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Chapter 263 [Seven Days to Return] Slow


It was Carter who reminded everyone, but in fact, no one would be distracted in this situation.

The five people gathered together quickly dispersed, dodging the two semicircular objects that were thrown downwards.

But after running a few steps, everyone realized that this was not a direct attack.

The two semicircular objects were thrown down by those giant hands without any extra force. Even if they hit a few people, they probably wouldn't cause too much damage.

The two items that seemed to be bamboo pieces only made a crisp sound when they fell on the wooden floor.

Landing, rebounding.


Landing, rebounding.


Landing again, finally stopping.


What does it mean?

Seeing this unexplained scene, the five of them stopped and exchanged doubtful looks with each other.

I have to say, this is too strange, brewing for such a long time and in such a heavy atmosphere.

That's it?

But while several people were thinking about it, Xiaoban, the civet cat that had been beside Alan before, seemed to sense something and let out a harsh cry.

Immediately, she stood up suddenly and ran towards the distance in the darkness.

Before the humans present could react, the last "click" echoed in the space.

Xiao Ban's figure, which was flying forward with both feet off the ground, suddenly froze, and the next second, there was only a golden Buddha left in its place.

This change is so sudden, as if time was suspended and someone removed the smaller half and replaced it with this Buddha statue.

The entire process was not observed by the five people present.

The picture in front of me is like the abrupt changes shown by a third-rate editor who doesn't know how to use transition effects.

But the next second, a painful meow came from the tall golden Buddha, confirming its relationship with the half of the civet cat.


Alan let out a scream and subconsciously covered his mouth.

She was already a experienced player, so she would not do anything stupid like running over at this moment.

Without knowing the enemy's attack methods, any action may have irreparable consequences.

In fact, the real owner of Xiaoban, Li Yuxing, just looked at the pair of things dropped by the giant-handed monster with a gloomy face.

Gao Yi's attention was only briefly attracted, and then he turned back at an extremely fast speed, looking at the two unknown objects on the wooden floor.

The whole thing is reddish brown, and it is two crescent-shaped objects. When put together, they form the bowl-like thing from before.

This object is divided into two sides: an outer surface and an inner surface, convex on the outside and flat on the inside, forming a pair.

Now the two pieces on the ground are in a state of one positive and one negative, one outside and one inside.

Is this the monster's attack method?

Gao Yi subconsciously felt that this object was actually more like some kind of religious instrument than some kind of weapon...

At this moment, Li Yuxing suddenly spoke and broke the silence:

"I see, this is Cup Yan!"

"...What is this? Can you explain it a little more clearly?"

Alan seemed a little impatient, and the incessant meowing of painful cats behind her clearly disturbed her mood.

Li Yuxing, on the other side, took out a pet flight box from his wrist and explained while taking it out:

"This is a form of divination. Simply put, it involves using two semicircular utensils and throwing them in front of the gods. Different results will be obtained based on different positive and negative situations."

"So what does one positive and one negative mean?"

Although Carter, who was standing at the front, had never heard of this Eastern divination method, he still quickly understood the situation.

"I only know a rough idea, but generally speaking, it means that the gods approve of your prayers."

Li Yuxing answered the question, and after he opened the flight box in his hand, an owl with a shining blue light got out of it and flew to high places.

The owl will leave an obvious and continuous blue fluorescence on the path it flies, providing lighting for everyone.

"The question is, what happened to the Golden Buddha...Master Baiyun, do you know anything?"

Looking at the blue light above his head and the cup slowly floating upward and returning to the big hands, Gao Yi naturally understood the situation.

He thought for a moment and asked the question to Master Baiyun who had been silent.

Several people turned to look, and the old monk, who had always had a calm expression and a calm tone, now seemed a little angry, with anger mixed in his tone:

"This is 'slow', the 'slow' among the five poisons."

Hearing this, Gao Yi suddenly reacted, understood what the strange words at the bottom meant, and turned to explain to others:

"Buddhism believes that the five emotions of greed, anger, ignorance, pride, and suspicion will cover up people's true intentions and hinder people's practice, and 'arrogance' refers to arrogance."

At this point, the mystery surrounding the big hands above his head gradually began to dissipate.

But this information cannot solve one of the most critical questions -

So how to get rid of it?

While Gao Yi was still taking stock of his various equipment and capabilities, Master Baiyun could no longer hold himself back.

For him, the "slowness" in front of him was obviously the incarnation of sinful emotions. It not only threatened everyone around him at this moment, but also insulted the Buddhist path he was exploring.

Without hesitation, he picked up the beads, threw them into the air, and shouted:

"Monster, I want you to show yourself and be filled with stars!"

The beads dispersed, emitted bursts of golden light, and "slowly" flew towards the big hand on the ceiling using cheap special effects.

But this eyeless monster could obviously feel the incoming attack. A group of small hands above it quickly twisted and squirmed, extending downward to block the attack.

However, Master Baiyun's related abilities seemed to have a special restraint effect on these pale palms. Although the blocking palms blocked a lot of damage, they were quickly melted into a pool of blood.

It's a pity that the big hands at the core were only slightly injured, and they couldn't wait to throw the cups out of their hands again.


"Da da da."

There were still three crisp sounds, and the owl that was flying just now turned into a golden Buddha in mid-air and fell from mid-air.

Painful screams came from inside, and Gao Yi faintly heard the sound of swaying and impacting water inside.

"It works, Master Baiyun, keep attacking!"

Seeing this, Carter turned his head and while giving instructions, he took out his pistol and started shooting.

But some doubts gradually arose in Gao Yi's mind.

Is it really that simple?

Just when Master Baiyun hit with two more cheap golden beams, causing damage.

This "Slow" was obviously angry. The cup disappeared from the ground, reappeared in his hand, and was thrown directly downwards.

And at this moment, Li Yuxing remembered something and suddenly reminded loudly:

"No, it takes three rounds of throwing to be considered a complete divination!"

Gao Yi also reacted suddenly. This throw happened to be the third round.


Thanks for tipping top10 in June

Thanks to Burial, Furnace Knight, Simple A3A, Shamilie, I don’t get up until ten o’clock, this is just a common nickname, Jun Jinnian, excellent quality bag cat, Mo Zhou, and Atomic Terminal for their gifts!

As we enter the summer vacation in July, let’s make some extra rules.

The rating is actually not low anymore, but if there is still growth, then it will increase by 0.1 chapter every time.

If I want to give a reward, I'm a little afraid that I'll owe too much and I won't be able to pay it back, so I'll just give you 1,000 to generate electricity.

Each author who generates electricity with love earns 1 cent, and other gifts will be converted into equal amounts of electricity based on their divided value.

After accumulating within this month, there is no need to think about this reward. I will add a chapter every time.

Based on my past monthly gift income, I should only be able to add about three chapters this month, which is still within my capabilities.


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