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Chapter 45 [Western City Mystery] Sheriff

Following the huge signs that can be seen everywhere in the city, Gao Yi easily found the newly opened amusement park in the west city.

As Mike described, most of the mechanical facilities and shops were not ready this afternoon.

Although various colored lights and exaggerated signs have been assembled, the lawn is still deserted.

Relying on the passive effect of [Easy Chair Detective], Gao Yi easily matched the traces on the nearby muddy ground with the scene in Mike's mouth.

The mud spots splashed on the wall after the motorcycle was driving, the dents made by someone accidentally falling, the footprints of people running hastily...

Following the dense tire tracks, Gao Yi quickly found a large area surrounded by warning tapes.

Looking towards the middle, there is a wooden bridge about 20 meters long. The railings on both sides are covered with colorful concentric locks.

Needless to say, many couples have made vows of love here, so it’s no wonder this bridge is called the “Kissing Bridge”.

Gao Yi's mind flashed through the contents of the radio when he was having breakfast in the morning.

[Delhi Middle School is about to start school again, and a large number of students are enjoying their last day of indulgence. It is said that the 'Kissing Bridge' was overcrowded last night...]

With a tremor in his heart, Gao Yi made up his mind not to touch the fence of the wooden bridge and the surrounding grass.

After standing by the cordon for a few seconds, a fat police officer on guard saw this and walked up slowly:

"Sir, this bridge is blocked now. If you want to go to the lumberyard, please take a detour."

"Ah, no." Gao Yi came back to his senses and looked at the other party:

"I'm the teacher of several missing students and I'm here to see the Sheriff."

The fat police officer frowned and pulled out the walkie-talkie from his waist with difficulty.

He said a few words to the person on the other side of the microphone, and looked at Gao Yi for a few times.

Ten seconds later, the fat police officer put down the walkie-talkie and grabbed the cordon in front of him:

"Go in, the Sheriff is under the bridge."

Smiling in greeting, Gao Yi got through the cordon and walked under the bridge, leaving only the police officer who had more difficulty plugging the walkie-talkie back in.

Strangely enough, Xicheng is a remote town with no heavy industrial development, but the air quality seems to have never been very good.

The entire sky was covered with a layer of white gauze, and dense stratocumulus clouds blocked the sun, making everything in front of us gray.

Gao Yi followed the guidance and slowly descended from the small slope on the side of the "Kissing Bridge".

Not surprisingly, the four students also found their companions from here.

On the way downhill, the highly skilled [Easy Chair Detective] came into play again. He discovered a faint hint of red deep in the lawn next to the slope.

Without thinking much, he walked closer and picked it up. It was the red fragments left behind after a broken balloon.

Gao Yi opened it and could vaguely make out the deformed yellow writing.

【Western City is the best! 】

At this moment, a burst of wind passed by, followed by a loud "pop".

"Bu! Lu! Ke! How many times do I have to tell you, stop talking nonsense to me!"

Following the angry female voice, Gao Yi easily found the city's police chief.

He was standing on the bank of the stream. Opposite him was a rebellious blond young man wearing short sleeves and earrings.

Needless to say, it was Brooke, the son of the police chief and the gangster leader of Derry High School.

"I'm not lying, I actually saw a clown...and balloons!"

This gangster, who was extremely terrifying in the mouth of survivor Mike, was just like a little chicken with his head lowered, at a loss in front of his mother.


Another slap on the face. Apparently, the police chief didn’t believe the description:

"Go home as fast as you can, and you are not allowed to leave the bedroom until I go back!"

There was a roar, and Brook turned around with his face covered, and walked up to the bridge from where Gao Yi came.

From the look in his eyes when he turned around, Gao Yi could easily read "resentment" and "unhappiness".

The irritable middle-aged policeman who is too busy at work and unable to take care of his family, coupled with the young son who is a rebellious bastard due to insufficient education, is really a classic plot.

After reading the air for a while, and after the policeman's anger subsided, Gao Yi slowly walked towards her and stretched out his right hand:

"Chief, I am Gao Yi, a teacher at Delhi High School..."

"Oh, are you the one who listened to all the testimonies? People from out of town are unreliable. If you say you want to pursue other clues at this time, I think you are living in a world of two..."

The female police chief's anger was obviously not completely gone, and she kept complaining, but she still waved her hand and walked to the police car on the other side:

"follow me."

Taking advantage of this time, Gao Yi finally had time to observe each other carefully.

He has short brown hair that is capable but poorly maintained, and has a well-maintained strong body. He has a police pistol at his waist that can be retrieved as quickly as possible.

At the age of forty or fifty, some wrinkles have inevitably appeared on the cheeks. The dark circles and fatigue caused by staying up late and working hard for a long time are very similar to Gao Yi.

But even with these negative points, her appearance is still good-looking. It can be guessed that she must have been a beauty when she was young.

In such a remote city, in an era when gender equality has not yet been fully popularized, as a female police officer, her work ability is certainly not low.

While Gao Yi was doing a simple analysis, the two of them had already climbed up the hill and arrived at the police car.

The sergeant took out a thermos cup from the driver's seat and started drinking coffee.

Looking from the car window, the hygiene of the entire police car can basically be described as a "nightmare", full of scattered food packaging bags and a large number of documents rolled up in the corners.

"Okay, what did the boy who survived say?"

Seeing Gao Yi still in a daze, the sheriff snapped his fingers impatiently and asked again.

"Oh, of course..." Gao Yi turned his right hand in front of him.

"Monica, just call me Monica."

The sheriff understood Gao Yi's question and introduced himself.

Taking another look at the dirty interior of the police car, Gao Yi suppressed the desire to complain and began to tell the story he had just heard.


"Joker... Are you kidding me?"

After taking a deep puff of smoke, Sheriff Monica in front of him looked at Gao Yi and sprayed the smoke in his face.

"This is what Mike said, I'm just relaying it."

Fanning the smoke in front of him, Gao Yi gave an affirmative answer again.

The sheriff named Monica took another deep puff of cigarette, leaned against the police car, threw the burnt cigarette butt to the ground, and stomped it out with her foot:

"You want to tell me that a clown who ran away from the circus kidnapped four adult high school students, left no evidence, and disappeared?"

"I said, I'm just relaying, not responsible for giving a conclusion."

Sheriff Monica paused, took out another thin cigarette, thought about it and put it back:


Still entangled with this...

There is nothing to do about it. For players like Gao Yi, they naturally know that there are weirdness and anomalies in this world.

But for this sheriff, this is just a strange disappearance case in an ordinary small city.

It is not easy to break his decades-long worldview in such a short time.

If someone suddenly told Gao Yi in reality that Santa Claus is real and robbed a bank last night, he would think that the other party was joking.

How to convince her?

After all, he is a detective, so he should use the corresponding words.

Gao Yi made up his mind and spoke again:

"Madam Sheriff, if I heard correctly, your son also mentioned the clown."

"That's true..."

Sheriff Monica lit another cigarette for herself.

"It's impossible for the two of us to collude, and now there are two different testimonies pointing to the same conclusion. Shouldn't we consider its possibility?"

As he spoke, Gao Yi handed the balloon fragments he had just picked up to the other party.

After taking another sharp puff of the cigarette, Sheriff Monica took the balloon and looked at it for a moment. For the first time, a hint of confusion appeared in her eyes:

"The clown?"

"Yes, the clown."

Gao Yi replied.


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