“Ding ding ding ding…”

The harsh alarm clock rang from the room.

Gao Yi suddenly opened his bloodshot eyes, struggled to get up from the bed, and turned off the alarm on his phone at the other end of the room.

You should have had the experience of taking a nap until the evening. When you wake up and look at the empty room, the faint twilight, you will feel that you have been abandoned by the whole world.

Of course, Gao Yi, who has been accustomed to loneliness and day and night reversal, has little impact on this negative emotion.

At this moment, he is thankful that the landlord’s infrastructure is well done and the bedroom is equipped with a radiator, otherwise getting up in this weather is basically a torture.

But then again, getting up and working at various anti-human times is basically Gao Yi’s daily routine.

The most regular time in his life after becoming a reporter is actually the few months he was undercover in a mental hospital.

During that period, he really went to bed early and got up late, which was not very healthy.

Of course, the sedatives that were forced to be injected and the occasional beatings by the nurses are another matter.

Looking at the time, it was already 5:30 in the evening.

There are only two and a half hours left before the agreed transaction time.

"Change clothes, organize equipment, check the latest news in advance, communicate with the seller..."

Rubbing the dark circles under his eyes, he walked to the sink to rinse his face, and muttered about the future plans.

He is the type who must make detailed plans before doing anything. I think it is also because of his natural bad luck that he has no expectations for "believing in the arrangement of fate".

Take going out for travel as an example. Some people can wander around and suddenly discover the sparsely populated beautiful scenery and delicious food in the deep alleys.

If Gao Yi does not ask and arrange in advance, he will find that the scenic spot is closed today when he arrives, and that the restaurant has closed down last week when he arrives...

He sighed and looked at the two things in his hand that jumped with time limits.

There is really no way to complete the two [Daily Tasks] of the label system now.

[Label Task: ①Investigate a secret organization and write a report; ②Do a good deed that benefits more than a thousand people]

Investigating secret organizations and doing good deeds are things that can only be encountered by chance.

The ticket on the other side, [West City Strange Stories (Sword 7)]

The countdown below has changed to [03:27:22], which means there are only three and a half hours left before it starts.

It is said that the wanted criminal named "Zhang Tu" will enter this scenario tonight.

"A bounty of one million..."

Gao Yi swallowed his saliva, the money was indeed tempting.

Shaking his head, he still had to stay calm.

I just entered the first scenario last night, and now I am an absolute novice.

Is the second scenario going to face a vicious wanted criminal head-on?

This is definitely a suicidal act.

Gao Yi is indeed a person with a sense of justice, and he does think that Zhang Tu deserves to die.

But that doesn't mean he has to put himself in danger and fight for his life.

According to the forum, there are two types of tickets, limited time and unlimited time.

Unlimited time tickets can only be used when the countdown under the [Attributes] list ends, that is, when you must enter the dungeon.

The other is the limited-time items like [Western City Strange Things] and [Heart Strange Fog] last night.

Using it to enter at a fixed time will also reset the player's personal copy countdown.

According to some posts, this kind of ticket with a built-in countdown is often very dangerous.

Of course, if you don't want to use it, you can put it in the [Backpack] and wait for the time limit to end, and it will automatically become a game coin of a certain value.

In other words, Gao Yi can still make some money without this [Western City Strange Things] - although it's very little.

"Forget it, don't be affected by these time limits, don't use the ticket, don't do the daily tasks, just focus on trading today."

Gao Yi washed his face with cold water again, looked at himself in the mirror with red eyes, and set a flag again:

"I must have a good sleep when I come back tonight!"


6:50 p.m.

The chain stores in the city center were crowded with people.

Looking up, the entire supermarket was connected into a sea of ​​red.

Half of them were warming up for Christmas next week, and half of them were warming up for the Spring Festival two months later.

On this rare weekend, many people choose to go out to buy New Year's goods and supplies.

Especially with the frequent occurrence of various strange things in recent days, many people have the idea of ​​hiding at home to save some food and daily necessities.

The final result is that Gao Yi squeezed for a long time before he succeeded in getting to the locker.

