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Chapter 255 [Seven Days of Resurrection] Lucky Necklace

After sharing his views with the other two copy characters, Gao Yi quickly entered a new round of inspections.

Carter agreed with Gao Yi's ideas very much. Although he had searched the corpse on the ground before, he did not recommend studying it carefully again.

Master Baiyun actually did not follow the ideas very well, and he did not seem to be very good at this kind of search, so he began to chant Buddhist scriptures for the deceased and the two people.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but after hearing the Buddhist scriptures, Gao Yi did feel spiritually detached and relaxed.

Considering that the other party was a literal monk, it was not strange to have such ability.

And in the sound of the Buddhist scriptures, Gao Yi's search was not very smooth.

He had just climbed to the ground and lifted up a corpse of Qian Hao, and the continuous, crisp and annoying sound of the dice rolling rang again.

Turning his head, the [Run Group Dice] with a firelight showed a big "2".

Needless to say, this simple exploration work was also declared a failure.

Gao Yi tried to avoid this "judgment" by changing a corpse or walking into the room to explore.

But no matter what, Gao Yi got nothing in the five minutes before the red light of the [Run Group Dice] went out.

This seems to indicate some characteristics of this orange equipment.

Its judgment appears completely random, and has certain causal laws and the ability to change reality.

Just like the initial successful judgment, Gao Yi was just casually observing teacher Dong Facai, but he didn't expect his wallet to fall on the ground with his back facing up, providing more information.

And the fire in the corridor and the observation here, which were not too complicated actions, all failed.

According to Gao Yi's guess, the success or failure of this [Run Group Dice] should not be as simple as failure within ten and success above ten.

Reasonable guess, the judgment should also be linked to the difficulty of the action.

For example, if you want to simply check a public document, maybe a value of "5" can succeed.

And if you want to throw a giant sword and hit the dragon's reverse scale, you may have to roll a perfect "20", otherwise it will all fail.

Of course, this is just speculation.

However, considering Gao Yi's luck, the first success is more like a kind of novice guarantee, allowing him to succeed once at will.

The two recent failures are normal.

"But this is too troublesome. It hasn't caused irreversible consequences yet, but what should I do in the future..."

Sitting down on the red mattress in the bedroom, Gao Yi squeezed in the two Qian Haos who died together with kitchen knives, frowning and talking to himself.

If a European emperor uses this [Running Group Dice], it should be a good experience.

When facing an unsure enemy in a fight, a punch will roll a "20", just hitting the opponent's vitals and old injuries, winning with one move.

When exploring and finding no clues, a "20" appears, and all kinds of secrets will automatically appear in front of you.

But for Gao Yi... the only consolation should be the growth of the [Lucky Necklace].

Taking out the necklace covering the inside of the sweater, Gao Yi gently stroked the glass-textured four-leaf clover above.

At this moment, the four green leaves above have been completely dyed green, and it is obviously fully charged.

Gao Yi still remembers that when he first came in, there was only one and a half leaves of emerald green, and this was the result of more than a week of accumulation.

Unexpectedly, after just a few hours in the dungeon, it was already fully charged.

"From this point of view, it was also because I was unlucky enough after entering the dungeon..."

Gao Yi smiled helplessly, holding the necklace in his hand, feeling the change of energy.

Some special inspiration followed, and he gradually found that as he became a C-level player and used this equipment for a long time.

[Lucky Necklace] seems to have changed.

This is actually not surprising. The earliest [Mist Mask] has been enhanced in ability as Gao Yi's player level has increased and more use has been made.

On the other hand, this change is not unique to Gao Yi.

According to the information collected from the forum and Sister Tang, the characteristics and equipment of players will become more powerful as they are used more proficiently.

Even if it is exactly the same equipment, it will have different upgrade tendencies due to different users.

For example, Gao Yi's [Mist Mask] is more often used for concealment and disguise, so the direction of strengthening the equipment is to increase the disguise time and enhance the forging ability.

If in another parallel universe, another Gao Yi who obtained the [Mist Mask] exists, but he mainly uses it to block mental attacks.

Then the direction of strengthening the [Mist Mask] may be to make the mental resistance stronger.

In short, this is also the reason why even if there are some local tyrants, they will not change equipment and features on a large scale in a short period of time to deal with different situations.

Even a white feature will have a good effect after a long period of evolution.

But a purple feature that has not been honed enough may not work.

Back to the [Lucky Necklace] in Gao Yi's hand, because of his daily wear and bad luck, it brings high-speed energy accumulation and consumption.

This blue equipment taken from other players has also ushered in its own evolution.

Opening his palm again, the [Lucky Necklace] in Gao Yi's hand has a brand new change.

A trace of blue, like a thin line like a plant root, is mixed in the emerald green leaves.

Reflected in the equipment effect, Gao Yi felt that he could actively release the "lucky energy" in it.

This is a complete qualitative change, from being able to release passively when hurt to being released actively.

The first reaction in Gao Yi's mind was whether he could use this ability to buy lottery tickets.

Of course, the possibility of winning the jackpot does not seem high, after all, the ownership of the first prize is often not a matter of luck...

Gao Yi thought, walked out of the living room, and came to Carter, who still had no new gains:

"Mr. Carter, do you have coins or something in your hand?"

The legendary investigator who was sitting on the sofa and chatting with a corpse raised his eyebrows slightly, and did not ask Gao Yi's purpose.

He reached into the inside of his suit and quickly took out an old silver coin.

The moment Gao Yi took it, he saw the blood-red "old seal" on it.

After a pause, he decided to conduct the experiment first, and then make additional inquiries.

After thinking five times in his mind, "I want the front side, I want the badge to face upwards."

Gao Yi held the silver coin with the "old seal" in his hand and threw it into the air without any skill, while activating the [Lucky Necklace] on his chest.

Once the front side, twice the front side, three times the front side, four times the front side, five times the front side........

When the tenth front side appeared, Gao Yi finally smiled.

After living for more than 20 years, this should be the first time he defeated the goddess of luck.


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