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Chapter 49 [Western City Strange Things] Fantasy

If there really is a "Creator" in this world.

The room in front of Gao Yi was basically a defective product like a joke from the Creator.

Polio, disability of both legs, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, twisted limbs...

These children, whose oldest were only in their early teens, were forced to endure unimaginable pain.

Whenever Gao Yi felt that he was very unlucky, he would recall the images of these orphanage children in his mind.

He always felt that at least he was lucky compared to these poor children.

Seeing them, or for them, no matter what circumstances you encounter, you must live and work hard.

At this moment, the children in front of Gao Yi were, as expected, composed of fragments from his memory.

The age and time obviously don't match up, it's just a combination of sporadic characteristics.

They let out bursts of ear-piercing wails and screams, and rushed towards Gao Yi at full speed regardless of the situation.

Of course, most of them don't have the ability to "run" normally.

The scene that emerged was that of people crawling toward him on the dark ground.

There was even a child with disabled legs and twisted arms who was squirming forward at the moment.

It seems that as long as he comes into contact with Gao Yi, all the disasters on him can be relieved.

"Why did you abandon us!" "It's so painful, save me! It's so painful!" "Big brother..."

The immature voices of boys and girls let out horrible wails, which sounded extremely miserable.

After looking around, Gao Yi took a deep breath and slammed the door shut, leaving the "children" in the classroom.

Of course he couldn't do anything for these hallucinated children, and being an "older brother" was not for this time.

"To be honest, this is the limitation of American horror. It is too obsessed with sensory stimulation. Can there be something that touches the soul?"

If you say that the scene before you has no impact on Gao Yi, it must be false.

It is still a bit scary and scary to see the people in the memory become so twisted and crazy, rushing towards me.

Gao Yi muttered in a low voice, giving himself the psychological suggestion of "it's a trivial matter".

This is also a skill he mastered during his career as a journalist.

But, some things are just so careless.

When Gao Yi entered the next corridor, the scene changed instantly.

The sunlight that originally came from outside the corridor disappeared, and the space became pitch black.

Continuing forward in the darkness, a faint red light appears in the field of vision.

There were three rickety, decaying wooden doors appearing side by side on the wall in front of them.

Above, they are stained with bright red blood:

[Very scary], [Normally scary], [Not scary at all]

"Okay, let's rule out [not scary at all] first..."

Seeing this scene, Gao Yi laughed out loud for no reason.

After all, this is an illusory scene, and the purpose is to scare yourself no matter what.

The so-called "choice" actually doesn't matter at all.

On the contrary, if you get too hung up on finding the “right” option, you will fall into the clown’s hands.

With this thought in mind, Gao Yi opened the door with [general horror] written in the middle.

It was still dark inside the door. Gao Yi raised his hand to fumble on the wall beside him for a moment and pressed the light switch.

The incandescent light above the head flickered twice and lit up with a faint light. In the center of the room, there was a huge cube box.

The box is covered with blue and red stripes, and there is a rotating clockwork inserted on the side, which is making a squeaking sound at the moment.

"You won't jump out of it..."


Before Gao Yi could finish complaining, a clown-like spring doll slammed open the box and jumped in front of Gao Yi, its red nose shaking with its body.

The moment he jumped out, there was a burst of disturbing laughter.

Gao Yi wanted to complain again, but the clown suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a burst of black smoke.

"Ahem...what the hell..."

He closed his eyes tightly and fanned the smoke in front of his eyes a few times before he could see.

But when Gao Yi opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him changed again.

The first thing Gao Yi felt was the cold. When he looked down, all the heavy winter clothes on his body disappeared, leaving him only in a pair of short-sleeved shorts.

The surroundings were all turned into transparent glass walls, seemingly without gaps at all.

And these walls of glass formed a space of less than one square meter, and Gao Yi was being imprisoned in it.

Looking out of the glass, this scene seems to be my elementary school classroom?

Gao Yi was in the center of the classroom, and outside the surrounding glass, a large number of primary school students and well-dressed adults in school uniforms turned their heads and looked at Gao Yi, laughing.

"Is it the embodiment of low self-esteem, being excluded, and being out of place when I was a child..."

Gao Yi quickly realized the meaning of the scene and analyzed it in a low voice.

Orphans are often the unpopular type in schools.

Not only will they be discussed and excluded by classmates, but they will even be ignored by teachers.

Although teachers do not necessarily accept gifts, they are more likely to pay attention to students whose parents can provide help and value.

Children of doctors, lawyers, and civil servants are often more popular.

This is not a big mistake, but for children who have lost their parents, this dirty world of adult interests is still too difficult to understand.

As for those who come to visit the orphanage, they often have some unintentional contempt.

Gao Yi was once pointed at by a mother who brought her child to visit and said to her child: "If you don't listen, I won't want you anymore and send you here."

Gao Yi is a person who doesn't care much about these things, but he still remembers the mother's words.

All around, the laughter and discussion behind the glass wall are getting louder and louder.

Each of them is wearing a uniform school uniform and suit, and Gao Yi, who is surrounded in the middle, is out of place.

This is also a psychological hint, "You are the one who doesn't fit in."

Everyone came over and put their faces against the glass wall, as if to peek at everything about Gao Yi as much as possible.

Their facial features became distorted under the oppression. As more and more people came later, the limbs of the people who were pressed on the glass plate in the front began to deform.

And when the pressure reached a certain point, the "explosion" occurred.

Red and yellow splashed on the glass, and the eyeballs were like fired bullets, smashing cracks in the glass.

As the wave of people grew larger, more and more bodies were "exploded", and the blood gradually covered the glass completely.

And the cracks began to extend and expand, allowing a large amount of blood to flow into the glass room from the outside.

In the narrow space, blood gradually accumulated under his feet, rising at a very fast speed, and soon submerged Gao Yi's chest.

The viscous liquid exuded a disgusting stench, making the glass room, which was already short of air, even more unbearable.

But Gao Yi, who was standing in it, had a normal expression, but sighed and said loudly:

"Seriously, don't you have any other moves?"

As soon as this sentence was shouted, the mocking sound outside the wall disappeared instantly, and the whole space fell into silence.

Oh? Did it really stimulate the clown?

The blood in his chest gradually receded, and just when Gao Yi was wondering why there was no next step.

The glass plate under his feet cracked instantly, and he lost weight instantly without support and fell into a void.

When he opened his eyes again in the dark, Gao Yi found that the scene in front of him had changed again.

This is the back seat of a car, the car is driving very fast, and the street scenes on both sides are passing by quickly.

In front of him, a man and a woman are sitting in the front and rear seats, chatting about something at the moment.

The car radio is playing a Cantonese song that Gao Yi will never forget.

No need to recall, this scene has appeared in his dreams countless times.

This is the day when Gao Yi lost his parents when he was six years old.


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