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Chapter 259 [Seven Days to Return] Xiaoban

"this is.......?"

Gao Yi hissed, looking at the absurd and magical scene in front of him, hesitantly asked questions.

"Why, haven't you seen a cat?"

Li Yuxing didn't react at all. He squatted down and looked at the... half cat in the litter box:

"Her name is Xiaoban, I picked it up by chance before."

"Good name........"

Suppressing his desire to complain, Gao Yi praised him smoothly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he also began to carefully observe this young man.

If you only look at the upper body, this is indeed just a very ordinary domestic cat.

To be precise, it's a black-striped tabby cat.

Only the upper body can be seen with the naked eye, and the two hind legs cannot be observed, as if it had been cut in half with a knife, leaving only the upper half.

The way it moves looks no different from an ordinary cat, as if its lower body is just invisible.

But if you look carefully and observe the state of stepping on the cat litter, you will see that the front feet will cause normal dents in the cat litter, but there will be no dents in the rear feet.

In other words, this little half is really only half...

As for the cross-section, its internal organs were not shown. Instead, there was a layer of black material that could absorb almost all the surrounding light, making it completely impossible to see clearly.

At this point, I don’t know whether to say that the cat is weird or that the players are weird.

Just when Gao Yi was thinking about what Li Yuxing was going to do with this half cat, Xiao Ban seemed to have completed her work.

After leaving the cat litter box, she began to approach Alan again and rub her boots.

I don’t know how this girl wearing a peaked cap attracted Xiaoban’s attention, but she was very fond of him anyway.

Li Yuxing, who was next to the cat litter box, picked up the small shovel and began to scoop up shit.

Well, Gao Yi actually can’t explain how this cat with only half a body produces excrement.

But no matter what, as Li Yuxing finished the work of shoveling shit, he stood up with a gasp and called to everyone around him:

"Come and take a look."

"I have to remind you, even if my little one is cute, I don't want to see her excrement..."

Alan, who had already picked up Xiaoban at some point, reminded him with an unkind expression. -

"No... Anyway, you'll know when I come over and take a look."

Li Yuxing sighed, not knowing how to explain it.

But when it comes to this, there is no reason for them to refuse.

Taking a closer look, I really understood what he meant.

The cat litter box that had been shoveled around showed signs of extreme danger like sand paintings.

A big "7L" appears above.

"This means...the people who fell are on the seventh floor?"

Seeing this scene, Alan, who was holding his baby in his arms, asked hesitantly.

"It should be right. Based on my past experience, as long as the information is successfully displayed, I haven't missed it yet."

Li Yuxing nodded and looked up with dull eyes to answer. As he spoke, he pointed to his eyes again:

"The negative effect is that you will be blind for a few minutes, and then you will have amblyopia... Of course it is not a big problem."

The negative effect is not low. In terms of ability, it must be at least purple level, right?

After all, is his ability the litter box, the cat, or both?

Listening to Li Yuxing's answer, Gao Yi also began to spread his thoughts.

The ability displayed by the other party was roughly equivalent to completing a poaching attack using a cat litter box.

With strong intelligence capabilities, this negative effect is not serious in comparison...

Gao Yi silently glanced at Dr. Li again and kept the information in his heart.

After thinking for a moment, he also asked:

"The cram school you taught isn't filled with creatures like Xiaoban, right?"

Directly asking about the opponent's ability is a taboo among players, and in most cases it is considered impolite.

Gao Yi naturally would not make such a mistake of low emotional intelligence, and instead made insinuations.

"That's not true. It would be nice if everyone could be as worry-free as Xiaoban..."

Shaking his head, Li Yuxing, although still unable to see, turned his head towards Gao Yi according to the voice:

"Most of the things that need to be managed are those that they can't handle on their own. They are either too noisy and causing destruction everywhere; or they are too troublesome and disappear without even looking at it for a second..."

This topic obviously touched the pain point of Li Yuxing, making this player who is not very fond of long speeches begin to vomit bitterness:

"Some time ago, my apartment was almost demolished. The little vampire I got from who knows where in the dungeon couldn't understand human speech and liked to bite other classmates, making everything a mess; the bride who looked like a ghost She keeps asking me where her husband is, how do I know where he is? After all, the best-behaved one is still the paper man Yiyi, but it’s a pity..."

"It's a pity that his father is an asshole."

Alan hugged half of the cat and added the last half of the sentence.

"It's a pity that his father is a bastard! Where did that thing go? Is it really dead? In fact, many of my players who brought them here are dead. I can't drive them away. No one has paid. If you leave them all with me, you will be in trouble..."

It can be seen that Li Yuxing, as the director of an extraordinary creature trusteeship, is really under a lot of pressure.

As for where Zhao Qian ran off to, Gao Yi could only roughly confirm that the charlatan was not dead yet.

Half of Gao Yi's not-so-large circle of acquaintances had been cheated by that guy, so he might be hiding somewhere.

Listening to the three players chatting about inexplicable topics for a long time, Carter looked at the half cat and cleared his throat, interrupting the somewhat leisurely atmosphere:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we don't have much time, so let's focus on the current situation first."

This makes sense. The most important thing to solve now is the copy in front of us.

"If what Xiaoban said is true, then the five of them are on the seventh floor now?

Alan touched it carefully, and the black cross section of Xiaoban's half body caused him to snore.

"The problem is that we are now on the 24th floor. We have to go through 17 floors to go down, which will take a lot of time. ”

Li Yuxing has put away the cat litter box, and it seems that his eyes can see a little bit, no longer blank like before.

"This is indeed a problem. We can't contact them, and the wall has started to move again. We can only speed up, otherwise the risk of random transmission is too great..."

Carter, who was checking the "maze" on the wall, also sighed, seeming a little helpless.

At this moment, Gao Yi patted the wall next to him that began to move again, and slowly looked at everyone:

"If this transmission is random, I actually have a simpler way..."


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