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Chapter 254 [Seven Days to Return to the Soul] Spiritual Midwifery

His thoughts suddenly became clearer, and Gao Yi also had a new understanding of the copy of [Seven Days of Soul Resurrection] in front of him.

I have to say that [Director] really didn’t have any good intentions, and the current situation should still be in his plan.

The situation of this copy is completely different from the [Mechanical God] that the [Boss] entrusted the player with to counter the rebellion.

Gao Yi was suspicious, and then he continued to explore, there should be some pits waiting for him.

While he was thinking, Carter had already activated some kind of investigator's professional ability and checked the entire house inside and out.

Then, with a solemn expression, he sat back on the sofa again and recorded something with a pen that had a period feel.

"Did you find anything?"

Seeing this, Gao Yi also leaned over and asked questions at every opportunity.

The biggest advantage of having such an investigator by your side is that you don't need to do all the tedious and detailed search work yourself.

Speaking of which, the small class on difficult cases and abnormal events has begun!

Just place the investigator at a suspicious crime scene and let it sit for thirty minutes, and you will get complete clues and information!

If you have higher requirements, you can also spend an appropriate amount of money to hire multiple investigators and let them participate together.

In this way, you can avoid the evil intentions of Lady Luck to the greatest extent.

Of course, considering that the person in front of Gao Yi is a legendary investigator in the literal sense, there should be no need for more processing, just let it sit for a while.

This is "high-end ingredients only require the simplest cooking techniques"....

Okay, okay, I know this cooking example is a bad joke, but what if I tell you this to lead to the next topic, whether the meat of Qian Hao on the table is delicious?

At this time, someone should jump out and stop me from imparting the knowledge I learned from a professor with a Chinese surname, and instead agree with my "cooking jokes"...

Closer to home, consistent with Gao Yi's guess, this legendary investigator has indeed collected a lot of information in a short period of time.

"The biggest doubt is the number of corpses."

Carter didn't stop recording in his hand at all, and began to answer Gao Yi's questions at the same time.

In the time just now, he quickly checked every room in 2442 and counted the number of Qian Hao:

"There are only forty-seven in total... There are no conditions in the house to handle the remains. Even if they are cooked, there will be no residue. This number should be accurate."

As if he had anticipated Gao Yi's possible questions, Carter's answer was very detailed.

Wrong number......

If the previous reasoning is correct and the incident started forty-eight days ago, then after the "refresh time" this morning, a total of forty-eight Qian Haos should appear.

"That is to say...there is one missing Qian Hao in the house?"

Carter nodded slightly, put away the pen and notebook in his hand, stood up, and pointed to the iron door outside the living room.

In order to block possible attacks by the "Tall Ghosts", Gao Yi blocked the door with a wardrobe.

At this moment, Carter has also pulled it open again - considering that he only has one arm left, this action is probably a bit difficult.

In any case, he stood at the door, held up the iron door that had been damaged by "Lao Zheng", and showed the inside of the door to Gao Yi.

On the iron door, which was disfigured beyond recognition by all kinds of blood and blows, a purple talisman paper was stuck on it. The pattern above obviously contained some kind of forbidden power.

"This is the reason why they can't leave. This spell seems to only imprison Qian Hao and the others."

Carter threw down the broken iron door and walked back to the center of the living room.

Gao Yi on the side, slightly twirling his bangs with his index finger, tried to follow the legendary investigator's thoughts:

"The number of this talisman has not increased, there has always been only one..."

"That is to say, it is not something that was transmitted from the 'surface world' or something that existed before each 'cycle', but was deliberately put on by someone in this 'inner world'. What else is there?"

Carter nodded slightly, and his words were quite like Socrates' "spiritual midwifery".

"There is one missing body, which means that forty-eight days ago, on the first day of this 'cycle suspension', someone came here, took away Qian Hao, and completely sealed room 2442."

At this point, Gao Yi also exerted a little effort to try to find where the embryo called "the answer" was.

"Who could that be?"

"A person who existed in the copy forty-eight days ago, entered the 'other world', can move freely and has a detailed plan..."

Gao Yi took a deep breath, without using the Lamaze breathing method, the answer was already born:

"That player, that player who tried to resurrect someone forty-eight days ago."

Carter, who sat back on the sofa, nodded slightly and praised with satisfaction:

"To be honest, you have the potential to be an investigator. If it weren't for space constraints, I would actually like to invite you to study at the university where I work."

"Maybe there is this opportunity..."

Needless to say, the university mentioned by this legendary investigator should be the legendary Miskatonic University.

You said Gao Yi was not interested at all, that must be a lie.

But when you say how interested he is in committing suicide, it's actually not bad.

He made a few perfunctory remarks and then brought the topic back to the room:

"Now there is another question."

"Oh, what else do you have?"

Unexpectedly, the person who answered the question this time was Master Baiyun.

At this moment, he held a Zen stick in one hand and twisted the Buddhist beads in the other hand, as if he had completed the work of salvation.

Seeing this, Gao Yi was not polite and bluntly expressed his doubts:

"Why did the player who came here first take away Qian Hao and lock the others here?"

"It's a good question, what do you think?"

Carter, who was leaning on the sofa, thought for a while and looked up at Gao Yi who was still trimming his bangs.

Looking at the rare increase in the experience value of the [Investigator] label, Gao Yi was also thinking at a high speed.

If there was no "loop termination", in the normal [Seven Days Back to the Soul] copy plot, Qian Hao would come out of room 2442.

And the players should also know the abnormality of this room and then discover him.

In other words, according to the original plot, he should be an important plot character.

The player who performed the resurrection ceremony may be afraid that Qian Hao behind him would provide more clues, so he locked all the rest of him in this room.

In other words.......

"It means that the remaining Qian Hao should also have the same clues that can point to the truth of the copy."


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