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Chapter 251 [Seven Days to Return to the Soul] Holy Light and Taoism

He took out a ruler from his sleeve to measure the coffin lid, and flicked the ink rope into the middle of the coffin three times. The coffins all made a stammering sound, which seemed to be mournful. The sound became fierce at first, and then it was killed one by one.

——"Liu Xian Wai Shi"

The so-called "resurrection from the dead" is undoubtedly an act that violates the way of heaven.

On the other hand, the ruler, axe, and ink rope used by carpenters and stonemasons are considered to be symbols of "rules".

Naturally, the idea of ​​using "rules" to fight against "violations" is combined.

The ink rope is also believed to be able to stop all kinds of so-called "zombies".

Whether it is using the ink rope to flick ink marks on the wall to prevent zombies from approaching, or flicking ink marks on the coffin to prevent zombies from leaving the coffin, it is very useful.

Of course, this is just a folk custom with symbolic meaning in real life.

But in this replica world composed of different movies, after being transformed by Taoist priests, they naturally have corresponding abilities.

In the corridor on the 24th floor of the "inner world" residential building, the zombies with stiff limbs are unable to turn around.

They jumped forward quickly and hit the ink rope pulled by Gao Yi and Carter. There was a flash of fire like electric shock at the contact point.

Some huge force appeared out of nowhere, and the "old zombies" flew backwards.

Several victims in front flew backwards and knocked down several zombies following closely behind.

These dead people who finally came out of room 2442 fell to the ground like bowling balls and rolled around.

Well, this metaphor may not be too appropriate. After all, unlike Batman's parents, they fell to the ground with holes on their bodies...

In any case, this ink rope with a spell on it by Uncle You is a Taoist's thing, and it is obviously more practical than the firearm in Carter's hand.

Turning his head slightly, Gao Yi quickly raised his hand to sprinkle glutinous rice while looking back with his peripheral vision.

Master Baiyun seemed to have reached his limit. With another roar, he threw out a scroll:

"The beacon fire soldiers are like orders, and the spells show the spirit of the gods!"

The scroll quickly opened and grew in the air, tying up the few "tall ghosts" in the front.

But if you look closely, the scroll is still corroded and melted at a very fast speed, and it seems that it can only delay the process.

Master Baiyun looked solemn, and he had already held the small golden Buddha that Gao Yi brought him in his hands, and it seemed that he was going to use more powerful means.

This won't work. There are still more than 20 floors below, and this fighter can't attack too quickly.

Turning back, the glutinous rice that Gao Yi quickly sprinkled had a good effect. The two zombies in front had begun to scream and wail, but they still didn't die - the kind of death that would die for the second time.

Although they fell to the ground, these zombies still stretched their arms, letting their sharp black claws reach out to everyone, and tried to get up.

No, they still couldn't go directly over.

"Continue to sprinkle the glutinous rice, then light the fire, don't stop!"

Unexpectedly, Carter, who had already thrown away the ink rope, took out a yellow Taoist bell from somewhere.

While directing Gao Yi's actions, he rang the bell and began to chant:

"The soul passes through Wuxi Cave, the spirit goes to Naihe Bridge, buries in peace, closes his eyes in the nine springs, alas!"

Unexpectedly, Carter can also do this?

From various angles, this is not a skill he originally knew.

The only explanation is that he learned a few tricks from his uncle in these forty days.

As for these "Taoism methods", how he, a layman, learned them in such a short time is unknown.

All we can say is that he is a legendary investigator, and he has the final say.

Hearing Carter's words, Gao Yi did not hesitate at all. His right hand quickly spilt all the glutinous rice in the bag, and his left hand took out the [Shining Flint].

This rare item that was obtained by drawing lots before finally had a place to use at this moment.

To be honest, Gao Yi has the label of "Cheater" on the one hand, and his body coordination ability has improved significantly after becoming a C-level player.

It is not difficult to do different actions with both hands at the same time.

But just when he was about to rub the flint and complete the "ignition" operation, a subtle, crisp and continuous collision sound rang out again.

At that moment, the flint in Gao Yi's hand collided three times in a row, but failed to successfully produce a flame.

After half a second of hesitation, Gao Yi also realized what had just happened.

With a stiff expression, he turned his head and looked, as expected.

On the low fence on the left near the patio, a twenty-sided dice was silently flashing.

And this time, it was not the golden light that represented luck.

In the annoying red light, Gao Yi saw the number above clearly.


Yes, at this most critical moment, the [Run Group Dice] appeared again without any signs.

And this time, Gao Yi's ridiculous bad luck appeared again.

The goddess of luck threw a very comical result at this moment, successfully making Gao Yi's simple fire-making action fail.

On the other hand, Carter, who changed his career halfway, was obviously not strong enough.

Although he still kept ringing the bell and chanting, the effect was obviously declining.

The method he used seemed to be driving the talismans on the heads of these zombies, making the restrictions above effective again.

Although he couldn't completely control them like Uncle You, it was enough to make these "old zombies" unable to resist for a short time.

As long as we cooperate with sticky rice and fire, we should be able to basically solve the problem.

Unexpectedly, Gao Yi, who was standing by, lost his temper at this moment.

"Wait a minute, I'll change something..."

After confirming that he was targeted by the [Run Group Dice], Gao Yi had given up on lighting the fire again.

He took out [Super Wants You to Die 3,000] and several bottles of damage potions, intending to use physical damage if the magic damage was not enough.

But just as he was about to take action, a golden light with inferior special effects flew from behind him and hit the center of a group of zombies lying on the ground.

Master Baiyun actually freed up his hands at this moment and solved this embarrassing situation.

Looking back, those "tall ghosts" had already broken through the constraints of the scroll and sped up to walk towards the three people.

At this moment, Gao Yi could already feel the loss of vitality.

"Enter the room!"

Carter spoke very quickly, as if he had not yet recovered from the state of chanting spells.

Before he finished speaking, he had already jumped over a group of zombies that were blown to golden yellow by the golden light and entered the room 2442.

Seeing this, Gao Yi no longer hesitated and threw the damage potion in his hand at the "tall ghosts" who were chasing him, and then followed Master Baiyun.

The broken door could not provide cover. When Gao Yi pushed open the wardrobe and blocked the door, the desperate chill finally disappeared.

The "tall ghosts" seemed to stay outside the door. After a long wait, the footsteps finally sounded again.

They left.

Just when Gao Yi breathed a sigh of relief and thought he could finally take a break, Carter's voice came from the house again:

"You two, you'd better come and see this."


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