talk about extending your life.

Considering this, players are actually very unreliable teammates.

In the main task, it seems impossible to reach this "other world" in 24 hours.

But the second-level task [Destroy an evil spirit] is still very simple.

As Mr. Carter said, some previous players, under their guidance, killed a "greedy ghost" at the door and completed the task directly.

Therefore, it is possible that someone will suddenly get a ticket and leave directly during the downward exploration.

The mechanism of [Return Ticket] is that it can be used within half an hour after getting it.

Although Gao Yi has not tried it himself, it seems that if the time limit has been exceeded and it has not been used, the result will not be automatic teleportation, but will be left in the dungeon world.

For example, the ending may be like Xiao Hong, who was trapped in the [Heart Strange Mist].

But Xiao Hong just did not complete the task and was left behind. When Gao Yi entered the dungeon and broke the cycle, she also got the ticket and left.

If you have completed the dungeon task but have not left, how can you leave the dungeon in the future?

The more ideal way may be to attack the players who will enter the dungeon in the future and snatch the tickets from them.

This is too difficult, after all, using the [Return Ticket] only requires two swings.

Of course, Zhang Tu in [West City Strange Things] is in a very special situation.

Then again, Gao Yi had seen some ghost stories unique to the player group on the forum before, that is, there are old players in a dungeon who are left in it and cannot leave.

Therefore, he felt resentful and wanted to kill everyone who entered the dungeon...

Of course, this kind of story is probably false.

After all, as a reporter, Gao Yi has visited many so-called "supernatural places" and "horror rumors".

He has never encountered a real demon or ghost.

But reality is one thing, and the dungeon is another.

In this [Seven Days Back to the Soul] dungeon, Gao Yi, who was cast with the "eye-opening spell" by Uncle You, followed the crowd out of the room.

Looking to the left of the corridor, in the narrow corridor with flickering lights, the mottled gray walls on both sides and the rusty iron door.

For the first time, Gao Yi saw the appearance of the so-called "greedy ghost".

They are hunched over, with bare skin. As "ghosts", saliva flows from the corners of their mouths. The whole body is translucent, but the thin body is full of various translucent gold and silver treasures.

The "insertion" here is not the simple wearing of earrings and necklaces.

Instead, they forcefully press various copper coins, gold bars and gems into the skin until they form a delicate balance with the damaged muscle tissue, and then wait for the blood to coagulate and heal naturally until the treasures stop falling.

To put it in a more vivid way, have you seen "The Lord of the Rings"? It's basically a ten-fold disgusting version of Gollum.

Not only are they extremely disgusting, but there are also many of them.

Relying on the characteristics of being "ghosts", a group of ghosts float and hang in various places in the corridor.

Thinking of how many of these "gold-greedy ghosts" they passed by when they came here, several players looked a little unhappy.

Of course, Gao Yi, who deliberately stood at the back of the team, moved his eyes slightly.

Li Yuxing, who refused to accept the "eye-opening spell", could obviously see those "gold-greedy ghosts" under the premise of being very calm.

It seems that this doctor Li really has some interesting abilities.

Everyone paused at the door and looked at the "ghosts" who were roaring hideously at the other end of the corridor. Zheng Qiyu tilted his head slightly and asked Carter beside him:

"I remember saying before that these little ghosts were subdued, why are they out again now?"

"Yeah, maybe it's been too long?"

"It's a bit strange, it shouldn't last that long."

The first person to answer was investigator Carter.

The second person to answer was a handsome young man wearing a hunting robe and holding a folding fan - in ghost state.

It has to be said that Gao Yi still can't get used to the feeling of having these souls floating around him.

"An An, just treat it as a warm-up, leave it to me."

On the other side, An An, who was quite carefree, was not interested in thinking about the reasons for the actions of the "ghosts".

She took out her brown toolbox and quickly took out a crudely made wooden slingshot and a whole bag of chocolate beans that Gao Yi bought.

One was placed on the slingshot and one was thrown into her mouth.

Before everyone could react, the first round of chocolate beans had been fired, and it easily smashed the three "golden ghosts" in front of them.


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