"Please give it to them?"

Gao Yi's tone was obviously a bit distrustful. He had faced the black sweater player directly on the subway.

Although that person was crazy, that kind of fear couldn't be fake.

Across the table, Zhao Qian seemed to see Gao Yi's doubts, and started to talk with a smile:

"You met that person last night. He was looking for people on the forum like crazy to ask for tickets, but he couldn't afford the money himself - neither cash nor game currency..."


Gao Yi caught the key word and interrupted the other party.

At the same time, he began to recall that there seemed to be a "game currency" column in his attribute list.

If I remember correctly, he was given 500 game coins for a game of [Heart of Heart and Fog].

"Oh, our players' communication forum, don't worry, it's completely legal. I'll invite you in later? You can also give me a rebate by filling me in as an inviter."

Zhao Qian speaks very fast, and his thinking is very fast when he speaks.


On the side, the paper doll named "Yiyi" opened her mouth again, maintaining a somewhat scary smile, and spoke in a cute tone that did not match her face.

"By the way, the forum is a place for us 'players' to exchange information, trade items, and accept tasks."

Zhao Qian really looked like a very patient father, turning his head to explain to the paper doll.

Of course, it was more like telling Gao Yi.

"Let's go back to the player in the black hoodie."

Gao Yi kept his poker face straight and did not let the incomprehensible scene in front of him affect him.

Shrugging, Zhao Qian then began to introduce:

"You should have noticed that although there will be changes, every once in a while, we 'players' must participate in a 'dungeon'."

[Countdown to next game: fifteen days]

Recalling what was written in the last line of the attribute list, Gao Yi nodded.

"To put it simply, those are the people who have the time limit approaching but no tickets in their hands. I just helped them for free."

Zhao Qian still had the same smile and a brisk tone, as if he was really doing something good.

And this also answered many of Gao Yi's previous doubts.

For example, [Director] said that most of the later "players" were not very good, and Xiaohong also said that the people she met were all lunatics who couldn't communicate.

Now it seems that it is precisely because of this Zhao Qian that he is providing the tickets for [The Fog of Heart].

And those players who enter are desperate, or even people who have fallen into madness.

"What does 'Holy Cup 5' mean?"

Gao Yi thought for a while and asked his doubts first.

"Well, the game is divided into four categories: 'Holy Grail', 'Sword', 'Star Coin' and 'Scepter'. The difficulty increases from 10 to 1."

Zhao Qian did not hesitate and responded naturally.

"...Tarot cards?" Gao Yi quickly found the corresponding information in his memory.

"Yes, it's the Tarot card, specifically the Minor Arcana card."

Zhao Qian touched Yiyi's paper, waved the waiter over to order, looked at the menu and asked Gao Yi:

"Do you want anything to eat?"

"No thanks......"

Gao Yi turned to look at the paper doll named "Yiyi" again, who was staring at him and tilting his head slightly.

There's actually a bit of cuteness in the weirdness.

In any case, Gao Yi still didn't have the inclination to eat together with the other party.

Shrugging, Zhao Qian and the waiter ordered a lot of food, all of which were staple dishes.

But for some reason, the waiter seemed invisible and had no objection to the paper doll next to him.

"Do you have any other questions?"

After the waiter walked away, Zhao Qian looked at Gao Yi again.

Looking at his sunglasses, Gao Yi lowered his head slightly and asked the most critical question:

"Why did you come to me?"

Hearing this, Zhao Qian on the other side smiled and did not answer directly. Instead, he changed the subject:

"You may not know that among the four script types, the 'Holy Grail' is generally considered the most difficult, because it tests more of the players' judgment, heart and wisdom."

His narration was obviously not over, and Gao Yi couldn't find a reason to interrupt. He just sat up straight and continued to listen.

"The vast majority of players are stuck in the time limit and participate in simple scenarios at level 9 or 10, so that they can sleep well overnight."

"Level 5 is considered to be a challenge that can only be challenged by at least C-level players, let alone Holy Grail 5... And you actually passed it for the first time as a player."

After going around in a big circle, Zhao Qian finally returned to Gao Yi's question.

