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Chapter 249 [Seven Days to Return] Old Zombie

Although his tone sounded a little arrogant, Gao Yi knew that this Master Baiyun was a real talent.

This high monk from the "A Chinese Ghost Story" series can be said to be powerful from various perspectives.

Judging from the fighting power shown in the movie, he is at least stronger than Ed and Uncle You from the two movies "The Conjuring" and "Zombie".

Of course, An An should be outside the discussion.

Although based on the communication during this period, Gao Yi can roughly confirm that the abilities and experiences of these copy characters cannot completely correspond to his works.

As for Carter, Gao Yi tried to ask him about some things about the content of his novel in a roundabout way, but did not get an effective response.

From this aspect, we can't expect this Master Baiyun to show all the strength he has in the movie.

But then again, in this "Seven Days Back to the Soul" copy, Carter also mentioned one thing.

When they were attacked at the bottom at the beginning, it was under the protection of Master Baiyun that they successfully rushed up.

Thinking from this perspective, its combat effectiveness is definitely guaranteed.

"I feel relieved when you say that."

Carter just showed a tired smile and held the revolver he took from Alan in his hand.

It can be seen that he really trusts this Master Baiyun.

Walking through the corridor, the three of them formed a triangle formation at this moment, with Carter standing in the front, and Gao Yi and the master standing on both sides of the back.

In order to guard against the possible "tall ghost", Gao Yi has been very alert.

Although he is somewhat confident in his ability, he can't stand the fact that the monsters in this copy are really weird.

Blinking twice, Gao Yi has silently activated the "simulation" effect of [Armchair Detective].

The last time he entered the "other world" and the information on the map drawn by Carter were all summarized and appeared in front of Gao Yi.

Looking to the left, there was a vast fog outside the low guardrail, and white-gray fine dust slowly fell. The coffin at the bottom of the patio still stood, exuding an ominous atmosphere.

On the right, there are familiar doors and walls, all old and desolate.

Comparing the past information with the corridor in front of him now, Gao Yi keenly sensed something wrong:

"Wait a minute!"

Following Gao Yi's whispered warning, the other two characters in the corridor also stopped.

They turned their heads and saw Gao Yi staring at a door on the side of the corridor in front of him.

Following the direction of his sight, it was just an ordinary apartment, just like any other room in the entire residential building.

The only difference was that the number hanging next to its iron gate indicated its room number:


That's right, this room was the room where the former "protagonist" died next to Gao Yi at the beginning.

Of course, it was not this that made Gao Yi nervous.

Through the observation ability of [Armchair Detective], Gao Yi keenly noticed that there was something wrong with this door.

When he first entered the "inner world", Gao Yi had thought about entering this room with some plots in the "outer world" for reconnaissance.

It was just that he happened to meet the "tall ghost" passing by, and was discovered by the exorcist Ed and taken upstairs.

But although he did not enter to explore, Gao Yi still paid attention to this room 2442 at that time.

Although in the "other world", from the walls to the corridor floor, and even the air, it was covered with a gray haze.

But at that time, the door of Room 2442 was only slightly dirty and rusty, and there was no obvious damage.

And at this moment, dozens of small holes appeared on the same door.

According to the traces, these small holes were caused by piercing the door with some cylindrical object from inside the house.

They were in a group of three, and each group was side by side, with a distance of more than ten centimeters in between.

No matter what caused it, there was nothing similar on this door a few hours ago.

In fact, there were no similar small holes on other doors in the entire corridor.

What could cause it?

Gao Yi frowned slightly, and the "simulation" effect of [Armchair Detective] was quickly activated, and various possibilities echoed in his mind.


There are no black marks left by gunpowder, and it is impossible to explain the uneven size of the small holes and the special arrangement.

Thinking of this, a black figure who was shooting behind the door suddenly disappeared in Gao Yi's mind.

The umbrella handle or heel of the "tall ghost"?

It also cannot correspond to the shape and size of the small hole.

The shadow of a "tall ghost" attacking the door with an umbrella handle also dissipated.

This regular arrangement, and appearing in groups...

Brass knuckles?

This weapon worn on the hand well explains the state of three small holes in a group, and how to penetrate this not-so-thin iron door-just a little more force.

But... why are the two groups arranged at the same height and separated by a dozen centimeters that are almost fixed?

Gao Yi felt that his guess was somewhat close, but there was something wrong.

Even if the brass knuckles were worn on both hands, they would not stab straight forward at the same time.

The guess about the weapon in the hand may be correct, but what form of attack would cause such a strange mark?

Is it necessary to raise both hands forward horizontally to penetrate the iron door?

Thinking of this, a chill ran through Gao Yi's spine.

He finally figured out what caused this mark.


Only a zombie piercing the door with the fingers of both hands would have left such strange marks.

"Be careful, there may be..."

Before Gao Yi finished speaking, a pair of pale and withered hands penetrated the iron door and completely penetrated the iron door that had lost its structural support due to repeated attacks.

As the iron door slipped and broke, a zombie wearing a Qing Dynasty official uniform with a yellow talisman on his head walked out of the house.

"Lao Zhan? But they only appear around the thirty-fifth floor, and they are already controlled by Taoist priests?!"

Carter was the first to react. The scene before him completely overturned the intelligence he had collected over the past forty days.

Master Baiyun beside him didn't think so much. He just lifted his cassock and grabbed a bunch of shining beads in his hand:

"It doesn't matter, just leave it to the old monk!"

"No, Master Baiyun, don't force yourself, we are just looking for information, go find the Taoist priest!"

Carter was calmer and quickly reacted, stopping the actions of the monks around him and wanting to lead his team to retreat.

But at this time, Gao Yi at the back suddenly took a deep breath and spoke in a dull voice:

"You two, we may not be able to retreat for the time being."

The two dungeon characters turned around and looked at the other side, on the road their group came from.

A group of "tall ghosts" wearing silk red robes and holding paper umbrellas appeared at the other end of the corridor at some point and slowly walked toward the three of them.


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