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Chapter 44 [Western City Mystery] Taking the Initiative

"The Return of the Clown"?

If the clown's slightly changed appearance before was not enough for Gao Yi to react.

As soon as the iconic red balloon element appeared, Gao Yi also realized it.

This horror film adapted from Stephen King's novel was once the top-grossing horror film in film history.

To say "classic" is not an exaggeration.

The only problem is that Gao Yi has never seen this movie...

He actually likes watching movies, but horror movies are exactly the type he doesn't like very much.

It's not because he is timid, but because his career as an investigative reporter means that his life is not lacking in thrills and excitement.

There is really no need to specifically look for scares in movies, look up and look at the dark side of society, those are real horror movies.

Of course, if you ask now that you don’t regret not watching it now that you are in high school, that’s still a bit of a stretch.

The good news is that based on the experience of "The Fog of the Heart", there is basically no consistency between the plot of the copy and the original content of the movie.

To be honest, there is only a vague correspondence.

Relying on this, Gao Yi succeeded in comforting himself and turned his attention back to the front.

After that Mike finished saying "red balloon", his whole person fell into a state of panic.

His whole body was twitching, and he kept repeating "floating, floating" and so on. He didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, his parents were notified and had already arrived at the school, so they handed him over.

Looking at the bald principal's frown, I guessed that his hairline would recede a few centimeters tonight.

When there were only three players left in the empty classroom, Gao Yi thought for a moment and asked:

"Do you know when the two dead players died?"

"Don't you know that you need to open the light curtain from time to time to confirm the time and various changes?"

The middle-aged man called Captain Huang frowned slightly and asked.

"I was sleeping at that time."

Gao Yi raised his head and felt confident.

Seeing that the chatting atmosphere was a bit awkward, Tan Zhi on the side opened his mouth to come to the rescue:

"Well, the first deceased should be around 10:30 in the morning, and the second one at 11 o'clock. The time difference is not very far."

"I see......."

Gao Yi lowered his head in thought, but Captain Huang on the opposite side obviously understood his thoughts:

"That Gan..."

"Gan Yejia is a player. I met her once." Gao Yi answered the other party's inquiry smoothly.

Obviously, the timing didn't match up.

Gao Yi's drama class started at ten o'clock and ended at ten fifty.

Needless to say, it will take a long time for Gan Yejia to go to the amusement park and encounter danger again.

Even if the deceased died at 11 o'clock later, it would not match the time.

That means that no matter what Gan Yejia has gone through, she is still alive.

Gao Yi opened the main task list again.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "West City" for forty-eight hours (42:48:13) or the number of remaining players in the instance is less than or equal to five (8/5)]

After thinking for a while, there are eight existing players except myself and two members of the "Investigation Bureau".

In addition to the wanted criminal Zhang Tu and student Gan Yejia, there are still three people who have not been seen.

Gao Yi raised his head again and looked at the two people in front of him:

"So, are you going to search that bridge next?"

"No." Team Huang gave a negative answer coldly:

"We are going to find Zhang Tu and warn other ordinary players."

Gao Yi paused slightly, waved his hands twice in the air, and chose his words:

"The danger in this dungeon is not small. Do you really want to take care of the wanted criminal first?"

"Zhang Tu is in greater danger."

Captain Huang's face still looked cold, and his tone of voice didn't change much when he spoke.

"We came here mainly because we heard that a new teacher came to the school, and we wondered if he was a player..."

Tan Zhi explained with a smile. It could be seen that she usually had to be responsible for enlivening the dull chat atmosphere of the middle-aged men around her.

This is an idea. Players all enter this West City as some kind of "newcomers".

New transfer students, new police officers, new substitute teachers.

It's not that Gao Yi didn't expect this, but he was really unable to prevent the leakage of this information.

"What about Gan Yejia? She is also an ordinary player. Shouldn't your 'Investigation Bureau' be in charge of her?"

Gao Yi thought for a moment and tried to give the other party a high hat.

"Every task is prioritized. Under the current circumstances, the wanted criminal must be eliminated first."

Captain Huang didn't take this at all. He straightened the hem of his police uniform and stood up.

This is indeed true. Gao Yi knew that it was impossible for them to leave the vicious wanted criminals behind and look for the mysteriously missing players.

Seeing Gao Yi lower his head and thinking, Captain Huang had already stood up and walked towards the classroom door, pretending to leave.

He held the door handle and turned to look at Gao Yi again:

"I have to warn you one last time. Don't confront Zhang Tu head-on. If you see him, come to the police station to find me immediately. Someone can contact me if I'm not around."

After that, he opened the door and left handsomely.

"Well..." Tan Zhi saw his boss leaving and stood up to follow him, but after thinking about it, he turned back to Gao Yi:

"If you want, you can go to that bridge and have a look. The Xicheng police should have started investigating there. I will tell the chief and tell her that you are an insider..."

After saying that, Tan Zhi turned around and quickly followed the yellow team member.

At this time, the "label system" that had not been activated for a long time gave a new special task at a very delicate time.

[Special task has been triggered: investigate the truth of the disaster and find the missing students]

[Reward: common feature*1, rare feature*1, rare item lottery opportunity*2]

[Time limit: 24 hours]

"What do you mean, don't go too far, system, don't think I dare not reinstall you, wait until I switch to Windows, you will cry..."

Telling a cold joke that no one can understand, Gao Yi also fell into a little entanglement.

According to the original plan, he should just stay out of it and get through this copy.

But at this moment, he didn't know why he was caught in the vortex again.

On one side, the vicious wanted criminals were staring at him; on the other side, the weird disasters and clowns were full of murderous intent.

"I just want to take a nap, why is it so difficult..."

Gao Yi sighed again, leaned back on the chair, and looked at the ceiling.

That Gan Yejia, and the other three missing boys, actually have nothing to do with me.

To put it more extreme, as a player, Gan Yejia's death will help the main quest go further.

Maybe two more people will die in the dungeon soon, and I can leave smoothly.


First of all, this special task is quite tempting. Two characteristics can be combined twice, and there is a rare lottery... something is better than nothing.

On the other hand, the clown and its "disaster" have already found me, and it doesn't mean that Gao Yi will be fine if he doesn't care.

Considering the existence of Zhang Tu, it should be necessary for me to go there to meet the sheriff and promote the relationship.

No matter what kind of player wanted criminal you are, I will find twenty policemen with automatic rifles to go with me. Do you dare to force it?

After settling the accounts, Gao Yi slammed the table and convinced himself again:

"After all, those four are my students. As a teacher, how can I sit back and do nothing!"

He started to talk about things that were full of complaints and made no sense...

Gao Yi stood up and walked towards the playground.

It is better to take the initiative than to wait for death.


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