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Chapter 260 [Seven Days of Resurrection] New Map

I have to say that the name "Maze" did well.

This monster that exists in this "other world" in a residential building has the ability to soften and move walls, and has a certain ability to teleport through space.

After entering this "maze", Gao Yi's intuitive feeling was that his whole body was wrapped in a sticky, soft, slime-like substance.

As the weightless fall stopped, the brief feeling of suffocation subsided.

When he saw the light again, Gao Yi was already in a brand new area.

After shaking his head to dispel the annoying dizziness, he finally had the energy to observe.

Gao Yi dared to take the remaining people into the embrace of this "maze", and he naturally relied on the combination of [Lucky Necklace] and [Run Team Dice].

That's how things work out sometimes, coincidences happen.

Who would have thought that the necklace that exploded from the "Nail" in "Xicheng Xicheng" could form such a match with the dice found from Ye Chenjie's body in "Nankang Experimental Middle School".

Of course, in the final analysis, this is all a reflection of one's own abilities and luck...

Gao Yi couldn't help but feel a little carried away when he thought about this.

Taking advantage of this energy, he finally finished observing his surroundings.

Is this...really still in that residential building?

The four teammates were still around, but the area they were in was obviously no longer a narrow and closed stairwell, but a rather wide open space.

"Is there a place like this in this building?"

I don’t know if he has developed some kind of resistance to dizziness after space transformation due to frequent use of the [Steel Stapler], and Alan woke up very quickly.

"I don't know. Stay vigilant first."

On the other side, Carter seemed not to be affected by the dreamlike dizziness at all, and still maintained his calm and confident state, issuing warnings.

There is no longer the flickering dim light above the head, but the overall lighting is actually similar to the one upstairs.

This is because there are countless bloody candles densely inserted in the surrounding open space and at the base of the wall.

They were swaying around, swaying the wax randomly, and now they were flickering with irregular candlelight.

The bright red lanterns were tied to the ceiling with thin ropes, and they were also scattered and irregular.

Contrary to this mess, what the few people were stepping on was a spotlessly mopped wooden floor. Gao Yi could even see his own blurred reflection on the floor.

However, the information that can be obtained through observation is limited to this.

Although there are candles for lighting, the surrounding area is too spacious. Even if Gao Yi has enhanced vision, he can only see about thirty meters.

Farther away, there was still darkness.

At this time, Gao Yi couldn't help but miss the lost [enemy-finding glasses].

If you still have it with you, you don't have to worry about being unable to see in the dark.

But then again, even if the glasses are still there, there is no room for them in the backpack, and they probably won't be brought to the dungeon.

In any case, after confirming that he had completed his observation, Gao Yi tilted his head slightly and asked his other half, Carter, who was also observing:

"Have you been to this place before?"

The legendary investigator did not speak, but silently shook his head.

This answer is not surprising. If the other party has been here before, he will definitely record it on the map.

So where is this place?

When Gao Yi was holding the [Lucky Necklace] and trying to control its results, the goal in his mind was actually not too detailed.

"Send us to the safe location closest to Zheng Qiyu."

After repeating it five times, the [Run Team Dice] was thrown again, triggering some kind of judgment and letting the "maze" bring them here.

Even though this request was not long in his mind, Gao Yi really thought it over carefully.

The first is the teleportation location. If the target chooses five other people, there may be errors or conflicts in the target due to the dispersion of those five people.

In the optimistic case, it may be that they randomly arrive near a certain person. In the pessimistic case, it will cause the five-person team on Gao Yi's side to be further dispersed.

At that time, the already not optimistic situation may be further worsened.

So who should be chosen as the target?

Needless to say, the most important figure in the five-person group over there must be Uncle Friends.

On the one hand, he is an important role in conquering this dungeon. Only he knows how to solve the black coffin at the bottom.

On the other hand, he is also an important combatant, mastering Taoist techniques to kill various zombies and ghosts.

But, it's a bit unsafe.

Gao Yi had to think about the worst case scenario, what to do if Uncle Friends had been killed.

If you enter the "maze" with this as your goal, you may be led directly to some unpredictable death place.

Taking this into consideration, Zheng Qiyu was finally chosen as the target. At least Alan could ensure that he was at least still alive.

At the same time, Gao Yi also understood the wisdom of this pink-haired girl, and believed that he would also realize the importance of Uncle Friend.

If you find Zheng Qiyu, you should also be able to find Uncle You.

Finally, at the teleportation location, Gao Yi's description was not "near", but limited the safe area. Naturally, he was afraid of being involved in a battle without adequate preparation.

At least for now, it seems that there is no danger around.

Of course, at the same time, Gao Yi had not discovered where Zheng Qiyu was.

"So, where are we?"

Li Yuxing seemed to be the last one to wake up among the few people. It took him a long time to recover. He rubbed the back of his neck and asked slowly.

It seemed that he was not used to this dizziness.

"I don't know, but there shouldn't be such a big place in this building..."

Carter frowned rarely and flipped through his notebook quickly, as if he was confirming something.

After a while, he raised his head and concluded:

"It may be similar to the situation we encountered upstairs. This "inner world" has undergone some changes and is preventing us from going downstairs."

This guess is obviously reasonable. Whether it is the "greedy ghost" encountered when he just went out, or the "old zombie" and "maze" that suddenly appeared in the place where they should not appear, they are all manifestations of some changes in the "inner world".

Gao Yi even felt that the entire residential building, and even the entire space, had become irritable.

Perhaps their move downward triggered some kind of resistance mechanism.

Or did the player who controlled everything and tried to revive take some action?

Before Gao Yi could think about it, Master Baiyun, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up.

"Amitabha, everyone be careful, something is coming."

Hearing this, the remaining four people all became alert and observed the surroundings with their backs to each other.

Although they could not have a clear feeling like Master Baiyun, the gloomy atmosphere had undoubtedly enveloped everyone.

The red lanterns above their heads began to sway helplessly, and the candles began to go out in groups from far to near.

In this solemn atmosphere, several people finally saw it.

In the darkness, something slowly approached from the ceiling.

It was a pair of huge human hands, twisted and intertwined, as if covering the sky and the sun.


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