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Chapter 41 [Mysterious Heart Fog] Investigation Bureau

Gao Yi fell asleep on the sofa and had a long dream.

In his dream, his past memories were slowly rewinding before his eyes.

First, there was the battle at Hulong Mall, and then the defeat in [The Mist of Heart].

The day I suddenly had a tag system, I was invited to join Nangui Magazine.

The memories from the future start to become painful, such as unemployment, debt, lovelorn...

The strange thing is that all the old friends in the dream have their backs to Gao Yi, and their faces cannot be seen.

Several robbers, Zhao Qian, Pan Tian, ​​Li Zhaozhao, Xiao Hong...

No matter who it was, only the backs of their heads were facing him. One or two were okay, but it was a bit weird for everyone to do this.

Gao Yi's own body was extremely stiff, and he could only see them walking away one by one, and could not even open his mouth to call.

After entering society for the first time, middle school, elementary school... my memory suddenly accelerated, and I soon returned to the orphanage.

Gao Yi felt his heartbeat begin to speed up and his throat became dry.

I am nervous, what are I nervous about?

On the day I left the orphanage, I was ostracized and ridiculed by other children. The director secretly gave me a handful of candies...

Gao Yi finally understood the reason for his nervousness.

If the memory goes back further, it would be when he was six years old.

It was time to come to the day when his parents died in a car accident.

This emotion is difficult to describe, like a wrench twisting the heart. Is it expectation or fear?

The memory recall slowed down again, seeming to adjust the speed with the high and different emotions...

Wait a moment!

Is this really a dream? What was your situation like before you fell asleep?

Among the copies, [Trouble in the West City].

Gao Yi instantly recalled the radio next to the dining table when he first entered the game.

If my guess is correct, there is some kind of mental or illusion-like abnormality in this world.

So where I am now...

Gao Yi's thoughts became clearer and clearer, and he no longer indulged in complex emotions and memories.

Slowly, his fingers could move, gradually to his palms and limbs.

The picture in front of me also completely stopped, and it no longer rewinds quickly.

Gao Yi slowly stretched out his right hand and patted the dean in front of him on the shoulder.

The scene in the dream finally changed. The mother-in-law, the dean who occupied most of Gao Yi's childhood, turned her head one after another.

Her movements were very stiff, and her neck was like a gear lacking lubrication, driving the huge spherical object above her.

But the scene in front of me quickly turned from strange to horrifying.

The dean's mother-in-law's neck was still turning, but the amplitude obviously exceeded the human limit. She didn't turn her body like an owl, but turned her face towards Gao Yi.

What's even more terrifying is her face.

This was not the kind smile with narrowed eyes that Gao Yi was familiar with.

But...a clown's face?

He, no, he looked like a fat version of Ronald McDonald, with orange hair, white paint all over his face, a red smile and nose, and bright silver eye paint.

"Hahahahaha, did you miss me, Xiaoyi, do you want to eat your favorite candy?"

The sharp laughter was very familiar, and Gao Yi instantly recalled when he had heard it.

It was the radio next to the dining room table in the morning, with the background sound of the announcer laughing wildly.

The system...can't be opened, the equipment...can't be taken out, is it because it's a dream?

After seeing its true form, Gao Yi calmed down, only feeling that this thing had become cliché after showing its prototype.

Take a deep breath and start thinking about possible ways to respond.

The clown's lower body also gradually changed. The patched skirt of the dean's mother-in-law gradually disappeared and turned into a loose clown suit.

It stretched out its hands with cartoon gloves towards Gao Yi, and the smile in its tone became even greater:

"Do you want to continue to see your memories? I can make the dead people come back to accompany you, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Do one want to continue to see them? Do one want to live with them forever?"

Is this an illusion or a spiritual attack? It seems that he doesn't have the ability to harm people in dreams.

Naturally, Gao Yi would not believe the other party. This kind of unfounded promise was basically equivalent to the oath of love between elementary school lovers.

Just when he was thinking about how to escape, a strange female voice sounded from a distant place, which was quite ethereal.

"Teacher Gao? Teacher Gao!"

Then there was a shaking, and cracks appeared in the entire dream space.

The clown in front of him tilted his head and disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving only a faint laugh that faded away.

Amid the more intense shaking, Gao Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him changed back to the ceiling of the teacher's office.

He sat up and leaned on the back of his chair. He turned around and saw that the person who woke him up was a female student.

With a little recall, you can identify him as one of the students in the last drama class.

Her face was a little solemn, and before Gao Yi asked, she pursed her lips and said the message she came to convey:

"Teacher Gao, two people from the police station are here from the principal. They want to see you."

After being stunned for two seconds, Gao Yicai was able to digest what he had just experienced in his dream and the words of the female student next to him.

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away."

He said.


Gao Yi, who was walking on the way to the principal's office, began to analyze what he had just experienced.

It seems that the so-called "disaster" in this copy can affect players in dreams or in the spiritual realm.

"That clown's face looks so familiar..."

Gao Yi put on the [Stunt Belt] while muttering softly.

The clown he saw in his dream was obviously not the one who fell in love with and killed Batman in Gotham, but Gao Yi did feel vaguely familiar.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't recall the corresponding image.

"I don't know how powerful this thing is in reality. If it only has the spiritual realm, it would be simpler. The mental resistance of [Mist Mask] should be enough to solve it..."

Analyzing softly, Gao Yi has already reached his destination.

The dean's office is just above the teacher's office for their grade, so it doesn't take long to walk.

After slightly adjusting his belt to ensure that it was not exposed, Gao Yi knocked on the door.

"Please come in..."

The frustrated middle-aged male voice must be the principal.

Pushing the door open, the first thing Gao Yi saw was the principal's shiny Mediterranean head.

He was familiar with the principal's face, or through the students. Many students had the principal's portrait on their locker doors - of course the words and graffiti on it were not very beautiful.

Then, when the door was pushed harder and harder, the familiar throbbing appeared again.

In the room, two people, a man and a woman, wearing police uniforms, were sitting on the sofa in the principal's office.

It’s players again, this time two!

The two people on the sofa looked at each other and looked at Gao Yi, obviously catching the information that the visitor was a player.

The leading man in police uniform pondered slightly, turned to look at the bald principal aside and said:

"You go and talk to the student first, and we can understand the situation with the teacher."

"Okay, okay, no problem!"

If the bald principal was granted amnesty, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and rushed out the door.

Gao Yi held on to the door that was about to close automatically, and quickly looked at the two of them, trying to get more information.

Seemingly sensing the nervousness of the visitor, the female player among the two smiled and said:

"Don't worry, even if this is a copy of the sword, as long as you are not a wanted criminal or an out-of-control player, we will not attack you casually."

"Who are you?"

Gao Yi maintained a distance where he could escape at any time and followed the other person's questions.

"Well..." The female player tilted her head, seeming to be looking for the right words:

"You should have heard of the Bureau of Investigation, right?"


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