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Chapter 48 [Western City Strange Things] Orphanage

In the archives room, the lights were still dim.

Put all the documents back into place, and put a few misplaced files into the correct cartons.

After doing all this, Gao Yicai finally breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

People around him have never quite understood his mild obsessive-compulsive disorder and his need to be "neat".

In retrospect, these habits were all developed in the collective life of the orphanage.

The orphanage was not big, just two small buildings with yards.

Although there are policy subsidies, it is still difficult to raise such a large group of children.

Under such circumstances, the mother-in-law provided the children with as comfortable beds and quilts as possible.

Of course, "private space" is indeed a bit too luxurious.

The large room is filled with dozens of beds, which is their "bedroom".

The only place the children can store their personal belongings is the small cabinet next to the bed.

Not to mention that all kinds of scarce public facilities need to be returned to their original places after use, otherwise others will have no use for them.

According to regulations, children need to take turns being responsible for bedroom hygiene.

On the one hand, this is to train their labor awareness, on the other hand, the orphanage does have some shortage of manpower...

Sometimes when staff see a child who is dirty and refuses to clean it up, they will angrily ask him: "Do you think this is your home?"

Otherwise, for these children without parents, the orphanage is naturally their home.

Every time there is an inspection by a leader or a visit by a caring person from society, a comprehensive cleaning is needed.

Of course, these relevant leaders and caring people are all good people. They often spend their precious time and money and really want to help children who have lost their parents.

But it has to be said that they all have a bit of "aloofness".

This is naturally not their fault, but those scenes are indeed engraved in Gao Yi's heart.

Gao Yi remembered the first few days when he went to the orphanage. He was confused and ignored anyone. Naturally, he had no friends.

Fortunately, the dean's mother-in-law has always taken good care of me and comes to talk every day...

"Why are you suddenly feeling sentimental?"

Shaking his head, Gao Yi drove away the memories, took a deep breath, and pushed open the door to the archives room.

But the scene outside the door is no longer the familiar police station.

In front of him was a small open space of dirt. The rubber track in the center, less than a hundred meters long, was cracked and protruding and could only serve as a decoration.

In the right corner, two of the three swings were broken, and the only intact one was actually in danger.

In front of the dormitory building on the left, there is a stone countertop. The sun will heat it up in summer, so the mother-in-law of the dean will bring the children who are inconvenient to move here to bask in the sun.

Gao Yi is very familiar with this place.

The place in front of him was the orphanage where he had stayed for nearly ten years.

"Not only does it have the ability in the spiritual realm, but can it also create realistic illusions?"

Gao Yi murmured, he originally thought that the clown's ability was limited to dreams and a slight impact on reality.

But looking at it now, its capabilities are stronger than imagined.

Touching his left wrist, the light curtain was summoned by Gao Yi.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "West City" for forty-eight hours (38:56:49) or the number of remaining players in the instance is less than or equal to five (8/5)]

Time is flowing normally and the labeling system is running.

Unlike the previous dreams, this is indeed the real world.

In other words, this is just some kind of illusion or phantom.

"Think about it this way, is the reason why you came to me because I was 'investigating' it? What kind of miracle has you..."

Gao Yi's analysis and complaints went hand in hand, and he looked back in the direction he came from.

As expected, the original green archive door was gone and turned into a familiar wide iron door.

Push gently, and the iron door will naturally be locked.

Being entangled by a clown is not necessarily a bad thing, at least it means that you are looking in the right direction.

Gao Yi is not in a hurry. As long as he knows in his heart that all this is false, there is actually no danger.

On the contrary, it is possible to grasp the clown's weaknesses or behavioral logic to prepare for the next strategy.

"Speaking of which, I haven't been back for more than a year, so I think it's time to revisit my old place..."

Thinking of this, Gao Yi stopped staying and walked slowly towards the small building on the right.

People who have never been to an orphanage often have unrealistic fantasies about it.

In their imagination, this place should be full of singing birds and fragrant flowers, with a lot of cute children with smiles on their faces, singing and dancing next to the administrator's mother.

And this kind of fantasy will only make it more difficult for them to accept the truth when they see it.

Gao Yi has seen countless enthusiastic people and university volunteers who came with good intentions become silent, cry, and even vomit.

When they first entered the hospital and walked into the classroom, they saw a room full of cerebral palsy patients, polio, and disabled children.

I saw the children lying on the floor in a daze, with few of them able to speak completely.

That feeling was like going from heaven to hell.

They are all good people, many of whom sacrificed their rest time to help and do good things.

But the world Gao Yi grew up in was still too cruel to them.

It is certainly not a coincidence that there are so many "not normal" children.

Many of them were brought back by the mother-in-law from the open space at the entrance of the orphanage.

There were so many abandoned children that the grandmother later built a small room with beds and quilts so that the abandoned children would not freeze to death at night.

Later, the quilts were stolen many times, which is another topic.

Of course, the facilities of the orphanage where Gao Yi lived were actually quite good, and the staff were very kind.

Relying on the subsidies of local policies and the assistance of enthusiastic people in the society, most of the children lived well.

Push open the anti-theft iron door on the first floor, and the library is here.

Gao Yi, who has few friends, has loved reading since he was a child, and spends most of his rest time here.

Of course, most of them are "miscellaneous books" such as novels, comics, or stories, but they did help him get through many difficult days.

When he first entered the orphanage, several little boys who formed gangs liked to make trouble for Gao Yi.

Speaking of which, the earliest fighting skills were practiced at that time, and they are still useful now.

But later, they were adopted and left one by one, and the troublemakers disappeared.

But to some extent, Gao Yi still misses them a little, after all, those little brats are the few peers who can communicate normally.

In fact, there have been many people who want to adopt Gao Yi, after all, he is not physically disabled, looks good, and has reasonable intelligence.

Except for his aloof personality, he basically has no major shortcomings.

Even the volunteers who come here like to play with Gao Yi, after all, he is one of the few children who has no diseases and disabilities and no intellectual problems.

But facing the idea of ​​adoption, Gao Yi clearly refused.

His reply was "I have a father and a mother, and I don't need a new father and a mother."

When he was in his teens, the people who wanted to adopt him disappeared.

This reason is actually just an excuse. More importantly, Gao Yi is the "older brother" of many children in the orphanage.

The director and the staff need help, especially boys who understand the environment of the orphanage and have strength.

If I leave, I don't know who can take care of those noisy children.

In this way, Gao Yi stayed in the orphanage until he was almost an adult.

"If I remember correctly, it's this classroom..."

Mumbling to himself, Gao Yi pushed open the next door.

Inside, it was the classroom he remembered.

At this moment, Gao Yi also saw other people for the first time after entering the illusion.

On the floor of the classroom, more than 20 or 30 children aged seven or eight turned their heads and looked at Gao Yi.

After a few seconds of silence, they suddenly began to howl and rolled towards Gao Yi.

Each of them had twisted limbs and hideous faces.

It seemed that they wanted to kill him, but also seemed to be asking for help.


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