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Chapter 250 [Seven Days to Return] Ink Rope

The so-called "wolves in front and tigers behind" is the situation faced by the three-man advance team at the moment.

In the narrow and closed corridor, on one side are the "tall ghosts" approaching slowly, and on the other side are the zombies pouring out of room 2442.

Being trapped is not the worst, what is worse is that there is basically no way to escape where the three people are.

Looking to the right, most of the doors in the "inner world" are closed, and it takes time to break them open.

Not to mention that Gao Yi and his group are in an awkward position. Room 2442 is not far in front, and there are still several meters away from the next room behind.

In that direction, the "tall ghosts" are already approaching.

Needless to say, looking to the left is the patio filled with white fog.

Jumping down... Gao Yi does have such a [Christmas cloak] that can reduce the damage of decline, so he should not fall to death directly.

But on the one hand, this violates the rule of "must pass through the corridor", and the consequences are unpredictable.

On the other hand, the black coffin is right below the patio. It is like going straight to fight the boss after leaving the Novice Village.

Rather than jumping down to face the unknown boss at the end of the level, Gao Yi would rather consider how to solve the current dilemma.

When he had just put on all his equipment and was ready for battle.

Carter, who was in a black suit in front of him, had finished thinking and spoke first:

"Master Baiyun, please, hold the "tall ghosts" behind first, leave the zombies to us, and break through to the front!"

The legendary investigator gave orders without stopping his hands, and quickly raised his gun and fired at the approaching zombies.

This is undoubtedly a correct command. In terms of threat, the "tall ghosts" behind, who will cause continuous vitality and mental damage as long as they approach, are obviously more terrible enemies.

Although in theory, when facing these zombies, you can temporarily avoid being discovered by holding your breath.

But if you don't act quickly, and wait for the "tall ghosts" behind to approach, you will be finished.

Carter, who understood this, aimed and fired decisively to attack.

It is worth mentioning that even if he only held the gun with one hand, he still shot the head with every shot, and every bullet hit the target.

Unfortunately, these zombies in front of him were from the East, not from the West.

Although simply shooting the head with bullets can cause certain damage, it is not enough to make these "old zombies" lose their ability to move.

But after all, the revolver in Carter's hand and the bullets in it have been prayed by the exorcist Ed, and have certain holy light attributes.

No matter whether you come from the West or the East, after all, they are all undead creatures, and holy light is still the nemesis.

After hitting, it is still enough for these zombies to eat a pot.

While Carter was dealing with the "old zombie" in front of him, Master Baiyun behind him had already taken action.

After hearing the request to "hold the rear", the old monk swung his right hand suddenly, and directly threw the Buddhist beads in his hand into the air, completely dispersing.

At this moment, Master Baiyun opened and closed his hands, and a powerful spell sounded:

"Starry sky!"

Just as the name of this move suggests, the flying Buddhist beads scattered like stars, and rushed towards the "tall ghosts" behind them.

Gao Yi, who was quickly taking out various items from the woven bag, saw this scene with his peripheral vision.

The "tall ghosts" on the other side of the corridor stopped when they saw the Buddhist beads flying, and lowered the yellowed paper umbrella to block them.

The paper umbrella seemed to have some kind of defensive ability, and it blocked a lot of damage.

But at the same time, many Buddhist beads passed the defense and directly hit these "tall ghosts" who were considered to be Yincha.

The flying Buddhist beads flashed a dazzling luster, piercing through their bright red silk robes, leaving burn marks.

But it only left marks, and it was completely unable to stop them from raising their umbrellas again and moving forward again.

Looking closely, there was no ordinary body under the robe, only a void.

And Master Baiyun had no intention of stopping the attack. He raised his hands, shouted, and two more golden lights were fired.

It is worth mentioning that the attack method of this old monk from "A Chinese Ghost Story", a film series with a strong sense of age, is also very "characteristic of the times".

In short, those golden lights and flying Buddhist beads are like the kind of clumsy special effects commonly seen on TV in the early years. They are out of tune with the nearby scenes and are very out of place.

Of course, this does not affect the power of Master Baiyun's attack at all.

Even if he was not directly attacked, Gao Yi could confirm that this was not something a player of his level could do just by looking at the state and energy displayed by these attacks.

Even the "K" and "high-level animals" encountered in Nankang Experimental Middle School before were not as good as this.

But despite this, Master Baiyun's attack seemed to have a general effect on these "tall ghosts". It could delay them, but it could not directly kill them.

I think these dungeon characters should have been tested before, otherwise Carter would not have specifically said in his notes that these "tall ghosts" were "extremely strong", nor would he have asked Master Baiyun to "delay".

After figuring this out, Gao Yi no longer cared about the rear, but devoted himself to solving the work of these "old zombies" in front of him.

Compared with the "tall ghosts" whose origins were unclear and whose weaknesses were unknown, these zombies seemed much weaker.

They all wore Qing Dynasty official uniforms, and they all looked like old men and women, with different yellow talismans on their heads.

Judging from the handwriting, it should be the work of Uncle You.

Could it be that these "old zombies" really came down from upstairs and entered this room 2442?

How did they do this, and why did they do this?

Gao Yi's thoughts were running fast, but at this moment he had no time to think about the origins of these zombies.

In fact, after ten seconds, several more zombies came out of room 2442, completely filling the corridor, which was not spacious to begin with.

Although they could only move forward in the form of jumping, and Carter had been calmly killing the zombies in front.

But these numerous monsters inevitably approached.

As Carter's revolver finished another magazine, the zombies moved forward even faster.

At this time, Gao Yi was ready, and he whispered to Carter beside him:

"Catch it, follow me!"

Then he threw a small wooden box to him.

Carter, who only had one hand, was not panicked at all. He obviously understood Gao Yi's idea and took the ink cartridge smoothly.

On the other side, Gao Yi, who had tied the front end of the line to the [Gentleman's Finger], raised his hand and completely straightened the ink line diagonally upward.

Although he was not a Taoist priest, he did learn a few moves from Uncle You during the break.

Now, it's finally time to start his apprenticeship.


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