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Chapter 50 [Western City Strange Things] Fear

"It's hard to distinguish between truth and falsehood"

"Many faces are dangerous and deceitful"

"How much prosperity can be shared"

"The water droplets on the eaves make no difference"

The car radio played unknown Cantonese songs on a loop, and the scent of almonds filled the air.

Everything is exactly the same as when Gao Yi was six years old.

The heart is beating so fast.

Gao Yi wanted to say that he didn't care, but his physiological reactions didn't lie.

The speed of the car became faster and faster. Gao Yi tried to move, but when he lowered his head, he found that his torso was tied to the center of the back seat by a seat belt and could not move.

The two parents were still chatting about the weather in front, just like they did on the day of the accident.

Of course, they had no reaction to Gao Yi's words and just drove the car faster and faster.

Gao Yi moved forward hard, stretched out the seat belt a little, and looked sideways at the dashboard.

220km/h, the speed has reached the level of ordinary F1 racing cars.

"Seriously, should you consider changing your career to the entertainment industry? We will definitely make money by opening an amusement park together."

Seeing that he was unable to change the current situation, Gao Yi took two deep breaths and inexplicably began to speak to the empty seat beside him.

One aspect of that is really his deadpan sense of humor, and his way of relieving stress.

On the other hand, Gao Yi did realize one thing.

From the moment he entered this illusion, he had been surrounded by a large number of complicated and jumping horror scenes.

It seems unrelated, and the jump is extremely sudden.

But a careful analysis of the past shows that every change in different scenes has a common feature.

It's the emotion of Gao Yi itself.

Once he adapts to the environment, his emotions gradually calm down, and his fear dissipates, the situation will change and the scene will be switched immediately.

In other words, the key lies in oneself.

This is why Gao Yi took a deep breath now to calm down, and also why he had a conversation with the clown in the previous scene.

As expected, changes occurred again.

A column of white smoke exploded on Gao Yi's left side. After it dissipated, the clown was already sitting in the back seat of the car.

At the same moment, the car drove into a tunnel.

The change in air pressure made my ears feel uncomfortable, and the dim light and repeated scenes on both sides made the atmosphere particularly gloomy.

The clown didn't move his body, turned his neck at an abnormal angle, and brought his pale cheek to Gao Yi:

"Hehehe, do you like the gift I prepared for you?"

His laughter was extremely scary, like a wild animal playing with its prey, or a child looking forward to dinner.

The speed of the car became faster and faster, and gravity pressed Gao Yi's whole body firmly on the seat.

The windows on both sides suddenly disappeared at some point, allowing airflow to surge in the small car.

Gao Yi turned his head with difficulty and looked directly into the clown's yellow pupils:

"Didn't you see me growing up in an orphanage? Let me tell you, Bruce Wayne is my brother, so be careful..."

This clown who doesn't live in Gotham has a look of confusion in his eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, he continued his psychological offensive:

"I don't have many friends, just like you. You should remember my name. My name is..."

The clown waved his hand upward, and in front of Gao Yi, the parents in the front seat of the car suddenly stopped communicating.

They raised their hands and started banging on the steering wheel and passenger seat in front of them, shouting while banging:

"Bill! Bill! Bill!"

The clown also opened his arms amidst the shouts and laughed:

"Yes, I'm Bill!"

Following the movements of his father in the driver's seat, the entire car began to sway a little from side to side, making it unstable.

The swinging car almost hit the tunnel wall several times, but was pulled back at the most extreme point each time.

Time is a good medicine that can make people forget everything.

The memory of the six-year-old was already blurry, and Gao Yi only remembered some details of the car accident.

But the shaking now was exactly what he had experienced before the car accident.

Subconsciously, Gao Yi grabbed the edge of the seat under him and tried to stabilize his body.

The clown on the side introduced himself as "Bill", his neck stretched like a noodle, and he leaned into Gao Yi's ear again:

"You know, hehehe, you smell so good now, so good."

fragrant? This is a form of description of food.

It smells so good now, does it mean it didn't smell so good before?

What has just changed about you?

Sure enough, it is still an emotion, to be precise, it is fear. It likes human fear!

This also explains why he went to great lengths to create these illusions and plant hints step by step in various places.

It loves the fear of eating people...

Turning around to look, Clown Bill slowly opened his mouth.

Its mouth is reminiscent of some kind of insect, with dozens of layers of teeth, densely stacked together.

Like one big mouth eating another big mouth, and so on.

Clown Bill stretched out a slender tongue with a forked tip and licked the left side of Gao Yi's face.

It seems that it does not like to eat fearful people, but rather likes to eat fearful people.

From the clown's big mouth, Gao Yi vaguely saw three floating balls with golden light, moving in a circular motion in different phases.

Is this... its true nature?

"You know, a lot of things smell good but are poisonous if you eat have to be careful."

Gao Yi had some difficulty speaking in the strong wind blowing from the windows on both sides.

But after recognizing the fact that the other party relied on fear to gain strength, he finally calmed down.

Gao Yi adjusted his mood and faced the clown again.

The other party also obviously noticed that Gao Yi's fear had dissipated, and the huge mouth that had been opened slowly closed.

The clown's yellow eyes were confused, and he seemed unable to understand the change in Gao Yi's emotions.

"To be honest, this memory is too far away. I can't remember it anymore, and of course it's not a fear."

Gao Yi was lying.

He had dreamed of that purgatory-like scene countless times, the Cantonese songs on the radio, the slightly shaking carriage, and his parents' chatter.

He had never forgotten it once.

But now, Gao Yi needed to defeat it.

I don't know if it was the lie of the "Laolai" label, or the reflection of Gao Yi's own psychological quality.

Clown Bill really seemed to be unable to smell the tempting fear. He opened his eyes wide and stared at Gao Yi in disbelief.

After a moment, he raised his hand forward and made his last struggle.

In front of Gao Yi, his parents finally turned their heads, ignoring the car that was driving at high speed, looked at the back seat, and began to mutter in a creepy tone:

"Xiao Yi, we miss you so much, come and accompany us..."

Gao Yi, who was sitting in the back seat, stopped moving at this moment and looked at his parents in front of him silently.

The clown Bill on the side also closed his big mouth. For some reason, he did not catch the emotion of "fear" in the person in front of him.

"To be honest, I thought I would never see this scene again..."

Gao Yi's face showed a complicated expression, which was a fusion of nostalgia and relief.

After speaking softly, he took out the [Mist Mask] that he had prepared long ago and put it on his face.

The passive effect of [Greatly Increase Mental Resistance] was activated, and the picture in front of him gradually broke, leaving only the clown with a look of astonishment.

"Don't come to me, I will come to you."

In the dissipated space, only Gao Yi's words slowly drifted away.

The picture in front of him was distorted, and when he opened his eyes again, he had returned to West City.

Coming back to his senses, he looked around.

Gao Yi was no longer in the police archives room, but in a small parking lot.

It was dark at some point, and the street lights were flickering.

But it was not this that frightened him again.

Opposite Gao Yi, a dozen meters away.

A man in a one-piece uniform wearing a peaked cap, holding a giant axe, with golden eyes, was standing there with a terrified face.

And a certain throbbing in his heart warned Gao Yi that this was a player.

An extremely dangerous player.


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