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Chapter 258 [Seven Days Back to the Soul] Cat Litter Box

"There are no signs of fighting, the footprints are still there, and there are no marks around..."

Gao Yi, who was alert in an instant, quickly looked around. With the characteristics of [Armchair Detective], he could grasp the information nearby in a very short time.

Before he could use his simulation ability to try to reproduce what happened before, a female voice sounded faintly:

"Gao Yi?"

The source of the voice was neither upstairs nor downstairs.

If Gao Yi was a little bit unable to react last time, he would not be surprised this time.

Turning his head, a blue zipper was slowly opened on the gray wall, and a girl wearing a baseball cap stuck her head out.

Needless to say, it was Alan.

"What happened? Where are the others?"

Seeing the other party crawling out of the zipper and grabbing Li Yuxing out, Gao Yi asked hurriedly.

There were seven people before, and now there are only two players left. This situation is really scary.

Alan, who had just come out of the zipper, sighed at this moment, touched the scar on his face, and responded:

"Don't mention it. We were chatting in this stairwell before, waiting for you to come back, but the floor suddenly disappeared, and the walls on both sides pressed over like they were alive..."

"Is this...'maze'?"

Carter frowned and directly called out the name of this abnormality.

Gao Yi naturally remembered that the other party had mentioned before that there were a large number of monsters that could deform and reorganize the corridor around the 40th floor of the residential building.

"It may be that, but doesn't the map say that they are upstairs? Will they also appear in the stairwell?"

Li Yuxing, who had been looking a little unhappy since he came out of the zipper, asked at this moment.

It seemed that he was in a bad mood, but Gao Yi felt that this "unfriendly look" was mainly because he felt like vomiting.

The space inside the [Steel Chain Stapler] doesn't look very comfortable...

Gao Yi didn't waste any more time on this question and gave a straightforward response:

"It seems that because we have entered the final time, the whole building has become chaotic, and we have encountered monsters in the corridor that would not appear on this floor before."

After a pause, he continued to ask Alan:

"So what happened after that, and what about the others?"

This time, Alan couldn't give a very clear answer:

"I don't know, I opened the wall and hid in at the last moment, and I only had time to grab the nearest person."

As she said, she raised her right hand and pointed at Li Yuxing beside her. Obviously, this was the person she had pulled in.

Frowning slightly, Gao Yi cast a questioning look at Carter on the side.

The legendary investigator lived up to expectations and directly answered Gao Yi's unspoken questions:

"People who fall into the 'maze' seem to be randomly teleported to different floors. Several of us fell in before, and most of them came back safely."

"Regarding this, I can at least be sure that Zheng Qiyu is still alive."

Alan also added at this moment, as if she was afraid that several people did not understand why she was so sure, and then explained:

"I have some ability to detect the status of my employer. Although I can't confirm her location in this situation, at least she is not dead."

I have to say that this is also a comfort.

Touching the ends of his hair a little irritably, Gao Yi quickly summarized the current situation.

The original ten-man team was now completely separated, with five people on each side.

The others were counted for the time being, but Uncle You was not in his sight at the moment.

You know, this last Taoist priest is the key figure in solving this copy.

It seems that he is afraid of leaking the news, so Uncle You never tells others his final plan.

Except for himself, no one knows how to solve the black coffin at the bottom of the building.

If Uncle You gets into trouble, this dungeon will basically be declared a failure.

And the things resurrected by the coffin at the bottom will also come out.

It is not difficult to judge from the descriptions of these dungeon characters that the things inside are definitely not good people.

In the worst case, Gao Yi can still kill an "evil spirit" and take the [Return Ticket] and leave.

But the world in this [Seven Days Back to the Soul] dungeon is really finished.

Even if they can fall into the cycle again, will the [director] be satisfied with his movie, with such an ending?

In the final analysis, Gao Yi has no need for resurrection and life extension for the [Seven Days Back to the Soul] dungeon.

The main reason he entered this "Holy Grail 3" dungeon is to meet the [director].

If this scene fails, there may not be another chance.

As for the rewards of the special tasks of the "Tag System", that legendary feature can only say goodbye.

No, the more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Gao Yi stamped his feet, put the [Gentleman's Cane] back into his backpack, and began to think about whether to use the [Scarlet Raven Coat] to summon a raven for reconnaissance.

On the side, Li Yuxing, who had recovered, took the lead, sighed, and spoke to attract everyone's attention:

"I should have a way to confirm where they are roughly."

"Ah, then why didn't you say it before?"

Beside him, Alan showed a surprised expression.

"Nonsense, I was blocked in there by you, dizzy, how could I have a chance to talk."

Shaking his head, Li Yuxing added:

"I'm not sure if my ability can be used here, anyway, let's try it first."

That's true. Anyway, everyone has no good idea at this moment, so it won't be wrong to let him try.

Hearing this, several people tacitly made way for him.

To be honest, Gao Yi was really curious about what Li Yuxing was capable of.

He dared to enter the [Seven Days of Resurrection] copy of "Holy Grail 3", and he could take care of various copy creatures in reality and go against the Investigation Bureau. He must be very powerful.

The only question is what he is capable of.

After clearing a piece of open space, Li Yuxing, who is a doctor by profession, took a deep breath and took out a... cat litter box from his wrist?

Yes, although Gao Yi has never raised a cat, he can be sure that it is a cat litter box.

It is not the type that is commonly seen on the market, with more and more complex shapes, fully enclosed or semi-enclosed.

It is just a very simple, square cat litter box with a small shovel hanging on the side, and the inside is filled with white granular cat litter.

Just when a circle of onlookers were thinking about what he was going to do,

Li Yuxing suddenly stood up and whistled towards the shadow downstairs.

Following his line of sight, there just appeared out of thin air... half a cat.

Yes, half a cat.

To be precise, it was only the front half of the body including the front feet, but not the back half of the body including the hind feet... half a cat.

And this state did not affect the cat's actions at all. It just walked slowly from downstairs, as if the back half should not exist, and came smoothly to Li Yuxing.

With a few cat calls, in the shocked eyes of everyone, this half cat rubbed Alan's boots and walked into the basin of cat litter.

Well, the abilities of the players are really strange.


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