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Chapter 265 [Seven Days to Return] Gold Teeth

""Hehehehe, the word 'Slow' is called 'Sheng Shengyang'..."

The big mouth on the mirror has red lips and white teeth in the true sense.

If you don't take into account its size, which is much larger than that of an ordinary person, and the fact that it grows on the mirror, this mouth is indeed very beautiful.

If you only guess from this lip, it is not difficult to imagine that its owner is a beauty.

As the mirror got closer, it gradually slowed down and finally stopped behind the big hands, maintaining a distance of about twenty meters from Gao Yi and the others.

At the same time, this big mouth spoke delicately again:

"Meet a close friend from a thousand miles away, ask for money and claim your heart, seize the dragon and get sweet rain, find the lost thing in front of you... It's so accurate, hehehehe..."

This passage is not too complicated, and Gao Yi naturally cannot understand it.

Meeting a close friend in a distant place, pursuing treasure will satisfy one's heart, praying for rain will follow one's heart, and lost items will appear in front of one's eyes.

To put it simply, everything goes as planned and good luck comes, which is the result obtained after the big hand dices the cup three times.

The identity of the visitor is not difficult to guess.

When the big mouth opened to speak, Gao Yi suddenly saw a big character written on its tongue.


Yes, it is the last one among "greed, anger, ignorance, pride, and doubt".

It represents unfounded doubts and doubts, and superstition of oneself.

It seems to be similar to what I guessed before. There are really five monsters at the bottom of this "inner world".

Maybe the other five people also encountered different monsters at this moment.

Of course, Gao Yi now has no time to care about others.

It was already a bit difficult to deal with only one "slow" monster before.

If you have to face two of them at once, the situation will only become more difficult.

The good news is that this mirror is standing on the ground, so it is not impossible to attack...

But what caught Gao Yi's attention at this moment was the words from this "suspect".

She said this hexagram, "It's so accurate, hehehe..."

Why do you say that?

After finally encountering a monster who can communicate, the spirit of Gao Yi's reporter burned again:

"Where is this hexagram? Are we your close friends?"

After choosing the entrance, Gao Yi asked loudly.

Above the head, the giant hands seemed to be waiting for instructions and did not roll the cup again.

And that big mouth named "Suspicion" heard Gao Yi's question - although it didn't know how it heard it, there was a hint of joy in its tone:

"Hey, there is a handsome young man here. Do you need my sister to help you decipher the hexagrams?"

He didn’t know how the other party saw him, but Gao Yi still responded with a polite smile:

"Oh, is that okay?"

"Of course, but only you and the handsome young man with glasses over there can look good if you cast them in my mirror. That bald donkey wants to come in, but I won't let him in!"

This mouth appears to be extremely talkative and speaks very fast.

The big hand "Slow" above looked a little confused, tapping the ceiling with one hand, seeming very impatient.

But this did not prevent the "question" from being answered:

"This hexagram is for 'Slow'. The bosom friend he wants and the nectar he is looking for are naturally me, so I'm here."

After a pause, the big mouth smiled again, revealing a set of white teeth that were neat enough to serve as an advertising model for a dental hospital:

"As for the lost items and the treasure I asked for...hehehe, they are all on you."

"On me?"

Gao Yi frowned slightly, quickly counted the items on his body, and instantly understood what the other party meant.

He reached into the bag on the back of his pants and took out a gold tooth stained with blood:

"You mean this?"

"That's right, that's right...hehehehe..."

The big mouth on the mirror let out an unpleasant laugh again, with a hint of longing in his tone:

"If it were normal, if you gave me this gold tooth, I would let you go down there, but the situation is different now. I have to guard this place and not let you go down there."

"What if we want to leave?"

The person who answered this question was Carter, who had not spoken much for a long time.

He still looked calm and extremely reliable, and asked from Gao Yi's side.

"'s not impossible. As long as you don't move around within half an hour, I will let you leave."

The five people present exchanged glances and confirmed that this was an impossible condition to accept.

According to the previous judgment, the coffin located at the bottom of the "inner world" will be opened in an hour.

The evil ritual that took seventy-seven forty-nine days will be declared complete.

It seems that these two monsters also know this.

They didn't have such great motivation to kill Gao Yi and his party, but they had a mission and couldn't let anyone go any further.

On the other hand, it seems that the gold teeth found in Qian Hao's mouth have special value to them.

If this copy had not become the current situation, the so-called cycle would still continue.

Then maybe you only need to get the gold teeth, and you can pass through these boss-level monsters without any damage and reach the bottom of the "inner world".

Unfortunately, there is no such easy solution to the situation before a few people.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, Li Yuxing seemed to be communicating with Carter, and Alan was also doing some kind of test.

It should be inevitable to take action, but you still need to delay it for a while.

Thinking in his mind, Gao Yi nodded and looked at the "suspicious" on the huge mirror again:

"Then if I offer better terms, will you change your mind?"

"Oh, what's the condition?"

Although he only had one mouth, Gao Yi could clearly read the emotions of curiosity and amusement from above.

Seeing that the other party took the bait, Gao Yi didn't waste any time and put his hand into his trouser pocket again, and this time he took out three of Qian Hao's gold teeth.

Seeing this scene, the big mouth's breathing became obviously faster, and even the "slow" on the ceiling stopped tapping impatiently.

"You, how come you have so many?"

"Suspicious"'s voice was trembling, and this kind of desire could not be faked.

It can be seen that although it is not a necessity, they really want this gold tooth.

"How about you let us go down and I'll give it all to you?"

Gao Yi saw the situation and judged the chips in his hand, and directly gave the conditions.


But "Suspicious" on the other side suddenly stopped talking at this moment.

At the same time, the big hands above began to sign something like sign language. This seemed to be their way of communication?

"That's it, that's it."

"Suspicious" on the mirror smacked his lips twice, as if he understood something, turned to Gao Yi and explained:

"'Slow' told me something, and I think it makes sense."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Although he was still raising questions, Gao Yi obviously felt that something was wrong with the situation and lowered his body slightly.

On the other side, the "suspicious" voice on the mirror is still that delicate voice:

"It said that as long as we kill you all, the gold teeth will all be ours."


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