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Chapter 257 [Seven Days of Return] Accident

I have to say that the description of this pair of chopsticks [within its capabilities, it will clamp the target you want to clamp and never let go] is not an exaggeration.

The tooth that theoretically required professional dental pliers to be grasped securely was actually firmly clamped by a pair of round-headed chopsticks and pulled out directly.

Of course there is the factor of Gao Yi's extremely powerful power, but more importantly, this item is really good.

Maybe we can find more uses in the future.

Carter, who was wearing a black suit on the side, looked obviously relaxed when he saw Gao Yi taking out the tableware, but he was really just pulling out teeth.

It’s not surprising that he misunderstood. Normally, no one would put chopsticks into the mouth of a rotting corpse...

In any case, this tooth with a faint golden light finally got into Gao Yi's hands.

On both sides, Master Baiyun and Carter also gathered around and began to observe.

Interestingly, Gao Yi actually has some dental knowledge.

When I was a child in an orphanage, many children actually had dental problems, but they were unable to go to professional clinics for treatment in a timely manner.

As the eldest child, Gao Yi sometimes has to help them with preliminary examinations.

Thinking about it, he carried out some activities in the yard at that time and taught other children that they must brush their teeth every day.

In any case, this strange accumulation of knowledge allowed him to easily identify it as a left second molar.

Simply put, it is the innermost tooth in the mouth, excluding the wisdom teeth.

It seems to be the largest tooth in the mouth, and it is also the one most prone to tooth decay.

Carter's previous search did not seem to have penetrated deep into the mouth due to time factors, so the tooth could not be found for the time being.

After holding it in his hand, Gao Yi felt something was wrong with the gold tooth.

With partial "yin-yang eye" ability, he could identify a surrounding black mist above, like some kind of tiny resentful spirit that refused to leave.

Gao Yi and Carter could only observe this point, but Master Baiyun on the side obviously had more discoveries:

"Amitabha, why is this tooth full of 'bad karma'?"

This old monk, who had always been silent about his joy and anger, now frowned in a rare way and stared at this tooth.

"'Evil karma'? Master Baiyun, what is that?"

Carter asked from the sidelines, apparently not knowing much about Buddhist terminology.

Seeing this, Gao Yi acted as a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures:

"Simply put, it is an abstract concept of all evil deeds in a state of free will. Buddhism believes that the more evil deeds accumulate, the closer you are to hell."

This explanation is relatively easy to understand, and of course it will not trouble this legendary investigator.

Nodding, Carter tried to summarize:

"In other words, this is a sinful tooth?"

Regarding this question, Gao Yi could only shrug, saying that he couldn't explain clearly.

"Gao Yi, I think you are very enlightened. Are you considering converting to Buddhism?"

However, Master Baiyun seemed to be very satisfied with Gao Yi's explanation and began to teach again.

But if you are just worried about the dangers of being an investigator, converting to Buddhism is somewhat unacceptable.

Not being able to marry and have children, eating meat and drinking wine are actually trivial matters. If Gao Yi abandons his curly hair, he will definitely not be happy...

Of course, as a master, the old monk is not persistent. He shook his head and said that it was just fate that had not arrived:

"Actually, Donor Dong is also very enlightened and has entered Buddhism for the first time. Unfortunately, he is ill..."

"Hey, where is that Li Yuxing?"

Speaking of several other players, Gao Yi also took the opportunity to ask one more question.

"Li Yuxing? He is riddled with bad karma and his anger has not diminished. He also needs enlightenment."

Gao Yi nodded, seeming to understand, and kept the information in his heart.

Of course, although Master Baiyun can indeed see more things, he is probably just using his own words to explain the phenomenon in front of him.

The specific situation will still be affected by the world view in the copy.

It was not possible to confirm the use of this tooth at the moment, so Gao Yi had no choice but to take it with him first.

For the sake of rigor, at Carter's suggestion, he extracted the teeth from five more corpses and preserved them in different states - who knows if they will be useful.

This is just like gamers who always carry around a lot of useful consumable props that they don't know where to use. As a result, they often don't use any of them after the game is over.

But considering that the "dungeon" and "game" Gao Yi encountered were really deadly, it wouldn't be wrong to be cautious.

After confirming that there was nothing else in room 2442, Master Baiyun made the final salvation for Qian Hao and others in the words of "dust to dust to dust to dust".

Collecting a bunch of corpses and piling them all under the found sheets and curtains, it was considered to be an unsightly graveyard.

Although it wasted a little time, Master Baiyun was very insistent, saying that both Gao Yi and Carter had accumulated a lot of good karma.

Can it be considered as something gained?

According to Carter, the two dungeon characters who had been with them had psychic abilities, which should be very useful here.

Unfortunately, they all died in the previous exploration.

Finally, after lighting three more sticks of incense at the door, the three of them left the room full of corpses and returned to the corridor on the 24th floor.

Of course, this time I carefully confirmed that the "Tall Ghosts" were not nearby.

On the right side of the corridor, there was a pile of zombies that had been knocked down before, and their limbs were already incomplete.

The spell and golden light at that time may not have killed them all, but after the "tall ghost" passed by, it also took away their last breath.

"There is only more than an hour left until midnight. Fortunately, there will not be too many obstacles until the eighth floor. Let's go find the remaining people to join up first."

Carter thought for a while and gave instructions. Gao Yi naturally had no reason to refute.

Anyway, the other party is a legendary investigator, and the other party has the final say.

In this way, the three of them walked back to the original stairs while being careful of the "tall ghosts" that might appear.

If nothing unexpected happens, the remaining seven people should still be waiting here. After all, according to the rules of this "other world", you must never go down the stairs directly without exploring a floor.

Although the exploration time spent by the three-person advance team was not short, it did not exceed the agreed deadline.

With a more relaxed attitude, Carter, who was walking in the front, pushed open the iron door leading to the stairwell.

But as expected, another accident was going to happen.

When the iron door was pushed open, the three looked around in shock.

There was no one in the dark and empty stairwell at the moment.


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