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Chapter 261 [Seven Days to Return] Five Senses

Yes, that's the hand.

Although it's so huge, pale, twisted, and disgusting.

But it's just a bunch of overlapping hands.

Their skin is an unhealthy white, as if they haven't seen the sun for a long time, and they seem to be born afraid of the sun.

The blood vessels on the back of the hand are clearly visible, and the dark blue blood vessels are obviously protruding and beating at a high speed, as if the blood is trying to gush out of the flesh.

The fingertips of each hand are extremely sharp. They are obviously responsible for the work of moving, and they make bursts of sharp piercing sounds on the ceiling.

Size... Each hand is the size of a cow; the number... Dozens, it's really impossible to count.

When this huge "thing" slowly crawled out of the darkness and gradually revealed its original form.

Several people were still thinking about what kind of body would be behind these big hands.

But the fact is that these big hands are its body.

There is nothing more in the darkness, it itself is the master of this area.

"What the hell is this thing?"

The one who spoke was Li Yuxing, the doctor and director of the nursery, who raised the question of everyone present.

"Don't be careless. The monsters in this 'other world' are not good."

The one who answered him was Carter, although this answer was also meaningless nonsense.

No matter how careless a person is, seeing a monster like this, it is impossible to relax.

But Gao Yi had a strange intuition. He instinctively felt that this monster, at least until now, did not show any great malice or desire to attack.

It's more like... observing?

If so, can we try to communicate?

Gao Yi, whether it is the instinct as a reporter or the instinct as an investigator, is rejecting direct fighting with this monster.

Do you want to try to communicate?

This thing has no mouth and ears, only "hands", and it should not understand what you say.

"I understand, you have to use sign language to communicate with it!"

Gao Yi patted his thigh lightly, exclaimed, and made a judgment.

However, the other people around him just showed an expression of wanting to say something but not being able to, and turned their heads back, as if pretending that they didn't hear anything.

Even Alan, who always supported Gao Yi, lowered his head silently this time and pressed down the brim of his cap.

"This is a joke, understand? It only has hands, no mouth or ears, so it has to communicate in sign language..."

Gao Yi was still trying to save face, but Li Yuxing on the side just raised his hand and patted him on the back:

"Forget it, we can pretend that we didn't hear it."

"The sense of humor in your era is indeed a little different."

Carter also added another knife to Gao Yi at the right time.

In any case, although this joke about "sign language" is really bad, at least the tense atmosphere has been slightly eased.

But at this moment, a crisp, continuous rolling sound came abruptly from the wooden floor.

This time Gao Yi didn't need to think about it and looked down.

As expected, two dice shining with golden light were rolling... Wait, two?

Gao Yi, who was already used to the appearance of [Run Group Dice], was actually just a little panicked.

Subconsciously, he wanted to use [Lucky Necklace] again to change his possible judgment.

But this time, two dice appeared out of thin air... How could it be possible?

When they slowly stopped, Gao Yi could see the numbers on them clearly.

"3" and "6".

What bothered Gao Yi the most was not the glaring red light that began to flash, but the shape of the two dice.

They were not the twenty-sided dice before, but two of the most common six-sided dice.

As the red light disappeared, the two dice gradually disappeared. Carter turned his head to the dazed Gao Yi and asked:

"What does this mean, is the situation not good?"

"No... nothing, just a little random effect, not much impact."

Shaking his head, Gao Yi regained his confident expression and gave a rather perfunctory response.

Although there were still some doubts in their hearts, the words had come to this point, so the others naturally did not ask more questions.

They had seen the [Run Group Dice] beside Gao Yi before, and naturally guessed its purpose, but they didn't get anything.

The sudden change in the state at this moment was even more incomprehensible.

Only Gao Yi himself knew that with the appearance of "3" and "6" just now, his sense of smell completely disappeared.

After possessing the [Armchair Detective], all five senses were greatly enhanced.

Gao Yi's taste for food has become much lighter, and of course he can't smell some irritating smells.

Now the space they are in is filled with a mixture of wax, burning and death.

And just now, after the two six-sided dice gave the results, Gao Yi suddenly found that he couldn't smell anything.

So that's it, this is the negative effect of the [Run Group Dice], which will deprive the user of the five senses.

Gao Yi used it twice before, and this time he rolled two six-sided dice.

In any case, just losing the sense of smell is already a better situation.

If the vision is lost, Gao Yi, who has no more means of seeing, is basically a useless person.

But if it is arranged in the order of vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, what is "6"?

Does it mean that if you roll "6", you don't need to be deprived of your senses?

It shouldn't be like this. As a negative effect of orange equipment, it's actually so friendly?

Then maybe I can use [Lucky Necklace] to control the appearance of this negative effect in the future.

Among the five senses, the most important ones are vision and hearing, and the rest are not necessary.

The only question is, how long will this negative effect last? Should I drink a bottle of healing potion to slow it down?

Just as Gao Yi was thinking, Alan beside him suddenly screamed:

"Be careful!"

Be careful of what?

Gao Yi's reaction was obviously a beat slower, and a huge red lantern flew towards everyone with the air flow.

Gao Yi, who was thinking with his head down, was not on guard at all and was knocked to the ground.

Holding the big red lantern in front of his chest, Gao Yi, who fell to the ground, saw the big hand on the ceiling begin to wriggle and deform.

The airflow it brought was destroying all the nearby lanterns.

At this time, Gao Yi also reacted belatedly.

"6" is not meaningless.

What it deprived was his sixth sense, that is, "intuition".


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