Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 256 [Seven Days of Resurrection] Super Chopsticks

"So..." Carter watched the silver coin in Gao Yi's hand fall again, turned and revealed the front, and asked hesitantly:

"Is this some kind of trick?"

"No." Gao Yi raised his head and nodded with satisfaction:

"This is luck."

From Carter's point of view, tossing a coin eleven times in a row, with the exact same direction each time, is a near-impossible situation in terms of probability.

Therefore, he made the judgment that Gao Yi was using some kind of "technique".

I have to say that this speculation has some truth, but it is unfortunately wrong.

In fact, Gao Yi, who has the label of "Gambler", really has "miraculous tricks".

It is indeed not difficult for him to control the position of the coin after it is tossed.

In fact, he should be able to change cards invisible to the naked eye on the card table, or adjust the tile mountain in half a second on the mahjong table.

However, Gao Yi didn't study any techniques for tossing and catching coins this time, he just threw them up casually and as hard as possible.

After all, this time it was his luck that was tested, not his skills.

The result is also very satisfying.

Looking at the [Lucky Necklace] in his hand, the emerald green inside another leaf has faded at this moment. It seems that the test just now consumed a quarter of the total "lucky energy".

Of course, Gao Yi's poor mathematical level was not enough for him to analyze the difference between conditional probability and classical probability, and to understand the difference between independent events and random events.

However, in order to save some meaningless thinking time, I was able to turn my attention back to the silver coins in my hand.

"Could this be the legendary 'Old Seal'?"

Gao Yi raised the silver coin that Carter lent him and asked the other party a question.

As a reader who has done some research on the Cthulhu worldview, Gao Yi can naturally identify the pattern on the top of this silver coin.

This pattern drawn with blood-colored paint is the famous "old seal".

In the setting, this symbol can protect the mind of the bearer and can also drive away mythical creatures to a certain extent.

In some extended works, it is also believed that it can cause certain harm to those supernatural creatures.

Although it is not clear what the settings are in this copy of [Seven Days to Resurrection], this silver coin is obviously no longer an ordinary item.

"Do you know him too? It seems that a player recognized him before..."

Carter said, waving his remaining right hand and refusing Gao Yi's return:

"I'm giving this to you, I have a lot more."

This was an unexpected surprise. Gao Yi quickly thanked him and pretended to decline:

"This is not good! Really? No way! In this's hard to do...Thank you so much!"

I have to say, in fact, he does not want to return it. After all, this is not only a good thing, but also a good thing that the legendary investigator carries with him...

Gao Yi was still a little happy from the bottom of his heart when he was given it directly.

Carter on the other side smiled and shook his head:

"Don't tell me that you've been studying this for so long just to toss a coin."

He paused and pointed to a corpse of Qian Hao beside him:

"You have to tell me how you plan to find the abnormality in him."

"Well, I'm actually not sure I can succeed..."

Gao Yi said, putting on the [Lucky Necklace] again and holding the [Running Group Dice] in his hand:

"But, it's worth a try."

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes slightly and released his desires into the entire spiritual ocean.

"I want to know what Qian Hao contains, the secret about the copy."

After repeating it five times, Gao Yi opened his eyes and rolled out this twenty-sided dice that shone with golden light.

He tried to use the thousand skills brought by the [Gambler] tag to control the landing point, but failed as expected.

In the final analysis, this dice is controlled by only Lady Luck.

But this time, Gao Yi also stole a trace of power from him.

The crisp, continuous and subtle collision sound sounded again.

With the slight heat in his chest, [Running Team Dice] gave a sparkling reply for the first time in a long time.


Carter had obviously seen this die before, but he didn't know its function.

At this moment, looking at the twenty-sided die shining with golden light, his expression seemed a little confused:

"This, what exactly is..."

Before he could finish asking, on the other side of the living room, several stacked corpses suddenly collapsed.

Judging from the scars, if nothing unexpected happens, these should be Qian Hao who were directly killed by the assembly line and failed to survive in Room 2442.

As if to avoid wasting the already scarce space, seven or eight corpses were piled in the corner.

But at this moment, an unexplained breeze happened to blow by. Master Baiyun adjusted his cassock, and the floor shook slightly as the dice landed.

The combination of multiple accidental events that are difficult to reproduce caused this inherently unstable wall of corpses to collapse.

Qian Hao, the one at the top, happened to roll three or four times and came to the front of Gao Yi and Carter.

The corpse, which was already somewhat rotten and smelly, opened its mouth covered with maggots, revealing its mouth which was in festering condition.

To be honest, this scene is a bit unsightly.

But the two still quickly captured the information they needed.

[Running Team Dice] completed its carrying mission and brought the clues to Gao Yi.

On the body of Qian Hao, a tooth deep in the mouth shone with a faint golden light.

The two looked at each other, and in the end, Gao Yi, a young man with healthy limbs, did the job.

It must be said that it was quite difficult to pull a tooth out of the mouth of this rotten corpse with maggots.

It was not that the tooth was difficult to pull out - Gao Yi's strength was enough after becoming a C-level player, but it was mainly a bit disgusting...

After a little thought, Gao Yi quickly recalled the various equipment and props in his hands, and slapped his thigh, thinking of something that could be used.

[Item: Super Chopsticks]

[Quality: Rare]

[Type: Tableware]

[Special Effect: Within the scope of ability, clamp the target you want to clamp and never let go]

[Note: In order to seize the opportunity when eating, I commissioned the business department to make this pair of chopsticks, and after that I became a banquet ghost]

Who would have thought that these chopsticks that had never been used for a long time would actually find a place in this situation.

Unfortunately, this was not for a feast, but to pull out a tooth from a pile of things that didn't go well with rice.

Carter, who was standing by, only saw Gao Yi, who took out a pair of chopsticks from somewhere and put them into the mouth of the corpse.

From his expression, he wanted to say something, but didn't know where to start.

In the end, he just stared at Gao Yi silently, and used the pair of red chopsticks to slowly pull out the big golden tooth and hold it in his hand.


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