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Chapter 264 [Seven Days to Return] Doubt

Li Yuxing's reminder made everyone present nervous again.

To be honest, although the siege was going on, Master Baiyun was the only one doing the main work.

In this space, the distance between the ceiling and the ground is approximately fifteen meters, which is obviously beyond the attack range of ordinary melee weapons.

The main weapons are the [Gentleman's Cane] and the [Super Will Kill You Three Thousand Life], which are of no use at this time.

All he could rely on was an enchanted pistol.

Frankly, not enough.

At this time, Gao Yi couldn't help but regret that he had not obtained usable long-range weapons before, so now he could only use local materials in the dungeon.

Of course, the good news is that with the characteristics of [Weapon Master], at least he doesn't have to worry about the accuracy of his shooting.

But the effect of this attack is actually somewhat limited...

The bullet hit the monster named "Slow"... or in other words, the hand, and could only slightly break the defense.

In the end, it was Master Baiyun who carried out the attack.

But now these people are facing bigger problems than attacking:

What effect will this third throw of the cup have?

Two crescent-shaped objects began to fall, landing at an extremely fast speed and making the first sound.


Taking advantage of this time, Gao Yi decisively activated the active effect of [Easy Chair Detective].

Use the powerful simulation ability to replay the scenes after the battle begins in your mind.

This monster named "Slow" has the same effect when the results are rolled twice.

To put it simply, a living creature in the room is trapped inside the golden Buddha.

But the question is, what is the basis for selecting targets?

There were five humans present. If classified according to threat level, Xiao Han and Blue Owl could not be ranked.

It couldn't be completely random. If the situation just now required a competition of luck, Gao Yi would definitely suffer.

What is the basis for confirming the goal?

strength? size? Some kind of energy contained in it?

Obviously neither is right.

After a short comparison and correspondence, you can find that the answer is not complicated.

"The magnitude of motor behavior..."

The little half is running at high speed, and the blue owl is flying in mid-air.

That's why they were both chosen.


The cup fell to the ground again and rebounded for the second time.

According to previous experience, the next landing will be the last one.

At that point, the results will be revealed.

There was no time to ask Li Yuxing on the side if he could bring out more creatures to block the gun.

Gao Yi shook the [Scarlet Raven Coat] on his body, summoned a raven, and flew into the air at high speed.

At the same time, he did not forget to remind everyone around him loudly:

"Don't make too drastic movements. This monster will prioritize moving targets!"

Although they haven't been together for a long time, after several battles, they have already formed a tacit understanding.

Hearing Gao Yi's warning, the other four people slowed down their movements without any hesitation.

Even Master Baiyun waved his cassock and temporarily stopped the attack.

Everyone looked at the fallen cup and saw it landing for the last time.


But this time, the result was different from the previous two times.

The two crescent-shaped bamboo pieces that fell on the ground now show two sides facing up, instead of the previous one of yin and one yang, one positive and one negative.

Seeing this, everyone subconsciously turned to Li Yuxing, the only person who knew this.

And Dr. Li gave the answer straightforwardly without any nonsense:

"The two are in Yang cup, which means that the gods and Buddhas cannot make up their minds, or the matter itself cannot be explained clearly."

Just as he was speaking, the sound of the cup falling to the ground resounded throughout the claustrophobic space.

The raven was summoned by Gao Yi and flew into the air, waving its wings at high speed.

As expected, as the final cup fell to the ground, the summoned object suddenly froze and turned into a golden Buddha and fell to the ground.

The miserable chirping of birds came from it, and Gao Yi couldn't help but feel a little sad for him as he cut off the sharing of senses.

Looking back now, since I had this [Scarlet Raven Coat], most of the summoned ravens seemed to have ended badly.

He was pinched to death by the black floor supervisor in "Mechanical God"; in Nankang Experimental Middle School, he was asked to carry the damaging agent to find "K" to blow himself up; plus here...

I can only say that fortunately these ravens are not very intelligent and do not share memories or anything like that.

Otherwise, Gao Yi is worried that they will turn against the enemy to retaliate against themselves.

How about finding a free time next time, recruiting a few of them, and treating them to French fries?

By the way, do ravens eat French fries? Seagulls seem to like to eat. It's been a while since I've been on vacation.

If you finish what you are doing, why not go to the beach to live for a few days...


Gao Yi bit the tip of his tongue suddenly and woke up from his inexplicable fugue.

Although he is a very out-of-the-box thinker, how could he lose focus in such a combat situation?

Looking to the side, the other four teammates were all distracted to varying degrees, their expressions became dull, and they were obviously also hallucinating.

Gao Yi hurriedly put on the [Mist Mask], clapped quickly and reminded everyone:

"Be careful, this is some kind of spiritual attack that will affect your mind!"

It was also fortunate that he had good mental resistance, otherwise this distraction would be enough to make everyone face the annihilation.

And in the direction of the ceiling, the giant hands once again held the cups and blocks in their hands.

But this time, it was not in a hurry to roll again.

What happened?

"Hey! So what does this three combinations mean?"

Gao Yi didn't care about being polite, turned his head and asked Li Yuxing, who had not yet fully recovered.

And this time, Dr. Li couldn't give a direct response.

He naturally realized that the divination results obtained from these three cups and blocks must mean something.


"I don't know, this is not a very famous divination method, I only know a rough idea, who would memorize those dozens of results."

Just as Li Yuxing's voice fell, the whole gloomy space changed again.

The candles on the ground ignited without fire, and the dazzling golden light shot from the front, completely illuminating the entire area, dispelling the hateful darkness that enveloped Gao Yi and his group.

In this light, everyone finally saw clearly that in the front, there were broken and incomplete golden Buddhas and incense burners piled up like garbage.

Bright red silk hung high on the beams, with colorful silk threads hanging everywhere.

And in the deeper place, there was a tall rectangular object approaching at high speed.

As the object approached, a charming and seductive female voice laughed harshly, answering Gao Yi's doubts:

"Hehehe, a thousand miles away, I met a soulmate, I was satisfied with my wealth, I got rain from the dragon, and I found the lost things in front of me..."

As the object approached, everyone finally saw the true appearance of the approaching object.

It was a mirror with a gold border and gorgeous decorations.

And in the center of the mirror, there was a big mouth with red lips.


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