Back in the rental house, Gao Yi finally had some free time, took off his shoes, and lay down on the bed in a daze.

The exchange with Zhao Qian just now contained a huge amount of information.

But fortunately, the other party is not the pure bad guy as expected in the worst case, but more of an "intelligence dealer" who can communicate.

In any case, they are the type that can communicate normally.

This alone is already several times better than that madman in black sweatshirt last night.

But it also means that the other party is likely to come back to you in the future.

With a long sigh, Gao Yi jumped off the bed, took out his notebook, and began to record the information he had just obtained.

"Players cannot obtain each other's items and characteristics after killing each other in real life."

[On the other hand, if you kill each other in the script, can you get these things from the other party? 】

After writing the questions in his notebook, Gao Yi recalled the information just now.

"Tickets are divided into time-limited and non-time-limited. Most players are short of tickets."

"Tickets include four script types: 'Holy Grail', 'Sword', 'Pentacles' and 'Scepter'"

He took out the "Xi City Weird" card from his trouser pocket. The countdown below showed only eight hours left.

"That is, nine o'clock in the evening..."

Gao Yi supported his chin with his left hand, pressed the page with his elbow, and murmured softly.

And its (7 of Swords) suffix seems to add a touch of danger to it.

Gao Yi didn't study Tarot cards too much, but there was still some relevant information remaining in his memory.

"Sword" represents ambition, destruction and struggle.

The "Holy Grail" corresponds to the soul and the self.

What emerges is a script like "The Mist of the Heart", a test of wisdom and will.

So in this [Western City Weird Story] with "Sword" as the suffix, there may be battles, deaths and extreme dangers.

In this regard, it is indeed worrying.

"Also, this so-called 'forum'..."

His eyes then dropped, and Gao Yi saw the handwritten URL on the ticket.

I have to say that Zhao Qian's calligraphy is indeed good, and he has obviously received special training.

But it seems that it is limited to Chinese characters, and the writing of English letters has no characteristics, only neatness.

Turn on your computer and enter the URL.

A forum website with black as the main color and a lot of red text appeared on the screen.

His name is written directly above.

[Nankang Players Forum]

It's so straightforward.

The registration process is not simple and requires a phone number and email address.

Fortunately, as an investigative reporter, Gao Yi has a lot of inventory in this area.

A virtual phone number is specifically chosen that has never been used and subsequently registered.

At the end of the process, you need to enter a name for the forum.

Of course, it is impossible to use your real name in a place like this. It is best to choose a name that matches the style but cannot be directly equated with yourself.

After thinking for a while, Gao Yi entered the three words "investigator" as his forum name.

This is exactly the new label synthesized by the labeling system yesterday, secret but containing connections.

But a second before clicking to confirm, Gao Yi suddenly stopped the mouse.

Wait, if like that Zhao Qian said, all kinds of communication and transactions will be carried out on this forum...

"Should I give myself an extra layer of vest, which can be used for external transactions and handing over bounties, and also to ensure safety..."

After thinking for a while, Gao Yi added two more strokes after his name.


He nodded with satisfaction, and soon the feeling came up.

In the future, you can create a small account with other suffixes, and other people will think about it after seeing this ID.

Someone calls it a snake. Is there something [Investigator-Rabbit] or [Investigator-Tiger]? Maybe he is also wary when trading and doesn't dare to cheat.

After successful registration, Gao Yi officially started browsing the forum.

By sliding the mouse wheel, the entire forum does not have many functions compared to the various websites and software available today.

It is mainly divided into three major blocks: [Discussion Area], [Transaction Area] and [Bounty Mission].

The discussion forum is just a variety of exchanges and chats, most of which have little information content.

[What should I do if I have no tickets? What will happen when the time limit is up? 】

The following reply is quite heartless.

"will die."

"Selling tickets cheap, supports cash transactions."

[Does anyone know the contact information of the relevant official departments? 】

There was no answer at all below, almost all the words were curses.

It can be seen that the "Court Eagle Dog" is not a popular existence anywhere.

According to the few words in it, it seems that officials will arrest "players" for interrogation.

Of course, among player groups, there may be a tendency to demonize official institutions.

The specific situation is estimated not to reach the level of "arrest" and "interrogation".

