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Chapter 46 [Western City Mystery] Super Signature Pen

3:23 pm, in front of the West City Police Station.

More than seven hours have passed since the start of the dungeon.

During this period, Gao Yi kept time and drank all the remaining [E-level Evolution Potion].

At this moment, the [Evolution Rate] has reached 35%.

In terms of physical fitness, Gao Yi can clearly feel a certain improvement.

Although there is no professional testing equipment, the jumping height, running speed and physical endurance have all been improved.

Perhaps, as the name suggests, this is a certain degree of "evolution".

During this period, the dungeon was relatively peaceful.

The good news is that since the death of the first two players, there has been no next death until now.

The bad news is that Sheriff Monica really can't make up her mind to let her subordinates track down a "clown".

Of course, this is not a big deal. Although Gao Yi doesn't know much about the clown in "It", he doesn't think that the other party is the type that can be easily found.

So he changed his mind and told Sheriff Monica that he wanted to meet her boss to see if he could convince the other party.

That’s why Gao Yi appeared at the door of the police station.

Their police department is really complicated.

In short, Monica, as the sheriff, was elected by local residents and was in charge of a sheriff’s office.

But she is not the police boss of this West City. There is a chief who manages more offices (coroner’s office, administrative office, etc.) above her.

And visiting this chief is exactly the purpose of Gao Yi’s trip.

On the one hand, he hopes that he will send more people to investigate the missing case.

Although it is unlikely to catch the clown directly, finding the whereabouts of the missing person should also help to conquer the dungeon.

On the other hand, he wants to let him know the existence of Zhang Tu.

Although he is a wanted criminal with special skills, he can’t withstand large-scale searches and hot weapons attacks.

As long as Zhang Tu can be killed, or at least controlled, the threat in the entire dungeon will be reduced a lot.

Finally, Gao Yi also wants to find an opportunity to look at the past files of the police station.

According to the earliest analysis, the "disaster" in the main task is probably not the first time it has happened.

And thinking about it, this so-called disaster will definitely cause casualties and disappearances.

The police station's archives should have records of various bizarre cases.

If you can check it, you can better grasp the ability and strength of the clown and find a way to solve the copy.

Unfortunately, when Gao Yi entered the police station, he was stopped at the first step.

"Sorry, the chief left at noon. It seems that he has something urgent to do."

The female police officer who was responsible for receiving the caller on the outermost side had a sweet voice, but the information she gave was desperate.

This is difficult. Gao Yi lowered his head and thought for a while, and asked again:

"I was entrusted by Sheriff Monica to come here to investigate. I am related to the missing case just now. Can I go to the archives to check it out?"

"Sorry, sir, you must have the signature of the chief to enter the archives..."

The female police officer kept smiling, but the answers she gave were not very good.

"Is it okay for the sheriff? I can go get Ms. Monica's signature."

"Sorry, this is not allowed. Recently, only those with the director's signature can be allowed to enter the archives room."

The female police officer was very patient. She added "sorry" to every sentence, but she didn't give in at all.

Even with the special effect of "making people feel close and reliable unconsciously" of [Enthusiastic Citizens], Gao Yi still didn't impress the other party.

But the experience value did increase a bit. It seems that the other party still believes that he is an enthusiastic citizen.

"Recently, there was no such rule before?"

But Gao Yi still caught some abnormalities in her words and asked.

The female police officer tilted her head, seeming to be a little puzzled by this question, but her professional ethics still made her reply:

"It seems to have started this year. In the past, ordinary police officers could enter after registering..."

This is a strange phenomenon. Maybe it is related to the so-called "disaster" in the copy?

It doesn't matter if you don't say it. Once you get this information, you have to go to the archives room.

"I understand. Are there any documents or something? I can get one and go directly to the chief when he comes back."

Smiling again, Gao Yi easily got a piece of paper with the bonus of [Enthusiastic Citizen] and his own affinity.

Using "going to the toilet" as an excuse, he turned his head in the blind spot of the other party and walked deep into the police station.

Maybe because of the previous missing case, a large number of police officers were dispatched. The whole police station was a little quiet at the moment, and there were only a few civilian staff in the hall.

On the walls on both sides of the corridor, there were many news reports such as "Local police helped the vulnerable groups move" and "Find the missing kitten", as well as various photos of police officers.

Gao Yi walked and stopped, and stopped beside a paper with the words "Annual Outstanding Police Officer Commendation List".

Above it, the name of Sheriff Monica was listed.

It seems that she arrested a perverted killer who kidnapped and killed several girls two years ago.

But what Gao Yi was concerned about was not the content above, but the signature of the police chief at the bottom.

“I don’t have a camera or anything like that, otherwise I could take a picture and try to copy it…”

Patting the back of his neck, Gao Yi was a little embarrassed.

It’s not impossible to forge a signature, but it takes time and tools, and the main reason is that I haven’t received any training in this area...


Some kind of inspiration suddenly appeared, Gao Yi stomped his feet lightly, and walked into the toilet at the end of the corridor.

I have drawn such a thing before, maybe it can be used?

[Item: Super Signature Pen]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Type: Prop]

[Special Effect: When you need to sign, it can automatically help you complete it! ]

[Note: Are you still worried about a large number of fan letters? Are you still worried about the signed shirts required for business cooperation? Super Signature Pen will be your first choice! ]

Holding the pen in his hand, Gao Yi confirmed again that its effect is "automatically complete the signature."

"It didn't say whose name to sign, right?"

Muttering to himself, Gao Yi found a gap between graffiti and stains on the wall of the compartment and pressed the paper with [File Access Application] written on it.

The [Super Signature Pen] in his hand slowly detached from his right hand and began to automatically fly to the signature on the paper.

A few seconds later, a signature in cursive script was completed, exactly the same as the director's signature that he had just seen in the corridor.

"Can you imitate any signature you have seen? Or will you write the signature that 'should appear'? It would be a pity not to use it for business wars."

Looking at the remaining 50% durability, Gao Yi put the cap on the pen and took back the signature pen that had done a good job.

With this signature, he should be able to enter the archive room as he wished.

And there must be the information he wanted in it.


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