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Chapter 247 [Seven Days to Return] Plastic Wrap

"Is it true? I always thought she was here to make people laugh."

"As expected, she is my favorite type of beautiful girl, No. 13. So amazing!"

"Ahem, what is the principle behind this..."

The characters in the dungeon who have fought together for more than 40 days are naturally used to An An's fighting ability and the way she fights ghosts.

But when they first saw this outrageous way of exorcising ghosts, several players couldn't help but whisper to each other.

To be honest, it's no wonder that several people were surprised. In the world, the only game that can fight ghosts with chocolate beans and plastic wrap is "Returning to the Soul".

And An An, who was born from it, naturally has the corresponding ability.

The players were not talking loudly, but An An, who had cleared the entire corridor with a slingshot, grinned and turned around to explain:

"It's actually very simple. I told you that ghosts are most afraid of cows. This chocolate is made of milk, so it can fight ghosts. That's why there are more cow heads than horse faces in the underworld..."

On the side, Ed, who used the Bible and the power of God to exorcise ghosts, and Uncle You, who used various Taoist methods to quell the riots, both showed expressions that wanted to refute but forced themselves to hold back.

And Master Baiyun, holding a Zen stick, bowed his head and said "Amitabha".

When the few people walked through the corridor that was previously full of "greedy ghosts", there were only various broken chocolate beans on the ground and walls.

Although there are still some doubts about An An's ghost fighting methods.

But anyway, thanks to the girl in the green baseball uniform, the few people can easily walk through this corridor.

This team of ten people seemed a little crowded in the small corridor in this residential building.

In order not to affect each other, the overall formation is relatively loose.

The leader at the front is naturally Carter, who is most familiar with the map and various situations.

This legendary investigator with only one arm left led the team downstairs.

It is worth mentioning that their way of action is to go down one floor through the stairs on the east side, walk through a whole corridor, go down one floor to the stairs on the west side, and go back and forth.

When Gao Yi asked "Why not go downstairs directly", Carter explained that this was the experience they had gained from their previous exploration.

You must "pass" the monsters on each floor before you can go down again, otherwise there will be more terrifying things.

Ed could easily walk to the 20th floor alone before because the "greedy ghosts" did not dare to act at that time.

When talking about what would happen if you don't follow the rules, Carter pointed to his missing left arm and didn't say much.

It seems that this "more terrifying thing" is the reason why this legendary investigator lost his left arm.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere and timing were not right, otherwise Gao Yi would have wanted to tell a joke about "King's Power" and "Clap your hands when you feel happy".

But then again, Gao Yi recalled that when he first entered the "other world", Carter did not mention this at all.

Did he not show the desire to go downstairs at that time, and felt that it was unnecessary to say it, or did he keep it for himself?

Well, it's not very important.

Regarding the rule of "must pass every floor", Gao Yi can actually understand it.

In the final analysis, this copy is the territory of the [director], and it is a "movie" for him.

For the viewing of the movie, of course, the actors cannot have various "jumping levels" behaviors, otherwise those monsters would not be designed in vain.

Although it is still impossible to determine who the "protagonist" is, at least these ten people can be regarded as the "protagonist group".

It is not too difficult to understand that they have to face more difficult enemies.

Of course, in general movies, the protagonists will overcome many difficulties and finally obtain treasures, wealth and beauties - of course, they can also be handsome men, this is just a way of saying it.

But this god-level [director] seems to be very keen on torturing actors.

It seems that the protagonists will inevitably suffer some casualties, and the question is whether they can finally make it through.

Of course, it is too early to think about these things now, but in fact, there is a secret to how to survive to the end in a horror movie.

Those who shout "I don't believe there are ghosts in this world" die quickly.

At the same time, those who say "I am a sports student, how can I be afraid of ghosts?" will not live long in most cases.

You have to stay calm and not stand out too much, so that you can usually live longer in the movie.

If the horror movie you are starring in is the level of "Scream", remembering these points is enough for you to survive.

If you encounter "Final Destination" and "Midnight Ring", ah~ you can at least choose to die handsomely.

Of course, Gao Yi's thinking diverged so quickly in a very short time, which should also be attributed to the increase in mental strength after becoming a C-level player.

Most of the people around him were still facing the various possible crises in front of them seriously.

Under Carter's leadership, everyone slowly went downstairs.

As expected, they also encountered many "greedy ghosts" in the next few floors.

However, after being prepared this time, there was no need to be so nervous.

According to the division of labor, it was An An who finally took action, but this time she brought several players and used plastic wrap.

With her shouting "Use plastic wrap to catch ghosts, and use chocolate to fight ghosts", everyone picked up the plastic wrap. Stretch it out vertically in the corridor.

"An An~ What is the use of this plastic wrap?"

Zheng Qiyu, who pulled out another piece of cling film, turned around and asked.

I don’t know why she called him so intimately, whether it was because the other party was her “No. 13 favorite beautiful girl” or because the other party promised to introduce him to a silver-haired beauty.

“Wow, this is because there is a substance called nitric acid oxidized sulfur in the cling film, which can wrap the energy molecules of ghosts and capture them.”

Hearing this, Li Yuxing, who was working silently on the side, couldn’t hold it anymore. He looked at the cling film in his hand, and turned to look at Dong Facai on the side:

“If my chemistry teacher heard this, he would probably rush over from home and beat people.”

“This… I teach liberal arts, and chemistry has been returned to the teacher a long time ago, cough cough, but the old man might also crawl out of the grave.”

Dong Facai also shook his head helplessly. Because he was really in poor health, An An asked him to rest on the side.

“No wonder you know so many folk customs and knowledge here.”

Dr. Li showed a clear expression and reluctantly started to pull the cling film again.

In such a strange atmosphere, nitric acid and sulfur oxide killed the "ghosts" in several corridors.

Gao Yi wanted to complain, but his tragic chemistry level was obviously not enough for him to figure out what they were talking about.

Anyway, after defeating the "ghosts" on these floors, Mr. Carter continued to lead the way.

Not long after, he led the group to the 25th floor.

He led them to the place where Gao Yi and Zheng Qiyu encountered the "tall ghost" when they first came in.


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