But this was enough for Gao Yi to make up his mind to keep his distance from the authorities.

Most of the remaining various [Missing Person Notices] and [Grapevine News] have little information.

It seems that as Zhao Qian said, the player base in Nankang City is not large yet and has just begun to develop.

"Then what happened to him? That paper doll was obviously obtained in the game..."

Recalling the premonition of danger he felt in that person, Gao Yi shook his head and flipped through the web page again.

Various items are sold in the [Trading Area], and there are also many items in demand.

After looking at the exchange rate, it seems that in mainstream transactions now, the ratio of game currency to cash is 1:1000.

Of course, the total number of game coins is obviously not enough, and this ratio cannot actually be exchanged for enough game coins.

In other words, you can easily exchange 100 game coins for 100,000 cash, but the reverse is difficult.

"How much?? My 500 game coins are not half a million."

Gao Yi slapped his thigh, feeling that there was hope of paying off the debt.

But when looking at the various props and items, this short-lived excitement was quickly washed away.

The levels of items are divided into "grey", "white", "blue", "purple" and "orange" from low to high.

According to popular science posts in the forum, higher levels also exist, but I have never seen them.

Most of the items sold in the [Trading Area] are "white" or "grey" level items.

Most of its effects are not outstanding, there are gloves that slightly increase the speed and power of punches, and there are also boots that increase the distance of your feet.

While the enhancements are limited, many also have negative effects.

Blue-level equipment is basically very expensive, with a maximum price of 800 game coins.

For purple equipment, I only saw people asking for it but not selling it.

Summoning the light screen, Gao Yi looked at his inventory again.

[Props (2/5): ①Mist Mask (Purple): After wearing, the mental resistance is greatly increased; when used actively, the user's appearance, body shape, and voice will be randomly changed within one hour

②: Director’s whistle (orange): unknown]

These two things are probably very valuable.

Although I don’t know what the purpose of that inexplicable whistle is, but the quality is orange, so it is definitely not bad.

The [Mist Mask] is even more effective, and its ability to change appearance is completely supernatural.

But on the other hand, the effect of "significantly increasing mental resistance" requires wearing a mask to take effect, and there are many restrictions.

After all, this mask is still somewhat conspicuous, at least in the real world it is impossible to wear it all the time.

Unless it's in a comic-con or Halloween setting, it will definitely attract unnecessary attention.

And what about potions?

No one is selling C-level potions at all, and it can be seen that they have not entered the market at all.

As for the [E-class body healing agent] that Gao Yi tested on his landlady this morning, the highest bid price reached 60 game coins.

"Sixty thousand...that's enough for my three years' rent and there's still more. Mother-in-law, you have to take care of yourself and let me stay for a while..."

Gao Yi could not help but convert it into cash and compare it with various debts he owed.

In addition, the level of the "evolution potion" is not only related to the evolution rate given, but also the C-level evolution potion means that C-level players can also use it.

In this way, Gao Yi would not use that bottle of [C-level evolution potion] now, after all, he is only E-level at this time.

Scroll through the forum interface again, and the last section is [Bounty Mission]

There are not too many wanted persons now, only three in total.

Except for the "Zhang Tu" whom Zhao Qian showed him at noon, there were only two people, and none of them showed their faces.

One is the "Santa Claus" I saw in the video last night.

There is no face on his wanted poster, only video screenshots.

The reward price is 200 game coins.

There is another person who not only does not have a face, but does not even have a photo, and the information is extremely incomplete. We only know that she is a woman.

The asking price came to 300 game coins, and I don’t know what he did.

There was no more information on the website for the time being. Gao Yi rubbed his sore neck, turned his swivel chair, and faced the window.

Open the [Properties] list and look at your 500 game coins.

Gao Yi couldn't help but think that by converting it into 500,000 in cash, he could directly repay most of the debt.

But...this is undoubtedly an act of killing the goose that lays the egg.

Think about the madman in black hoodie that he met last night, the wanted criminal seen in the video, and Zhao Qian this morning.

They all possess extremely strong abilities and skills far beyond ordinary people.

If they were to attack me directly, what were my chances of winning?

Calm down and think about it. In this world that is obviously no longer peaceful, strengthening yourself is always the most important thing.

Gao Yi made up his mind that he had to convert the 500 game coins into direct combat power.


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