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Chapter 248 [Seven Days of Return] Advance Team

To be honest, when Gao Yi entered this "other world" for the first time, the memory of running into those "tall ghosts" was not a good one.

Although these "shady agents" wearing silk scarlet robes and holding paper umbrellas did not actively attack.

But just passing by two players, Gao Yi and Zheng Qiyu, had already caused a lot of damage.

The feeling of being slowly stripped away of vitality and spirit is really uncomfortable, as if the beauty and joy in life are gradually fading.

Do you know the dementor's kiss? It's almost the same feeling. It's a pity that Gao Yi couldn't learn to call the gods and guards.

But then again, under the circumstances at the time, Gao Yi was actually not greatly affected.

With the blessing of his own excellent physical fitness and mental strength, as well as the characteristics of [D-class personnel], he was still safe and sound.

The pink-haired girl who was behind Gao Yi at that time was not so lucky.

Just being passed by these "tall ghosts" for a few seconds had already made her extremely weak. Even if she drank a bottle of physical healing potion afterwards, there was not much improvement.

It took at least more than an hour for Zheng Qiyu to fully recover.

Judging from the look on her face in the stairwell at this moment, this was indeed a memory she was reluctant to relive.

As expected, Carter is also very aware of the threat of these "tall ghosts".

He was holding the notebook in one hand - of course he could only hold it in one hand now, and he was reading something quickly.

After a moment, the legendary investigator raised his head and looked at the people waiting in the stairwell:

"Let's not go in together on this floor yet. Two people will come with me to confirm the situation in the corridor."

"Why? Is there any danger?"

Li Yuxing, who had been silent until now, opened his mouth to ask questions, seeming a little confused about the reason for wasting time here.

"Since the 'money-greedy ghosts' on the upper floors have changed, maybe the 'tall ghosts' on these floors have also changed. We need to confirm the situation first. If they are directly hostile, there will be too many people to attack them. "

Carter's thinking was very clear, he responded quite directly, and asked again:

"Who's with me?"

He has already preset that he wants to be a member of this "advance team" and just wants people to join him.

It seems that there is still not much close cooperation between several dungeon characters. At this time, Carter cannot directly command someone, so he has to use this method of asking and inviting.

Well, no one would raise their hands and say, "You're missing a hand, so don't do such a dangerous thing."

After all, he is the legendary investigator and he has the final say.

Among the several dungeon characters, Uncle You's job was placed at the bottom, so it was naturally inconvenient to take action now; and An An seemed not to be good at dealing with this kind of real entity ghost.

Ed seemed to want to help, but old man Jesus seemed to have no control over the underworld, so he had to give up.

In the end, Master Baiyun put one palm up on his chest and lowered his head slightly:

"Amitabha, it's just a demon causing trouble, let the poor monk do it."

Seeing this, Gao Yi looked around and raised his hand:

"Count me in."

After all, I have the characteristics of [D-class personnel], which is very effective in this copy. Although it is completely impossible to avoid the possibility of being attacked, it is still relatively safe.

On the other hand, Gao Yi was actually a little curious about what Master Baiyun had in store.

After all, in the previous exchanges, he had just meditated by the window and rarely spoke.

With the appearance of two volunteers, this "advance team" was formed.

But when Carter nodded and planned to lead the two of them to push open the iron door in the corridor, Alan suddenly spoke:

"How about I use my equipment to open a crack so that I can look down from upstairs? It might be safer?"

The person she said this to was naturally Gao Yi, and the equipment she was talking about was the [steel chain stapler] that can zipper various things.

"It's not very safe. There are still too many anomalies in this 'inner world'. If there are no greater risks, it's better not to take risky actions."

Gao Yi had naturally considered the opponent's equipment, and he was very decisive in rejecting it at this moment.

But on the other side, as the employer, Zheng Qiyu seemed a little confused and shocked. He hugged Alan's arm and started shaking violently:

"Ahhhhhhh, Alan, you are a beautiful girl in a peaked hat with a mysterious past who is looking for her missing relatives. How can there be something that he knows and I don't know!"

"Where's the logic..."

Gao Yi turned to Carter and made a "ignore them" expression, then pushed open the iron door and walked into the corridor on the twenty-fourth floor.

The difference in air pressure made the iron door, which was not thick, seem a bit heavy. The turbid air rushed out from the corridor, seeming to give the three of them a push forward.

Just like the last time Gao Yi came here, the same corridors were filled with a faint smell of decay.

Under the flickering lights overhead, the tangled and disorganized wires made an annoying hissing sound that was unsettling.

"Gao Yi, I need to confirm in advance, how is your fighting ability?"

Carter, who stood at the front and began to walk forward slowly, turned his head slightly and asked.

This is not a very strange question, after all, it is possible to directly encounter those rather terrifying "tall ghosts".

Gao Yi thought for a moment and chose to answer straightforwardly:

"I'm not very good at facing these monsters, but I still have the basic fighting ability."

Gao Yi raised the [Gentleman's Cane] in his hand.

In fact, he was hesitant about whether this epic weapon that can cause mental damage can cause damage to various monsters.

So in the previous preparation time, he specifically asked the exorcist Ed to help enchant the cane with the holy light attribute.

But even so, Gao Yi was not very reassured, and the [Super Wants You Three Thousand] was given to Master Baiyun by Gao Yi for consecration.

Now the enchantments of the two main combat weapons have formed one Chinese and one Western, and one must be useful.

As for whether it can be used well, there is no need to worry.

After becoming a C-level player, Gao Yi expanded the column of characteristics, and the [Weapon Master] characteristic returned to his hands.

With his increasingly excellent physical fitness and daily targeted training, the [Weapon Master] characteristic has also been strengthened a lot compared to the beginning.

Not only is he very proficient in using various common weapons and firearms, but now he can also easily "weaponize" some daily things that are not considered weapons.

Now, Gao Yi, with the characteristics of [Serial Killer], even if he really meets John Wich, it is hard to say who will win.

As for using a pencil to kill a bartender, although there is no chance to experiment, it should not be beyond the scope of ability.

And the active effect of [Weapon Master], [Active use, enchant any weapon in hand, give it a random special effect].

Now, Gao Yi can also roughly control it. Although it cannot be too precise, it can make this "random" confined to a range.

In short, Gao Yi is actually confident in his current combat power.

Although he is not yet able to face opponents with reasonable ability combinations like "K" and higher levels.

But ordinary players of the same level should be far from Gao Yi's opponents.

In fact, this is the reason why he dared to join this "advance team".

Hearing the conversation between Carter and Gao Yi, the White Cloud Master on the side smiled faintly:

"Don't worry, it's just a few monsters and ghosts. The old monk will definitely protect the two of you."

It really makes people feel safe.


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