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Chapter 43 [Western City Mystery] Red Balloon

While walking to the next door with the three of them, Gao Yi exchanged names with the two members of the Investigation Bureau.

The man calls himself "Team Yellow", which is probably the abbreviation of Captain Huang, because he didn't respond to Gao Yi's cold joke of "Could he be an anti-pornography brigade?"

The woman's name is Tan Zhi. According to her, she was recruited by the "Investigation Bureau" after becoming a player.

It seems that the image of the "Investigation Bureau" on the forum is indeed somewhat demonized, and it does not go so far as to use people for human experiments after catching them.

At least in the dungeon, they still maintain basic courtesy towards people they can unite with.

Of course, if they knew that Gao Yi was fighting with other players in the real shopping mall and was witnessed by hundreds of onlookers on video.

Maybe it won't be so friendly.

The one who did it was [Investigator-Snake], what does it have to do with my Gao Yi? !

So Gao Yi comforted himself, determined to keep this secret.

In a few steps, the three of them reached the empty classroom next door.

It was the break after lunch, and most of the students were either hanging out outside the school or resting in the playground, making the teaching building unusually quiet.

What, you ask, are there no people who want to study at this time?

Then I have to remind you again that Derry High School is a school with a high birth rate and death rate. Someone who wants to study enthusiastically here is basically equivalent to practicing baseball throwing in prison.

Not to mention a bunch of idle punks wandering around looking for students to "borrow" lunch money from.

It’s different from youth movies where all the bullies are handsome men and beautiful women, and they don’t wear makeup even if they are beaten by a group of people.

In reality, students who are most severely bullied are those who are introverted, have no power at home, and have physical and appearance defects.

The trembling boy in front of Gao Yi was also one of the "bullied".

Since there is no such thing as a "meeting room" in Delhi High School, the principal chose the place of questioning in an empty classroom next to his office.

The first second he walked into the room, Gao Yi recognized the surviving student.

It was the male student who was helping her out when she asked Gan Yejia in her class.

I asked him his name in class. If I remember correctly...

"Mike, can you tell me and the two officers again what happened?"

Gao Yi has put on the label of [Lovelorn], and the special effect of soothing people who are in extreme emotions is very effective here.

After meeting the familiar teacher, Mike's condition improved visibly. He swallowed and recounted his previous encounters with some trembling.

He and his three good brothers finished the high-level drama class together. He was in a very good mood and had a little rebellious spirit for no reason.

It happened that the next class was math, which they hated the most, and they heard that a new amusement park had opened in the city.

The four of them decided to skip school and leave...

"Wait a minute, aren't there five of you?"

On one side, Team Huang interrupted his narrative and asked.

"Well, the new classmate Gan heard our plan and said she was coming too... Originally George said we shouldn't let girls join, but... I still let her come... ....”

Mike's clothes were all soaked, his trouser legs were scratched, and the lenses on one side of his glasses were cracked. He looked quite embarrassed.

In order to keep warm and dry himself, he wore a bath towel. There was a faint smell of disinfectant on it. Maybe it was brought from near the swimming pool?

I don't know whether it was because he caught a cold or was afraid, but his words were somewhat illogical and he was shaking constantly.

Gao Yi didn't ask who George was. He guessed that he was one of his three brothers. The key now was to let him calmly continue to tell his story:

"It's not your fault. Speak slowly. The police officers will definitely help your friend."

Looking sideways, the two members of the Investigation Bureau seemed to have no objection to Gao Yilai's questioning.

Maybe as mentioned before, their target is the wanted criminal Zhang Tu.

The story in the dungeon is just a background and not worth paying so much attention to.

Under Gao Yi's comfort, Mike gradually calmed down and then began to narrate.

Gan Yejia joined them, and the five of them went to the amusement park together.

"That amusement park is not as interesting as it sounds at all. The various rides were not repaired when we went there..." Mike paused, his voice a little hoarse:

"You can't play with the big pendulum, you can't play with the roller coaster, there's not even a merry-go-round, there's only a small shop that sells guns and targets in exchange for dolls..."

"Mike, can you speed up a little bit? Let's talk about the dangers you encountered first, okay?"

Student Mike suddenly became entangled in minutiae. This was a self-protection mechanism to avoid certain subsequent memories.

Of course, Gao Yi would definitely have to push him and ask him to speak faster.

"Okay... Next, Brooke and a few of his younger brothers came. They saw us and caught up with us on motorcycles." Mike glanced at Gao Yi again and hurriedly continued to explain:

"Brooke is a famous bully in school. No one dares to control him because his mother is..."

Mike looked up and glanced at the two "Investigation Bureau" players on the other side wearing police uniforms, and then slowly added:

"His mother is a police sergeant..."

"I understand, what happens next, does this Brooke attack you?"

Gao Yi looked calm and patient. As a reporter, this was a professional skill.

"No, they caught George and pressed him to the Kissing Bridge. Those bastards pressed George against the guardrail and said they were going to throw him off..."

"We were all scared, but we didn't know what to do. Brook had a knife and I heard he had a gun! We didn't dare touch him, and then..."

Mike suddenly raised his head, with a flash of excitement in his eyes:

"That transfer student Gan is so amazing! She fought all those bullies alone, and Brook lost a tooth and ran away with a mouth full of blood."

"But..." His mood quickly fell again, "George was really pushed off the bridge. Although the bridge was not high and there was water, it was still very dangerous."

"We saw him lying motionless by the creek and bleeding. We were all scared and ran down the hillside to help him."

Here comes the key.

Gao Yi easily caught the change in his emotions. Obviously, the memory after that was the source of his fear.

"What happened after that?"

Tan Zhi, who was standing by, couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

Mike's face showed a very strange expression, his eyebrows twisted together, he tried to recall, but found nothing.

Gao Yi saw this and asked in a different way:

"Do you remember what you saw at that time?"

This question seemed to finally help Mike recover some of his memory. He suddenly raised his head again and looked at Gao Yi, his eyes full of fear:

"Red balloons, I saw a lot of red balloons!"


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