After that, he leaned forward, put his hands on the table, and lowered his voice:

"I'm curious, how did you do it, and... what benefits did you get?"

"So what if you know, are you going to rob me?"

Gao Yi was not afraid at all, he crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

"No, no, no...how could it be? The 'game' does not encourage us to kill each other. In reality, all kinds of props and abilities will disappear when players die."

Zhao Qian smiled and shook his hand, leaning back in his chair again:

"I just want to make friends with you and give you something."

With that said, Zhao Qian dug into his red tunic suit, took out a ticket, put it on the table and pushed it to Gao Yi.

Along with this, he also took a pen and wrote two lines on it: "This is the website address of the forum. Remember to add it when you go back. Then you will no longer be a hacker."

After a slight hesitation, Gao Yi took the ticket and looked at it carefully.

[The Strange Things in West City (7 of Swords)]

[Mode: Multiplayer]

[Start time: 08:47:32]

"According to what you said, many players will still be short of tickets, but you can still come up with a lot of tickets to give away... Do you have any production channels?"

Putting down the ticket, Gao Yi raised his head again.

"Well... it's a secret!" Zhao Qian still had the same smiling expression, and with his round sunglasses, he looked like a magician on the bridge.


On the side, the paper man Yiyi also chimed in.

"I'm not short of tickets, why do you think I want this?"

Gao Yi returned the tickets on the table and said calmly.

"I heard that you are short of money, and as far as I know, this ticket is also in the hands of a valuable person..."

With that said, Zhao Qian took out his mobile phone and started to control it.

Turning the screen to Gao Yi, there was a wanted notice on it.

[Wanted Order: Zhang Tu]

[Reward: 1,000 game coins or 1 million cash]

[Regardless of life or death]

The photo below shows an ordinary-looking man, even a little dull.

But the crimes listed below are shocking.

Murder, rape, robbery, theft...

It is not too much to say that no evil will be done.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yi took the ticket and looked at it carefully.

The picture on the ticket shows a rather ordinary town, with no clues about it.

After a moment, Gao Yi raised his head again, looked at Zhao Qian who was smiling across from him, raised the ticket in his hand and asked:

"Why do you think I would accept this ticket?"

"That's what the hexagram says."

"...hexagram?" Gao Yi was stunned for half a second before asking again.

"Yes, what? Can you believe in various games and copies but not the hexagrams?"

Zhao Qian raised his hand to take another sip of tea, but waved his left hand in front of him a few times, thinking that he was making seals.

On the other side, Gao Yi's expression became even more gloomy. While putting his phone back in his trouser pocket, he spoke again:

"Then did your hexagram tell you that I plan to leave now?"

Zhao Qian looked at Gao Yi who was packing his things, raised his eyebrows, held his chin and said:

"You are a smart man, Brother Gao, you should have noticed that the situation is different now."

"Then you misunderstood, I am not a smart person."

Gao Yi didn't look at the other party anymore, stood up and put on his coat.

"Then you have to be careful, stupid people don't live long these days."

Zhao Qian's tone fluctuated for the first time, and his tone suddenly became a little colder.

"Really? I think smart people die faster than stupid people..."

Gao Yi didn't look back. He walked towards the door of the restaurant as he spoke. After pushing the door open and letting the sunlight shine into the restaurant, he turned his head briefly:

"Take care of yourself."

As the electronic doorbell automatically sounded "Thank you for your visit, we look forward to your next visit", Gao Yi disappeared into the winter sunshine.

Sighing slightly, Zhao Qian took a sip of tea and leaned back on the chair:

"There are more and more interesting people in Nankang City..."

"Do you want me to follow my big brother?"

Yiyi on the side also imitated Zhao Qian, tilting her head and asked.

"No, no need. That brother's Yintang is almost blackened to carbon. He will definitely use that ticket... Let's eat first."

Zhao Qian touched Yiyi's paper and smiled dotingly.

Then, he put him on the table and watched him stretch his little hands towards the dinner plate.

A few seconds later, the paper doll opened its mouth at an extremely abnormal angle and swallowed the entire dish in front of it, including the plate.


"Is it delicious? If it's delicious, eat more..."


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