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Chapter 47 [Western City Strange Things] Archives Room

"Hmm..." At the door of the archive room, the old man wearing reading glasses lowered his head and looked at the note for a long time before slowly pushing out a signature book:

"Register and go in."

Gao Yi breathed a sigh of relief and hurried forward to sign - of course, he didn't need to use the [Super Signature Pen] now.

I thought he was caught for some omissions, or the other party saw the fact that he forged his signature, but it turned out that the old man was just a little slow to react.

Xicheng is a small city, but it is still a "city" anyway.

The police station can also be said to be small but complete.

The director, assistant director, police sergeant, detective, police inspector, plus various civilian staff and administrative department members, the whole is very complicated.

Knowing that Gao Yi has no chance of getting the signature, the only one who can actually get it is the female police officer at the door.

As long as he doesn't show off and leaves after reading, he shouldn't be discovered.

Of course, there are risks, but for intelligence, this level of risk is worth it.

Smiling and pushing the signature book back, Gao Yi pushed the door and entered the mysterious archive room.

The archive room was dim and narrow, divided by rows of iron racks at half a person's distance, and the iron racks were filled with various cardboard boxes filled with documents.

It can be seen that several iron racks were added later, squeezing the remaining land, but now the storage space is still a little insufficient.

Objectively speaking, the archive room is still quite organized as a whole, and it is cleaned daily.

Gao Yi first flipped through the recent cases and tried to find a summary report.

Soon, a document called "Comparison of the Vicious Crime Rate in West City with the National Average" appeared in front of him.

You don't know until you see it, the population disappearance rate and death rate in this West City are shockingly high, almost six times the national average.

"I guess the reason is not that the playground here is too boring, and the children all ran away..."

Gao Yi laughed at himself for no reason when he made a cold joke again.

Going back in time, he soon found the case report of the grandson of Mrs. Smith, the owner of the room he was in when he first entered this copy.

"The footsteps extended all the way to the sewage pipe two kilometers away from the last sighting."

"Enter the pipe to search, and the two hundred meters were sealed by mesh steel bars, and no corresponding traces were found."

"The police's attitude was negative because... this kind of case is not the first time."

Following the index above, Gao Yi flipped through the cases one by one.

"One child disappeared in 1988, two in 1986, two in 1984, and one in 1979..."

"In 1978, thirty-four cases of child disappearance?"

Gao Yi took a breath of cold air. Obviously, the extreme abnormality of the data represents the emergence of some variables.

The time in the copy is 1989...eleven years ago?

Suddenly, Gao Yi recalled something again. He took out the notebook he carried with him and began to flip through it.

Sure enough!

When listening to the radio in the morning, he heard this time node.

[The playground that has been closed for eleven years will reopen this afternoon. Citizens are welcome to go and play...]

Is this the interval between "disasters", eleven years?

With the basis of time, Gao Yi's search speed has obviously accelerated.

With the recording and sorting of the notebook, he soon summarized a lot of information.

"In 1978, students of a children's choir disappeared collectively, and all 23 boys were missing."

"In 1967, at least five cases of matricide occurred, and the average age of the murderer was less than eight years old..."

"In 1956, the then mayor's family of 17 all died on Halloween Eve, and the coroner said the cause of death was all "excessive shock."

"In 1945, shortly after the end of World War II, a war orphanage was set on fire, and the death toll... could not be counted."

Going back further, the files of the West City Police Department were extremely incomplete.

It is estimated that there was no stable organizational structure at that time, and there would be no corresponding document filing work.

"In short, West City is already full of disasters, and there will be a concentrated outbreak every eleven years."

Gao Yi touched his chin and made notes in his notebook while speaking.

If nothing unexpected happens, the "this disaster" in the main task refers to what is going to happen now, another eleven years later.

A careful analysis shows that these major cases have something in common, which is the presence of "children and teenagers".

Including the extremely high disappearance rate in West City, it is actually mainly composed of disappearance cases of children and teenagers.

"In other words, the clown mainly attacks children and teenagers?"

Gao Yi asked himself a question, but felt contradictory:

"No, I am not a teenager, why would the clown come to me?"

There is no answer to this question, and it can only be temporarily attributed to the mechanism of the copy.

On the last document, there are three boys hanging themselves, and a large number of citizens are watching.

And in the corner of the crowd, there is a clown's defeated face, staring out of the picture.

"Not very photogenic..."

Gao Yi smiled and closed it.

Putting the bottom layer of documents back, he stood up and felt that his legs were a little sore again.

So Gao Yi lifted his shirt, took off the [stunt belt] around his waist again, and put it back in his backpack.

[Reckless Arm Guards] and [Enemy Detection Glasses] are not necessary to wear daily, and will lead to the accumulation of negative effects.

So Gao Yi only wears the [Stunt Belt] to improve agility, and takes it off from time to time to rest.

When sorting out his backpack, Gao Yi suddenly thought of something and took out the mysterious [Director's Whistle].

"This movie is also based on a horror movie. It won't be related to that guy again, right?"

In Gao Yi's mind, the little boy who called himself [Director] emerged.

What is the use of this whistle? Could it be that the clown will come to surrender if he blows it?

After thinking for a long time, Gao Yi shook his head, threw the whistle back into the backpack, and gave up the idea of ​​blowing it.

What he didn't know was that this small action triggered a battle on the other side of West City.


At this moment, Captain Huang and Tan Zhi were walking slowly in an abandoned factory.

Suddenly, a bell sounded abruptly.


Tan Zhi vigilantly grabbed a small turtle pendant from her waist and placed it in her palm.

She thought the ringing sound would weaken, but she didn't expect it to become more intense.

"Is this still purple equipment? I feel this strength..." Tan Zhi looked up at Team Huang next to her with a look of horror:

"Could it be orange equipment?"

This blue equipment called [Turtle Detector] can make a sound when higher-level equipment appears within a certain range.

Before, Tan Zhi had naturally used it to do experiments and was very familiar with the sound of the bell after detecting high-level equipment.

But the sound at this time has exceeded any previous time.

"We have met three people, all of whom are normal players. Except for Zhang Tu and the missing girl, there is only one left..."

Team Huang lowered his head slightly in thought, his tone still flat, and then said:

"Is it Zhang Tu again? The highest level inside the Nankang City Investigation Bureau has only seen purple equipment. He actually... We have to move faster."

As they said, the pace of the two members of the Investigation Bureau quickened again.

What neither they nor Gao Yi knew was that in this copy of [Western City Strange Things], the gears of fate began to turn.


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