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Chapter 262 [Seven Days to Return to the Soul] Price

"Intuition" or "sixth sense" is not actually a very metaphysical existence.

The most straightforward example is that humans can feel that they are being watched by others in certain situations.

Experiments have shown that this "feeling of being watched" can even sense that they are being watched through surveillance cameras.

In addition, there are various vague feelings about the future, premonitions of certain disasters, or déjà vu of things in front of them.

To delve deeper into this topic, we need to talk about quantum entanglement or some non-locality principle. Considering Gao Yi's cultural level, this is indeed a bit beyond the scope.

And for Gao Yi, who is in the copy at this moment and has lost his sixth sense.

His most intuitive feeling is that his perception of things and events around him has become a little dull.

Just like a certain engine of a large civil airliner suddenly shuts down, although it will not cause a crash, it will indeed affect the subsequent voyage.

In this regard, Gao Yi may prefer that the sense he loses is touch or taste, rather than the current intuition.

But in any case, the current situation does not leave him more time to tangle.

On the ceiling, the combination of twisted giant hands is undergoing a very significant change at this moment.

The fingers on the edge are broken, blood splatters, and the flesh fuses.

Based on the original big hands, a pair of big hands with strange finger lengths are combined in the center.

The two hands, one on the left and one on the right, are now crossing their fingers and tapping the backs of their hands, as if waiting for something.

None of the five people present spoke again. In this case, nonsense like "what is this" and "what's going on" is obviously meaningless.

The solemn atmosphere lingers in the entire space. Although no one knows what this pair of giant hands is, everyone realizes one thing:

If you want to leave here and continue to explore the "other world", you must pass this level.

Just as Gao Yi threw the red lantern in his arms and stood up on the wooden floor, he felt a sharp pain in his palm.


The sudden pain caught him off guard. He looked up and saw a rusty nail inserted into his palm, which was bleeding.

Looking down at the ground, it seemed that the action of the monster above his head had caused a lantern to fall, and the nail used to fix it on the top happened to remain on the ground.

And Gao Yi, due to the lack of senses, did not give a warning and pressed it very unluckyly.

What's going on? It's the usual bad luck again?

No, that's not right.

Gao Yi took out the healing potion, threw away the bloody nail, and grabbed the [Lucky Necklace].

The dark green energy did not increase slightly, but the blue veins in the four-leaf clover jumped obviously.

So that's it. The bad luck just now was caused by this necklace, which came from the negative effects after active use.

Although the current scene is a bit scary, Gao Yi couldn't help but sigh distractedly.

He was actually very confident after just unlocking the new usage of [Run Group Dice] and [Lucky Necklace].

I wish I could use this combo in any situation.

This is why he decisively used two pieces of equipment when searching for Qian Hao's body and controlling the landing point of the "maze".

But now it seems that the situation is far less optimistic than he imagined.

Behind the two very useful pieces of equipment, there are extremely troublesome negative effects.

If the [Lucky Necklace] is only worn daily and only works in critical situations when being attacked, it will only slightly reduce the luck value and make various things a little unsatisfactory.

But if it is used actively to release luck, its negative effects will also burst out in a concentrated manner and bring disaster.

The problem of [Run Group Dice] is even more serious. Active use will randomly lose a sense.

The duration is not clear for the time being. At least Gao Yi's sense of smell and intuition have not shown any signs of recovery so far.

If all perceptions are lost at the same time, Gao Yi even suspects that he will directly usher in death.

Yes, this is the benefit that can be obtained in this "game" and "copy".

While giving players extraordinary abilities, curses will also be hidden in them.

At this time, Gao Yi's initial excitement has completely subsided.

The [Running Group Dice] and [Lucky Necklace] in my hand must be used more carefully in the future.

The wound on my palm is not very big. Fortunately, I didn't wear the [Scarlet Raven Coat] for too long before, and I didn't suffer any damage when wearing it. The potion is still effective.

With the help of a bottle of [D-level Flesh Healing Potion], there is no need to worry about tetanus or other infections.

Besides, Gao Yi's physical fitness has reached a new stage now, so this injury is really not a big deal.

The only downside is that due to the lack of smell and intuition, Gao Yi's other senses, which were already amplified by the [Armchair Detective], have become more acute.

This pain really affects concentration.

By the way, there is also a [Wailing Ring] taken from "Xian'er", which can block pain. Do you want to use it now?

The only problem is that its negative effects are said to be very exaggerated, and Gao Yi has not tested it yet.

I am a little worried that it will bring unpredictable variables in this situation.

Considering Gao Yi's current situation, there is a high probability that he has not yet paid off the bad luck debt of the [Lucky Necklace], so it is better to reduce some random factors.

Thinking, he just checked his equipment again and adjusted his status.

The other teammates around him were also preparing for the battle.

Why did he suddenly react like this?

This is because, with the movement of the monster on the ceiling, everyone has already felt that something is about to start.

Of course, Gao Yi is the exception. He has completely lost his intuition and has become extremely slow to predict and perceive this.

But the people around him have started to prepare, so of course he has to do something.

He put on the [Scarlet Raven Coat] and the [Christmas Cape]. Although he didn't know if he would use it, he also picked up the [Gentleman's Cane].

Gao Yi, who was fully armed, raised his head again and suddenly found that the pair of hands holding each other on the ceiling were slowly loosening.

Another gust of wind swept, and the few remaining red lanterns fell down, and the candlelight was extinguished neatly, making the whole space fall into darkness again.

And in the open palms of the big hands above his head, a golden light sprinkled down.

In his hands, he was holding a round bowl-shaped object, with a large word written on the bottom in gold-plated patterns:


Just as the few people were still trying to understand what that meant, the big hand above his head suddenly broke the large word into two pieces and threw it down.


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