The image change of [Mist Mask] is very interesting, which is equivalent to directly "changing" Gao Yi into another person.

Not only the face and figure are different, but even the clothes are directly changed.

His current image seems to be a lady of 24 or 25 years old, with a height of less than 1.7 meters and a well-proportioned figure.

Although Gao Yi has no knowledge of fashion, his current clothes look sophisticated.

He wears a pair of slim trousers, a black long-sleeved cotton coat, and a fashionable necklace around his neck.

It is worth mentioning that the shoulder bag in his hand actually contains Gao Yi's carry-on items. It can only be said that this [Mist Mask] is quite humanized.

Looking down, it's a good thing that the lady didn't wear high heels, otherwise Gao Yi would probably have difficulty walking.

But this huge difference in physiological structure does need to be adapted.

Gao Yi jumped twice in the toilet cubicle, and felt a heavy chest.


It's hard to describe this weird feeling. The body he controls suddenly becomes strange.

Gao Yi looked down, then looked up at his palm, then looked down again.

He sighed.

Forget it, let's focus on business.

After waiting for a while, when he heard no movement outside the door, Gao Yi hurried out of the toilet and mixed into the crowd in the mall.

The fourth floor of the mall seemed to be a food area, surrounded by restaurants of various styles, and there were quite a few people at dinner time.

The doors of several popular stores were full of plastic benches, all of which were waiting in line.

Looking at the rest area next to the escalator, Gao Yi saw the target at a glance with the observation bonus of [Armchair Detective].

To be honest, it doesn't take much observation.

The preparations made by the seller named [Graduate Student] were almost the opposite of Gao Yi.

Wearing sunglasses late at night, with a scarf covering half of his face tightly, and a windbreaker tightly wrapped around his upper body, he looked around nervously from time to time in his seat.

Don't worry about Gao Yi, the security guards of the mall have noticed something, and two of them are pointing fingers at him on the other side.

He is too amateur. If such a person joins the underworld, he will probably be beaten up by the gangsters on the first day.

Forget it, it will be troublesome if the security guards come forward to question him.

Gao Yi tried his best to adapt to his new body and walked quickly towards the nervous man.

When there was about 20 meters left, a familiar throbbing appeared in his heart.

An extremely strong induction appeared in his heart, showing the fact that the other party was a player.

This feeling also appeared when Gao Yi met Zhao Qian this morning.

It can be seen that "players" can sense each other.

In the panicked eyes of the man, Gao Yi sat down beside him and said with a smile:

"You are the [graduate student]?"

The young man was obviously startled by Gao Yi's words. He didn't know where to put his hands for a while. After a long time, he mumbled:

"You are the one...investigating..."

"Yes, it's me. Where is the stuff?"

Gao Yi decisively interrupted him and smiled again.


The man's words were completely incoherent. I don't know if he was shocked that Gao Yi dared to trade without hiding, or was shocked by his straightforward words.


Gao Yi reacted instantly. Did this [graduate student] not sense that he was a player?

That is to say, the effect of [Mist Mask] can also block this kind of mutual induction between players.

If this is true, the operability of this equipment will rise to a new level.

After using it, Gao Yi can sneak up on other players, which is very convenient for sneak attacks or gathering intelligence.

After all, in the subconscious of most players, whether another person is a player is a very clear thing.

His thoughts were turning quickly, but Gao Yi didn't stop talking:

"Where's the stuff?"

"Oh, it's here."

The man seemed to have finally recovered from his shock, and suddenly opened his windbreaker, revealing the belt around his waist.

Did this man actually tie the goods he traded to his body...

Well, it's not hard to understand, after all, this [stunt belt] is indeed a "belt", and daily wear can also increase agility.

"Money, money!"

The [graduate student] blushed, and seemed to have finally squeezed out a trace of courage to ask.

Gao Yi looked at the other party and couldn't help but have some guesses in his heart.

This kid looks like he's only in his twenties, he wouldn't be...not very good at communicating with the opposite sex.

With a sneer, Gao Yi took out the game coins he had prepared long ago and placed them in front of the other party:

"299, click a little."

", I believe you!"

What the hell, just believe me if we know each other.

Gao Yi couldn't help but shake his head in his heart.

It seems that there is really no tendency in the choice of "players", and it's not the more powerful people who will become players.

For example, this [graduate student] is not very good at communicating with others.

Forget it, maybe he has some strengths in other aspects, but this has nothing to do with me.

While the other party was unbuckling his belt, Gao Yi looked up to the right casually.

The two security guards who were pointing and talking before were no longer paying attention to this side.

It seems that the arrival of this beautiful woman has dispelled many of his suspicions.

This is also an advantage of the female body, which is naturally considered "low threat".

This is why female agents of the same level are often more deadly and more terrifying than male agents.

The number of people who died because of being deceived by appearances can circle the earth once a year.

Gao Yi warned himself again.

Thinking in his heart, the observation bonus of [Armchair Detective] once again exerted its power.

Gao Yi suddenly found that someone in the crowd who was looking at his phone was staring at him.

This look was not a curious observation, but... some kind of surveillance?

No, not just him.

Slowly turning his head around, Gao Yi found four people who were monitoring this side.

Their surveillance was not very clever, but it was still hidden enough in the crowded mall.

If Gao Yi had not been vigilant, it would be very likely that he would not have discovered it.

At this moment, the [graduate student] had also taken off his belt and was handing it to Gao Yi.

"Yes, this is the [stunt belt]..."

But Gao Yi had no intention of being polite. He grabbed the belt, leaned forward, and said in a low voice:

"Hey, what do you want to do? Those are your people?!"

"What... who?"

The man's panic was beyond words, and Gao Yi could even hear his heartbeat suddenly speeding up.

I don't know if he was scared by the questioning or by the opposite sex being so close.

This reaction doesn't seem to be pretended. It seems that those people should be third-party forces.

After being disguised as the [mist mask], it is unlikely to be followed. It is likely that this kid...

"Have you mentioned this belt to others?" Gao Yi asked in a deep voice.

"Uh, it's all posted on the forum..."

"I mean in reality!"

The [graduate student] showed a thoughtful expression, and slapped his thigh for a long time:

"It seems that I mentioned it to the brother I met in the last script, but he said that there was not enough money..."

Gao Yi couldn't help but sighed while pressing his head.

Really, I just thought that the seller was not too dangerous, but I didn't expect that the seller's stupidity would also cause trouble.

He took the belt and wrapped it around his waist.

Gao Yi stood up and said goodbye to the [graduate student] without looking back:

"Okay, let's go quickly. Be careful when walking at night."


The [graduate student] was confused and watched Gao Yi walk to the escalator on the side and go downstairs.

He scratched his neck for a long time without understanding what happened, put the game coins in it, and stood up.

What he didn't know was that the next battle in the mall would completely subvert his worldview.

In Gao Yi's ears, the system prompt sound that had not sounded for a long time sounded again.

[Special task has been triggered: get rid of the tracking of suspicious players and the investigation bureau, and ensure that the real identity is not discovered]

[Reward: Common characteristics*1, rare item lottery opportunity*1]

[Time limit: forty-two minutes]


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