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Chapter 252 [Seven Days Back] Horror Cruise

Just when Carter called, the adrenaline had subsided, and he gradually realized something was wrong with this room.

The first thing I felt was the smell.

The extremely strong smell of putrefaction and blood rushed directly into the nostrils of the intruder without concealing any shame.

At first, Gao Yi thought it was the smell left by those "old zombies".

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't feel right either.

Although the smell of zombies should not be unpleasant, it is unlikely to be related to the smell of decay or blood.

On the one hand, the corpse's body will not rot. On the other hand, after turning into a zombie, the blood in the whole body will disappear.

So where does this smell... come from?

What surprised Gao Yi next was the body lying on the floor.

Don't get me wrong, it's not strange that there are corpses here. Those zombies were originally made of corpses.

According to Uncle You, the origin of zombies is that the deceased has such a "breath" in his chest that he does not exhale, which then leads to the transformation of the corpse.

To Gao Yi's surprise, these corpses looked very familiar.

At the same time, as Gao Yi slowly walked into the living room and walked to Carter, he found that the number of corpses was far beyond his imagination.

On the sofa, beside the coffee table, and next to the window, there were piles of disgusting and horrifying corpses.

Fortunately, zombies are not very interested in dead people, so most of these corpses are still intact.

What made Gao Yi even more chilled was the fact that these scattered corpses had exactly the same appearance, clothing and body shape.

Thin middle-aged man, light-colored shirt, jeans, black leather shoes...

Of course Gao Yi would not admit his mistake. This was the "original protagonist" who died next to him when he just entered the [Seven Days to Recover Soul] instance.

Apparently, he also entered this "other world" for some reason and was locked in room 2442, unable to leave.

What's even weirder is that more than one person has entered this "other world".

Gao Yi focused his energy and took a quick inventory. There were at least forty corpses dressed in the same style lying around the house.

Their expressions were different and their manner of death was obviously different.

Through the reconnaissance and simulation effects brought by [Easy Chair Detective], Gao Yi quickly restored the stories that happened here before.

This "original protagonist" called "Qian Hao" entered this "other world" for some reason.

For some reason, unlike other dungeon characters, he exists directly in Room 2442 and cannot leave.

Fortunately, there are basic water sources and food in the house. Although it is temporarily impossible to go out, there is no problem of survival.

And on the second day, there was a "bang", and the second Qian Hao appeared.

The two looked at each other, neither of them sure what was going on.

It should still be a bit scary to see a clone appear that is exactly the same as yourself in appearance, memory and thinking.

But after getting along for a short time, they adapted to each other.

In any case, in a place full of unknowns and horrors like this, it's good to have a companion.

But the emergence of this "self" has not stopped.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day...

Every day, a new Qian Hao appears.

"On what day will quantitative change bring about qualitative change?"

Gao Yi knocked on the blood-stained wall with the back of his hand and looked around thoughtfully.

In any case, after a certain amount of Qian Hao was already in the room, a new problem arose.

Water and food have become scarce.

This is not surprising. Qian Hao lives alone in the "Exterior World" and stores two or three days' worth of ingredients at home, not too much.

And in the "other world"...

Gao Yi thought, walked to the kitchen, and turned the faucet.

There is a water source, but it is turbid and muddy and does not look suitable for drinking directly.

Although this Qian Hao is the "original protagonist" of the movie, in the final analysis he is just an ordinary person. He neither knows Uncle Friends' Taoism nor Ed's exorcism and purification skills.

It is estimated that clean water is also a problem for him, or for them.

After a certain number of days, the Qian Hao people in the room have tried various methods, but they can't leave room 2442.

All the resources in the house have been exhausted.

Even without mentioning water and food, the space for activities alone has become somewhat insufficient.

What’s even more frightening is that the increase in the number of people doesn’t seem to stop.

Every day, Qian Hao, who claimed to have just hanged himself, suddenly appeared in the middle of the house.

"This can't go on like this!"

I don’t know which Qian Hao was the first to speak. He summoned his other selves and made a conclusion:

"People have reached their limit and cannot grow any more."

After understanding this, they began to refuse new "selves" to join.

Of course, they don't have the ability to end this terrifying law, so they can only use the most primitive method.

At midnight every day, they wait in the center of the living room.

When a new self appears and you don’t realize what happened.

Several people would rush forward, cover the newly appeared self with a cloth bag, wrap a rope around its neck, and finally strangle it alive.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a continuation of the behavior of "hanging".

"And this also explains the pile of corpses with obvious scars on their necks."

Gao Yi tapped the ground twice with his [Gentleman's Cane] and said in conclusion.

On the side, Carter, who was studying the corpse on the sofa, was also analyzing:

"But it's still too late."

"Yes, it's still too late."

Gao Yi couldn't imagine what it was like to kill "himself".

But in any case, Qian Hao and others who had been locked up in Room 2442 for the past few dozen days had already experienced it.

When they began to slaughter like an assembly line, the situation eased a little.

In any case, there would not be another mouth.

But gradually, in the increasingly gloomy atmosphere, the problem still broke out.

Trapped in this small room, Qian Hao and others were forcibly separated from modern society and began to compete for the most primitive survival resources.

What's more terrifying is that all survival resources are non-renewable and limited.

In this "inside world", it seems that people's various energy needs will be weakened. With this, Room 2442 spent more than 30 days of relative peace.

But in the end, hunger still prevailed.

I don't know who it was-well, it can only be Qian Hao, the only question is which one of them started it.

Anyway, they finally found out that there was no shortage of food in the house.

As long as they get past the psychological and genetic barriers, everything will become clear.

The good news is that Qian Hao and others don't need to vote or draw lots to choose the person to be eaten - at least, they are facing a better situation than the "Cave Case".

Of course, only relatively speaking.

Thinking, Gao Yi has already pulled out the wooden chair next to the dining table, sat down slowly, and picked up the knife and fork on the main seat.

He looked at the meat on the table that had rotted to the point where it was unrecognizable, and tried to go back to the scene at that time, back to the days when nightmares and hell were intertwined.


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