Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 42 [Western City Strange Things] Clown

From the words of the two players in police uniforms in front of him, Gao Yi gradually understood what the "Investigation Bureau" existed.

Its full name is the "Anomalous Phenomena and Paranormal Hazards Investigation Bureau". "Investigation Bureau" is just a conventional abbreviation. It is actually a department with a long history.

In the past, their department was responsible for handling various "real dragons appearing", "gods descending to earth", "supernatural incidents" and even "UFO sightings" across the country.

Of course, the Bureau has always been a small organization that was excluded from the mainstream in the past.

And starting from this year, "games" appeared.

"Wait a minute, so how did you rely on to solve various supernatural incidents before that, Taoist priests? Eminent monks?"

Gao Yi interrupted the other party's narration. His curiosity was indeed unbearable.

"Oh, most of the members at that time were various folklorists, geologists and the like. Most of those events could be explained and solved scientifically, until..."

"Until this 'game' and 'copy' came along."

Gao Yi picked up what the female player in front of him said.

The female player, who looked slightly older than Gao Yi by two or three years, nodded, trimmed the hair from her forehead behind her ears, and then began to narrate.

When a player who received a "dungeon" reward appeared for the first time, the Bureau of Investigation got the news and went to investigate.

As it was captured, experts within the bureau quickly came to surprising conclusions.

This is a supernatural realm that is far beyond our level of technology and understanding.

It completely breaks our existing paradigm and seems to be built on another scientific edifice.

The next step is to write documents and submit them, apply for more experts to come to study, and obtain various experimental equipment.

When there are more people and things, space is needed. When the space is bigger, security is needed. When there are more security personnel, more administrative agencies are needed...

"Okay, I understand. You have slowly grown into a behemoth and become the de facto official organization that manages why are you here?"

Gao Yi, who was sitting on the sofa, interrupted the other party's narration again. He didn't want to completely give up the control of the conversation to others.

Of course, the other party also saw this.

The man who had never spoken leaned forward and stared into Gao Yi's eyes.

This middle-aged man in his forties has a face with a Chinese character. The muscles of his big arms hold up the old-fashioned police uniform on his body, making his shoulders appear to be extremely broad.

Of course, their police uniforms were obtained in dungeons and were not the ones Gao Yi was familiar with, but it did not affect their momentum.

He stared at Gao Yi's glasses and spoke word by word:

"Do you know Zhang Tu?"

"It sounds familiar."

Naturally, Gao Yi's mouth couldn't be pried open by this level of questioning and interrogation. Under the influence of [Lao Lai's] lies, his expression remained as normal.

The man kept his gaze straight, and after a few seconds, he lowered his head as if he didn't see anything.

His right hand took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and spread it on the coffee table in front of him, facing Gao Yi.

It was a wanted notice, and the person pictured on it was none other than the extremely vicious Zhang Tu.

"Oh, that wanted criminal, why does it sound so familiar to me? Is he the guy worth a million?"

Gao Yi naturally showed no abnormality. He patted his thigh and raised his eyebrows slightly in response.

Showing too much familiarity with the wanted criminal may cause the other party to misunderstand you as a high-risk character such as a bounty hunter.

This kind of acting is still necessary.

"To put it simply, we have clues that this Zhang Tu is in this copy."

The female Investigation Bureau member on the side took over the conversation and explained to Gao Yi.

Doubts, panic, pretending to be calm, but feeling impatient inside.

After a set of performance procedures, Gao Yi slightly raised his tone by one tone:

"Is this...really?"

"Look at your main mission."

The middle-aged man took out a cigarette from nowhere, lit it for himself, and spoke slowly.

main mission? That said, I really haven’t watched it since I woke up.

But you don’t know this by looking at it.

[Ⅰ: Survive in "West City" for forty-eight hours (43:46:37) or the number of remaining players in the instance is less than or equal to five (8/5)]

"It's only been more than four hours, and two players...are dead?!"

Gao Yi was indeed a little shocked now. The current situation indeed exceeded his imagination.

In such a short time, I have just met two groups of players, and there are already two dead people on the other side?

"We suspect that it was Zhang Tu's hand. We found a player's corpse before. The scars on his body are consistent with the characteristics of his weapon."

After the female investigation bureau member finished speaking, she raised the water glass in front of her to drink water, but she saw dead mosquitoes floating in it, so she had to put it down.

There is indeed a reason for this wanted criminal to be offered a reward of 1,000 game coins.

Under this situation, can I really expect the remaining forty hours to end and leave safely?

Should we take action? Even if there is no direct confrontation, more intelligence should be collected.

Seemingly sensing Gao Yi's thoughts, the middle-aged man opposite took another deep drag on his cigarette, turned around and blew out the mist towards the principal's seat:

"Don't even think about facing Zhang Tu head-on. He should have an evolution rate of 70 or 80 in D-level. He is among the best in the entire Nankang City."

This is even more troublesome. If what the other party says is true, this level is indeed difficult for him to fight against.

In the past, several robbers broke through the sky with D, and with three E, Gao Yi was almost unable to confront them head-on. He had to rely on various item tags and use the terrain to carry out sneak attacks.

D-level evolution rate of 70 to 80, physical fitness has probably exceeded the limit of human beings, and it should not be an existence that I can handle.

"I understand..." Gao Yi cleared his mind, knocked on the coffee table twice, and then asked:

"But you didn't come here specifically to warn me about this, right?"

This is not a difficult judgment to make. The "students" mentioned by these two people before and the extremely nervous principal all indicate that other abnormalities have occurred.

The two people in front of them looked at each other, and it was the woman who explained:

"To put it simply, there were five students in this high school who, for some reason, skipped school and went to the newly opened local playground after attending your class."

"You may not know much about the academic style of this school. This is normal..."

Gao Yi made a casual remark and waved his hand to signal the other party to continue.

The female member of the Investigation Bureau did not seem to be affected, and continued to describe the situation:

"Four of them disappeared, and the student who escaped claimed that a clown had captured his classmates."


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