At this moment, he was wearing a thick down jacket, jeans, and a baseball cap with a huge brim on his head.

Originally wanted to wear sunglasses, but it was really inappropriate at night, and it would make him more conspicuous.

So he had to settle for the second best and wore a wide scarf to cover the lower half of his face.

"Let me see, 1, 5, 7, 8..."

Reading the message on the phone softly, Gao Yi pressed the number.

As expected, a cabinet door on the right "bang" popped open, revealing a brown paper handbag.

"This one is much more professional, unlike that person who just threw the medicine into the cabinet..."

Gao Yi muttered, put the medicine into the bag, and then put it into the [backpack] on his wrist.

At the same time, he casually looked around.

Relying on the superb observation ability given by [Armchair Detective], Gao Yi easily confirmed that there was no sign of being followed.

Very good, it seems that the two merchants I chose are still honest.

I deposited the balance into another locker and set a timer. The password will be automatically sent to the seller half an hour later - this is also a function of the "forum".

In any case, the designer of this forum has put a lot of thought into it.

By the way, [game coins] can be visualized, roughly coins with a red glow, and they feel very heavy in the hand.

I looked at my phone and it was already past seven o'clock.

Gao Yi did not delay, and casually picked up his handbag and walked to the other end of the commercial street.

According to the address given by the [graduate student] player, he walked to Building A of Hulong Mall.

Hulong Mall is located in the central business district of Nankang City and is a veritable coordinate-level building.

Catering, clothing, luxury goods, film and television, furniture, and games can be said to be all-encompassing.

Of course, it is followed by a huge flow of people.

Even if Nankang City is undercurrent during this period, ordinary people's desire for entertainment and consumption will not be eliminated.

Gao Yi did not go directly to the meeting place, but turned around and entered a bathroom on the second floor.

He chose an empty cubicle and sat on the toilet lid - yes, this high-end mall uses toilets.

The first thing he took out was a tube of [E-level Evolution Potion].

Its color is dark green, similar to Gao Yi's own [C-level Evolution Potion], but it looks much more turbid.

"According to the forum, the effect will deteriorate if taken continuously... Then let's take a bottle first."

Silently muttering to himself, Gao Yi unscrewed the bottle cap and drank the whole bottle of dark green potion.

It's so hard to drink.

This was Gao Yi's first reaction.

It tasted bitter, like a dose of Chinese medicine, and the whole thing was almost gelatinous. It took Gao Yi a lot of effort to swallow it.

But when it entered the stomach, the changes it brought were also very obvious.

Gao Yi clearly felt that his whole body was hot, and the feeling was like the "unblocked tendons and veins" in martial arts novels, as if the whole person was washed from the inside out.

Unfortunately, this feeling came and went quickly.

When the "clean feeling" in the body completely disappeared, the only difference was that the [Evolution Rate] in the [Attribute List] changed from 10% to 15%.

There was no way to do any exercise in the toilet cubicle to test it, but Gao Yi believed that his physical fitness should have been slightly improved.

"Next, let's change."

Looking at the phone, the time was already 7:59.

Gao Yi didn't hesitate any more, and gently wiped it in front of his face, and the [Mist Mask] was put on by him.

This was also his previous plan, relying on its active effect [randomly changing the user's appearance, body shape, and voice within one hour], to change his identity and hide himself to the greatest extent.

Of course, covering up for the vest was also one of the goals, but it was just incidental.

In any case, Gao Yi didn't hesitate any more, closed his eyes slightly, and pressed his thumb gently on his temple according to the instructions.

When he opened his eyes again a moment later, Gao Yi clearly felt that his body had changed.

His figure was much thinner, and his chest was heavy.

He thought to himself that it was not good, and hurriedly opened his phone and looked at himself with the front camera.

His guess was indeed true, this time the changed image was a woman.

There was nothing else, in fact, becoming the opposite sex could better hide one's identity.

But the problem was...

"I'm in the men's room now..."

Gao Yi couldn't help but sighed when he heard the strange and beautiful female voice coming out of her mouth.


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